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Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Wednesday, August 14, 2002 - 08:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hello all, for the past week or so my drivers side front window has been making some racket rolling up and down. Tonight on my way home I rolled it down and it sounded like the window "fell" the last couple of inches. It didn't shatter so that was a good thing. Anyhow, went to try and roll it up and nada, nothing. Came home and pulled the door panel, and was looking around in there the best I could, but couldn't really make much out of it. I decided to hit the power window button to see if the motor was working, and it rolled the thing back up, clunking the whole way but it made it up. I did a search on power windows on here but couldn't find anything to help me. Is this a cracked gear or something? I have never dealt with power window work of any kind. Is this something I should try and tackle myself? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

Posted on Wednesday, August 14, 2002 - 09:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Robert the regulator is busted from what it sounds like the POS plastic wheel broke off and the window poped out of the track. Its not a tough repair be careful removing the trim. a new one costs about 80.00. some people have made new wheels from cabinet drawer slides, that is the way i would go..

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Wednesday, August 14, 2002 - 10:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

When you say the trim are you talking of the door panel itself? Or the regulator is $80?

Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 01:22 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The door pannel popping it off, it's not hard just be careful. And if your easy on it the inner moisture barrier it can be reused also. Call Nathan he has the regulators for around that price.. or you can try to rebuild yours. there was a post a while back on replacing the wheel, I like the old rangies they had a metal T bar not a POS plastic wheel

Shane C. (Qsiguy)
Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 01:25 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yep, I've got a busted wheel in my pass front door. Clunks on the way down but ok going up, I'll wait for it to get worse. The wheel we are talking about is a white nylon runner wheel. They are rivited in so a little tough to replace alone. They are part of the regulator so typically you just remove the regulator assembly (the whole track that the window is attached to), swap the motor to the new regulator and remount it. Now, if your regulator is shot anyway it's worth a try to replace the wheel. You'll have to drill out the old one and find the right type of bolt that will allow clearance for the track to install the replacement. If there is enough of the wheel left to get the diameter and width take it to the hardware store and match it up. If it's too busted up, you may need to compare it to the other door to get the right size.

Good luck,

(maybe I'll try and replace the wheel on mine now, got me thinkin.)

ken knebusch (Charlotterover)
Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 09:39 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

robert, check the tech section.


Douglas McMillan (Mcmillan)
Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 02:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I've had all four window regulators go on my 95 disco. All of them were due to the nylon washer breaking in the guide channel. To fix this take yourself to home depot or lowes and buy a new nylon washer for 50c and a C clip that will go around the dowl on the regulator arm, this will hold the washer in place.
The other thing you might want to get is the pegs that hold the door panel in place as these sometimes break when the panel is removed. (This is no big deal.

Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 04:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Robert I just fixed my rear window. Go to your auto parts store. There is a HELP section with all kinds of misc. parts. You will need a rubber grommet assortment and a washer assortment. I am going to Autozone right now so I will post part#s. Remove the old plastic wheel from the window channel. Place the washer then a rubber grommet on the regulator arm. This will act as the plastic wheel. Then insert washer into the window channel. It will become simple when you have the door apart.


Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 06:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ok, just pulled apart the door again hoping to understand its workings. I am thinking I am a total moron or something. Since this is the front it is different looking than the rear that is posted in the tech section. I removed all 4 bolts holding the motor/regulator after unplugging the power window switch. I thought that it would just fall down and out able to come out of one of the lower larger openings. Anyhow, I did this with the window all the way up. I got it to move, but it wouldn't come "down and out". So I thought perhaps with the window half way down or somewhere near that. Didn't work. I inspected both of the roller-thingies (you like my technical lingo eh?) at the bottom and they seem to be fine (the ones in the track at the bottom). This magical plastic nylon wheel piece of shit that I'm looking for is up top right? Not in plain view with the door panel off right? Close to all the gears and whatnot? Damn I wish someone here in Knoxville was a Discowebber and knew what to do. This would be more than worth a case of beer to someone. Can anyone explain to me, word for word, piece by piece what to do? I promise that I would make it worth your while as I don't want to go to the stealership,.. I really fu*&ing don't

Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 07:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Check your mail


ken knebusch (Charlotterover)
Posted on Friday, August 16, 2002 - 08:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Robert, I am sure Dee helped you out, so just a quick comment. Since I did the rear window and not the front there may be a slight difference. But for me to get to all parts, I needed to pull out the window and frame assy.

It wasn't difficult, just be sure to tape the window to the frame!

Posted on Friday, August 16, 2002 - 09:58 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

sounds like the regulator needs to removed from the glass. if you can take some pics, post them here and we should be able to help.

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Friday, August 16, 2002 - 02:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I talked to Nathan at Discount Rover while placing an order yesterday. He replaced his broken nylon wheel without removing a damn thing and it didn't take no time at all to do. I'm on the way to the lake right now and the beer is cold so I'm not going to fool with it tonight. However, I'm going to tackle this in the morning and will take pics and post them here, or Ho can stick them in the tech section. I'm just saying to myself on the subject of doing this job solo... I think I can I think I can I think I can....

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Saturday, August 17, 2002 - 01:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ok, it seems that it wasn't this little wheel after all. Both wheels are fine. Pulled the entire assembly out and upon inspection the teeth on the gears in some spots are worn very badly. I'm guessing this whole ensamble is known as the regulator? The teeth on the window motor looked fine. I'm guessing just replace the regulator and that will fix the problem.

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