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Todd McArtor (Todd)
Posted on Thursday, August 01, 2002 - 11:43 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

95 Disco 1 - Tach, speedo, service engine light and ABS light all bouncing and flashing on and off intermittently. Rolling down windows creates a popping sound heard through the rear subwoofer speakers. The truck is also underpowered and won't rev into upper RPMs while driving. And it cranks very slowly on start up. I suspect alternator/voltage regulator going out. Anyone else seen such ghosts? Have different diagnosis?

Posted on Thursday, August 01, 2002 - 02:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Don't go into the light Carrol-Ann..........My 95 DI did the same thing around 90K miles. The tach had been bouncing and the stereo popping off and on for about a month when I called the dealer to ask about service. I was told it was probably a loose wire and not to worry. Then while heading out of town for 4th of July last year, all my gauges did as you described. Get yourself a new alternator before your Disco leaves you stranded (Kragen/NAPA all have replacements for much less than OEM from dealer). I had mine rebuilt by a local guy for $100 (diode in the voltage regulator was bad), dealer wanted $800 new and $400 for a rebuild.

Nathan Hindman (Nathanh)
Posted on Thursday, August 01, 2002 - 03:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Those are the exact symptoms that happened to my Disco when the alternator crapped out on me (conveniently in western Kansas of all places). Good luck.

Nathan Hindman

Todd McArtor (Todd)
Posted on Thursday, August 01, 2002 - 04:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Bryan, Nathan,

Thanks for the feedback. Bryan, like your's, my truck just turned over 90K. So the alternator is probably it. And Nathan, I clicked over to your website. Nice. You're a brave man to tackle the Serengeti in a Disco, but dude, crossing western Kansas!? Now that's just insane!

Thanks again guys.


Todd McArtor (Todd)
Posted on Friday, August 02, 2002 - 10:04 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

FIXED! For anyone following this thread, the problem was indeed the alternator/regulator. And it was solved with a rebuilt alternator from a rebuilder in Dallas: Midwest Electric, 972-680-8322. $140 for the rebuilt alternator. 3 yr. warranty. 30 minutes wrenching. Thanks for the help Bryan and Nathan. Discoweb rocks.

gayle bryant
Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2002 - 04:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi and Help,

I have gone through 6 alternators in the 2 years that I have owned my 1997 Discovery Landrover.

My fiancé lives in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I am making the 125 mile trek through the middle of nowhere to see him in ski country USA, every other weekend. I love my disco as it plows through snow like nothing I have ever driven. The problem is, it can die at any minute. I have broken down in remote areas along this trip that could be life threatening in adverse weather.

What happens is the speedometer and the tachometer start going haywire, the car looses power and eventually dies. My mechanic has put in Bosch and Morelli alternators. He recently replaced the ground wire to the alternator, thinking this might solve the problem. Two days ago, I was stranded again with a $500 towing bill to boot. I am hoping that you may have an answer to this dilemma.

Gayle Bryant

Posted on Wednesday, August 28, 2002 - 12:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Sure wish I knew the answer to your problem, but it sounds like you must have something in your electrical that is shorting out the voltage regulator on your alternators, or you have just run into a bad batch of regulators (unlikely since you've had both Bosch and Marelli). I had 2 regulators go bad within a month and no problem since. It's of little consolation, but it might be wise to learn how to change out an alternator or better yet a regulator (I've been told that it's usually just the regulator that goes bad, not the alternator) and keep a spare on hand. I've given thought to picking up an extra voltage regulator just in case, as I do a lot of winter driving myself.

Posted on Wednesday, August 28, 2002 - 08:38 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Kansass NAthan ?????? Damn....... Thats rough....


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