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Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 12:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Occasionally, I can hear a relay (or several) behind the passenger side kick panel clattering for no apparent reason. I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary (no lights or inoperable mechanisms), so I'm not too concerned, however, I'm worried Mr. Lucas' ghost will appear when I'm many miles from a paved road.

I suspect a possible bad ground-anybody else have a similar problem? Got any suggestions, other than turning the stereo up and keeping the fire extinguisher handy? My wife's an insurance adjuster, so a fire might be the best thing, then I can tear it up even further and buy a Defender to get to work with:-).

Posted on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 02:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Paul, I have the same problem (kind of a light purr sound, not the drop-in drop-out sound associated with fuel pump or A/C). Does your noise subside when you lightly tap the gas. Mine does, it seems to only make the noise when idling in park or at a stop light. I took my 95 DI to the dealer a couple of years ago (while still under warranty) and they could find nothing wrong. They did change something in the A/C unit that they thought might have been the source (it wasn't). Any idea what relays are located behind the passenger kick panel or better yet what they cost to replace?

Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 03:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanx for sharing my pain. Mine does not purr (wish it did, sounds cute!), but rather, you can hear them clicking in and out fairly slowly. Doesn't matter whether A/C is on or not, but I'm beginning to think it might be blower fan related as it seems as though the blower is kicking on and off.

Did notice the other day that the cruise control quit working and when I tried either of the controls, the relays clattered something awful and the cruise wouldn't work. I pulled over and shut it down and everything returned to normal. Well, at least normal for a Rover!

Oh well, maybe it's time to buy some more chickens and incense for another sacrifice to Lucas. Now how does that chant go "Oh Lord Lucas, I'm your unworthy servant (supplicant), please smile upon me"? I hope my sanctified green lab coat is back from the cleaners. That chicken blood staining is so hard to remove!

Oh yeah, I moved the fire extinguisher to the back cargo compartment inside my tool box so that if my truck does catch fire, it will be more likely to be "full involved" before I can get to the extinguisher, thus increasing my chances for a Defender-sized insurance settlement!

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