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Henry Enriquez (Discoinla)
Posted on Wednesday, August 07, 2002 - 04:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Recently, my 94 Disco began to lose power whenever I tried to go uphill, its not even steep hills either. And I dunno if its related at all, but sometimes the rig has trouble getting past 70 MPH, even on level ground. The engine has been idling rough, especially when cold and hot (after a couple of hours of driving), all of which started after i replaced my spark plugs (Bosch platinum), wires (dunno the brand), cap (the blue kind, something and Arney, or whatever), and rotor (unknow brand).

Posted on Wednesday, August 07, 2002 - 05:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have had nothing but problem running bosch platinums but I know there are some who run them and have no problems. After I switched out the plugs ngk's my truck ran great. just my 2 cents.

todd slater
Posted on Wednesday, August 07, 2002 - 05:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Double check your firing order

Posted on Wednesday, August 07, 2002 - 06:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Definitely check firing order to see if you'd cross-wired while replacing the wires. I assume the truck was running Ok BEFORE you replaced all the parts? If you still have all the old parts, go through process of elimination. Put old cap & rotor back on, test drive to see if problem's cured...if no, put old wires back on, test drive... then put old plugs back on, test drive...double-check the new plugs' gap, I believe that only on the Platinum+ & +4 that you don't have to set gaps...

Posted on Wednesday, August 07, 2002 - 06:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Also inspect wire leads for damage/deformity. Make sure you have good connection between wires and plugs/Cap and wire & coil.

Posted on Wednesday, August 07, 2002 - 07:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have a similar problem. I replaced a set of Bosch Platinum +4's with a set I found on sale. After that everything went down hill, fast. My check engine light would come on, not all the time though. It would run rough one day and the next like it was ready to go to the races. I thought it was the cheap plugs so, I bought a new set of Bosch Plat. +4's, put a new belt on, cleaned the K&N, and it helped for about a day. Now, when I start the thing up in the morning it runs a little rough, has a bit of a high idle but, normals out. If I turn the thing off, like to get gas a mile away, and try to restart it, nothing. It turns over, for about a second, the first couple of times but instantly dies. I then have to give it the gas and hold it, just to start it and keep it running. I thought maybe the thottle body was a little gunked up so, I went and got some carb cleaner and shot it through the intake. I thought this might help, it worked on a Mustang that was having a similar problem. This did not fix the problem. Not sure what else the issue might be.

Any help woith this would be great. Thanks.

Henry Enriquez (Discoinla)
Posted on Friday, August 09, 2002 - 01:29 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Alrighty, thanks all. I'm gonna try to replace my plugs to non-platinums. Now my question: which plugs should i replace them with (not the Bosch 4+s either)? I see that Champion makes 2 types of plugs, regular and truck. Which is better? Also, Bosch has "Super" plugs which aren't platinums. Are those any good? Thanks again!

Kingfish (Kingfish)
Posted on Friday, August 09, 2002 - 07:50 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The regular bosch single electrode platinum spark plug should work fine for your car. Don't forget to set the gap to .9 mm. I've always been using them and have no probs. A couple things to think about are 1) the wires. In the LR manual it states to place the wires in a certain way in order to reduce crossfiring. Try using thicker (8mm) Magnacor wires to avoid this. Also, make sure they are in correct order. 2)The dist cap you used. There is a cloudy blue cap made in italy (lucas) which doesnt work very good. Mine could actually slide side to side about 1/2 " while installed. Stick to the expensive glossy blue LR OEM cap (and rotor).

Henry Enriquez (Discoinla)
Posted on Sunday, August 11, 2002 - 11:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

**UPDATE** Okay, so, I replaced the Bosch Platinums with Champion Truck Plugs...and that cured my idling problems...so moral of that story, ditch the Boschs, I've had similar problems with them on my Camry :) Now, I still have this annoying problem of losing power uphill. There is this weird noise, a loud sputter from the front right (passenger) side of the engine compartment (?). Happens when I accelarate past a certain RPMs and uphills (at which point I start losing power, thus going from 80 MPH to about 40 in a few seconds). Any ideas??? Thanx! BTW, I'm gonna try to re-route the ignition wires and see if I am cross firing, I'll let y'all know.

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