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Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2002 - 09:30 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I live in Japan and I think I just got conned. I just paid about $2000 to fix some things on my Disco(3.5L V8). I got a new water pump, new plugs and plug wires(not stock), distributor cap, point, radiator hoses, and the seals on the my V-bank changed.I paid about $2000 for everything, how much would you pay for this?

Bill Bettridge (Billb)
Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2002 - 09:48 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

If by "seals on the V-bank" you mean head gaskets, then that along with all the other stuff you got done is probably right in line with a normal dealer price (high - yes, but normal dealer level IMO)

No doubt you could do it for much less yourself if you have the facilities or maybe less at an independent shop.


Leslie N. Bright (Leslie)
Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2002 - 09:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I'll agree... plugs & wires, distributor cap, hoses, those shouldn't have been much. (Points? Not in a Disco's distributor...) Water pump, still not up to that much. Changing the head gaskets, though, is a bit more labor-intensive. And, if they did it "right", they changed out bolts, and checked out the valves while they had the heads off... Yeah, a bit pricey, but if they really did it right, then it's be on-par for a dealer.



Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2002 - 10:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

yep, I mean the head gaskets, sorry thats what they say over here. Also, I did get it fixed in an independent shop. I think the dealer over here would be a lot more, but I'm tempted to go down to a dealer and ask how much it would cost.

Thanks for the reply.

Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2002 - 10:27 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

LIke you said.. You live in Japan.. I had my 69 MGB worked on in Tokyo in the early 90's when I was stationed there (7 years total) and I paid over $200 for a brake cable ($39 part). Another example is $120 for a $22 brake switch. That was just the beginning when it came to parts and even the labor. Since price of work there is really high, try to do as much yourself as possible.
Don C
96 SE7

Brian Jackson (Nerover)
Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2002 - 02:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

From the sounds of Japan, maybe you got a deal!

Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2002 - 03:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i worked in dealer service for 7 years.
people would come in with reciepts from independant repair shops all the time.

in most cases, the work was not up to par.
old parts were used. the cost was as high if
not higher than if we had done it. only
very rarely was the ticket cheaper!

what's interesting is it is not that much cheaper to fix a mercedes as compared to a vw!

twinland-san do you know the shop where
the work was done? are they reputable?
i really doubt that a japanese run shop
would rip you off. unless it is run by the
mafia, honor is still present among the
merchant class there. the big rip off is
the price of petrol, why did you not go

ps where in japan are you?

Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2002 - 10:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I live in Sagamihara. I got my Disco fixed in an independent shop which specializes in Rover cars. The shop is actually called TwinLand and it is about the only shop in Japan which makes after market Rover parts. I kind of know the person who fixed my car and I don't think he would try to rip me off, but when I took the reciept to me friends shop he said that it was a little expensive. I would have fixed it at my friends shop, but he said that he didn't know too much about Discos so I should take it to TwinLand.

As for petrol prices in Japan it is really really expensive about a $1 for a liter of high octane. So maybe about $75 for a full tank. Thats why I have a nice mountain bike which I ride to work.


Phillip Perkinson (R0ver4x4)
Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2002 - 11:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

hell yeah mountain bkes are the shit i rode 13 miles Tuesday

Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2002 - 11:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

$2000 is not bad at all for heads and water pump, plugs, wires etc.

At least that at a dealer in the states.

Water Pump: $65
Plugs: $8
Wires: $54
Head gasket set: $97
Bolts: $84
Cap and rotor: $80
Rad hoses: $100

$500 in parts even from Nathan


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