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Posted on Monday, August 05, 2002 - 12:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I realize that this is the Discovery bulletin board, but I wanted to see if any of you attended the Big Bear Rover Rendezvouz and if so wanted to get your impressions of how the 3rd generation Range Rover and new Hummer stacked up against the other vehicles there.


John Cinquegrana (Johnc)
Posted on Monday, August 05, 2002 - 01:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I asked the same questionon RNs board:

"the 03 RRs seemed to have performed all right, the dealers took the bunch of prospective
customers onto a trail considered one of the most difficult. Out of all seven RRs, I haven't
noticed a scratch or dent, so they must've been good at driving them. BTW, seeing them
up close, I liked them less - too fat-looking, must be wider than an FJ100.

the H2 fared well, very well for a stock vehicle.. Very capable right outta the box, although
it is way too wide for these trails. I think the owner's biggest grief was over the pinstriping
job he's acquired in less than 5 miles :)

all in all, it looks like there will be more very capable 4x4s coming out. They are
outrageously expensive, but the prices will drop eventually.

peter (white disco 3SWP663)"

And this one:
"I saw one brand new H2 (paper plates). He inquired about the John Bull trail and then decided on a trail with less potential damage.

The Hummer�s I saw on the trail were all H1�s. Roughly a half a dozen of them were clawing their way up the John Bull. They were too wide to go between the boulders on a difficult section of the coarse. Which left them one alternative, they climbed on top. These trucks dragged themselves on top, scraping on their rock protection, their wheels shifting boulders about the trail. (Reminded me of a walrus climbing on to a rocky shore). The sliders for these trucks did not just run along the door sill, they extended under the truck, one third of the width on each side.

Unfortunately, I did not see any of the 03�s.

I would defiantly do the event again!

Tom T
White 88RR"

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