Brakes, 94 lwb RR vs. 97 Disco Log Out | Topics | Search
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William Turner (Wturner)
Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 07:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

What is the difference? I drove my buddies lwb 94 Range and I liked his brakes a lot more than mine. It seems that he has some sort of power assist or something.

Is it possible or realistic to put that setup on my Disco?

Just curious.

Ron Ward (Ronward)
Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 07:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post the grass always greener on someone elses yard???

The brakes are power assist just like your Disco. Yours just feel different due to any number of reasons. First, the abs system on the Disco is different. The brake pads, fluid, and time since last bleeding all make a brake peddal feel a certain way.

I have a 1997 Disco and a 1995 RR Classic. The peddal on the RR travels less than the Disco. The Disco brake system is just as potent as the RR, just feels different.

If you're worried too much, pull your wheels and look at the brake pads. Too little material can give you more peddal travel. Give it a look see but don't try to convert your brake system or anything like that.

Ron Ward

William Turner (Wturner)
Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 07:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Oh, I'm not worried, my brakes have always been spongy, but they stop hard and fast when I need them. The RR just felt a little stiffer, and I prefer stiff brakes. That was the ONLY thing I liked about my Isuzu Rodeo I had before the Disco. When I say ONLY thing, trust me I mean it. If you have no experience with Rodeo's then I suggest you stay far away from them!

Ron Ward (Ronward)
Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 08:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Good. The first 4x4 I ever owned was a 1988 Isuzu Trooper LS and it was fantastic. Good everything. Then one day while mounting my CD unit to the transmission hump I accidentally drilled a 2" drywall screw into the ECU module connection. 3 weeks later they found the problem at the dealership. I paid $350 to have it fixed (I was in graduate school at the time and had to sell my stainless Colt .380). That whore never ran the same after that.

I'm on Rovers number 4 and 5 now and like I said, they both brake differently (but the RR Classic has the best feeling brakes).

Ron Ward

Bill Bettridge (Billb)
Posted on Wednesday, February 27, 2002 - 02:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ron - At least up until 1993 (I dont think 94 changed) the RRC brake systems are pretty different from those on a Disco. The RR has both a hydraulic and a power circuit (on the fronts and power only on the rear brakes). You actually only control the one set of pistons on each front caliper with the hydraulic pressure you're creating by pushing the brake pedal. The second set of pistons and rear calipers are actuated totally by the "power" circuit run by the ABS pump and accumulator. When you push the brake pedal, you only send hydraulic pressure to one circuit on the front and then are siganlling the system to brake the truck by using the remaining system.

Matter of fact, if you lose the ABS pump and the accumulator charge, you only have 50% front brakes!


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