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Ignition switch problemJerre Killingbeck08-14-02  02:17 pm
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Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 04:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hello all, been having a little problem with my key not turning the ignition in my '96 D1. My wife has a key that I had made at the dealer which has stuck a little since day one. Mine has always been fine. Until yesterday! I jiggled and jiggled for about 5 minutes on two different occasions yesterday to get it to turn. Same thing this morning, but I've just left the keys in it today since I've not been too far away from her. Anyhow, I did a keyword search earlier and found a couple of things on this. However, just tried again and I guess I didn't use the same words for my search as I came back empty handed. Please let me know if this is a problem that can be fixed or do I need to replace the entire ignition switch? If so, anyone know of a used one? I'm not too keen on the dealer here in Knoxville. Later.. RS

K. March (Apexdisco)
Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 04:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Did you try jiggling your steering wheel from left to right? Just a thought...

Jeremy (Highmile)
Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 04:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mine does the same thing.... I have just learned to be patient and calm. The trick that seems to work for me, but I have no idea why is to simply lock and unlock the doors, then try turning the key. Works every time!

Let me know if you find a real solution to this problem.


Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 05:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It is within the ignition switch itself, not due to the steering wheel being locked, so that isn't it. As for locking and unlocking the doors I really don't see what that would do but I'll give it a try. I just squirted some Liquid Wrench in there and it seems to be a little better, but definitely not what it is supposed to be. Later.. Rob

Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 06:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

you need a new ignition switch and key to go along with it. Liquid wrench will have allkinds of dirt and crap slowly build in there. Graphite powder is better as a quick fix ( but too late for you for that now) or you just need the patience and perseverance of a saint to keep trying without snaping off the key out of frustration. I am not a locksmith but mine does the same thing and this is what I have been told are my options.

Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 06:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Try having this happen to you under the full sun in an asphalt parking lot in Phx when it's 114 degrees out and all the windows are up. Talk about steam coming out your friggin ears....

I sprayed a little lithium spray lube in there and it's been fine. Don't like the idea of trapping more dirt particles though. A little spray every now and then should keep it clean and slick.

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 07:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I called a locksmith, two actually, and they both steered me away from the graphite and recommended WD40 or L.Wrench. JB, have you priced any switches, new or used? Should I be prepared to Liquid Wrench my anal cavity?

Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 07:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 07:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

trouble with new ignition is, you'll have one key for the doors and another for the iggy. Not a big deal until your keyless remote craps out, which will happen the day after you replace ig

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 08:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I'm sure it will, luck of the draw... or should I say luck of the Disco? My mother called me today and I told her she would never guess what, but there was a problem with the Disco. Pretty much whenever there is a problem, it is in the parents garage and I'm driving one of their vehicles. And to top it all off today, I was sitting on my back bumper trying to knock some mud off of my boots from work, and wasn't paying enough attention, and put my boot right through the rear turn signal.. if it ain't one thing it's a m.f'n other... Later.. Roberto

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Friday, July 12, 2002 - 09:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Anyone with a switch for sale?

Posted on Saturday, July 13, 2002 - 02:24 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mine does this occasionally. I found remove and re-insert helps to clear it. Factory keys too, so its not a copy problem. I dismantled the switch once, thought I had fixed it, but not. Seems to be temp related (120F peaks here now). Switch is not too hard to get out, but it wasnt too clear just what was causing the problem.

Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 07:47 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

find better locksmiths!!!

steered you away from dry powdered graphite to a dirt holding liquid?

first clean and polish your key on a fine wire wheel

then put a small shot of graphite on the key

then put it in/out of the lock several times befgore trying to turn it(pushes the powder deep into the lock then turn the key

locks have a self cleaning type movement, contaminates are supposed to fall off and drop away from the cylinder. liquid stops that cleaning everytime

if it is all gummed up you should use a couple sprays of brake cleaner(evaporates not to retain crap) to liquifie and wash out the gunk then re lubricate with graphite as above.

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