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Mike g.
Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 05:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I need to replace my Michelin XPC's on my 95 D1. I'm all stock and off-road driving is not my primary concern. I live in Colorado and ski a lot so snow traction, wet traction, and dry traction (and associated braking of course) are what I'm looking for.

My question is, has anyone heard or observed anything good, bad, or indifferent about the Pirelli Scorpion A/T in 235/70/16 size on a D1?

I liked the Michelins well enough, but they're $50 more per tire than the Pirellis ($86 vs $135 at Tirerack.com). And quite frankly, the Michelins' snow traction sucks.

Any comments or insights greatly appreciated.

Mike g.

Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 07:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Don't know if this will help or not. I have the Pirelli Scorpion AT (265/75/16 though) and love them. They seem to outperform my BFG ATs for the type of driving I do. They are fantastic in the sand (I'm in Florida) and not too bad in the mud. Also, they don't produce too much road noise. Email me if I can help anymore.

Jeremy Katka (Jkatka)
Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 07:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have them, they where on my truck when I bought it. They seem to work great for what they are. They do tend to leave something to be desired in the mud.


todd slater
Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 08:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have them on my 89 FJ62, they are quiet on the road and in the winter, with snow on the driveway it grips and stays where you point it. On the other hand the original crap tires on the 99 D2 scares the shit out of my wife as it slides off the driveway onto the grass towards the drop off. Fortunately it stops before it heads over the edge. I can't wait until these overated, noisy on the road, piss poor snow traction things are worn out. I'll be getting more Scorpions.

Roger Fastring
Posted on Friday, August 16, 2002 - 08:11 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

In general, folks here dont like em. They are Dunlap types. Mine came with a set of Scorpions when I bought it and they are still on there. I've taken it in Baja and S.Cal desert and the tires havent been the best but havent been the limiting factor either. Personnaly, when I replace them, I'll go BFG AT if I have $$ or Dunlap if I dont. The Dunlaps were real cheap stock size, dont recall the price, but they were cheap. That or the tire from Pep Boys gets alot of traffic for the price.

Neal Glessner (Nealg)
Posted on Friday, August 16, 2002 - 08:16 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I had a set and liked them. They are H rated which are hard to find. Good street tire, poor in the mud.

Posted on Friday, August 16, 2002 - 02:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I do a lot of offroading in the SoCal desert too. So the Scorpions don't too well here? I was THINKING of getting them with my only offroading doen in out deserts, and from time to time I go up to Julian and those mountain areas for some mountain trails.

Roger Fastring
Posted on Saturday, August 17, 2002 - 08:26 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

SCJ0e, In general, you probably wont notice a problem but in my opinion, I wasnt impressed with how they did in sand. Aired down, they still just didnt grip like I felt the BFG ATs grip. I wouldnt rule them out, but I'd look at the Dunlaps too for that same price range. I still got them on my truck and will until they go bald.

Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Saturday, August 17, 2002 - 05:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

A fellow in one of the clubs to which I belong has them. I wasn't impressed by what appeared to be a fairly unaggressive tread, but he doesn't seem to be held back in rocks or mud. He keeps up with the rest of us.

Posted on Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 06:05 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Had a Grand Cherokee a few years back which came with BFG AT's, which I switched to Scorpion AT's a year later. I found the scorpions' off-road performance in snow & mud to be comparable to the BFG AT's, but there was definitely an improvement in noise, cornering ability, and ride with the scorpions. Treadwear seem only average. I definitely will put them on my disco when the current XPC's expire...

Mark & Bev Preston (Markp)
Posted on Sunday, August 18, 2002 - 11:39 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Here's a Colorado perspective. I replaced the stock Michelins with 235/70-16 Pirelli Scorpion AT's on a 98' D1 at about 45K miles. At 66K miles they are about gone. Tires in Colorado don't last as long as you would expect due to our rough road surface. Overall the tires performed well up to the last 3-4K miles. They seem to have acquired a hum and vibration. I'll probably go with Rover RT's / BFG Trac Edge for the next set.

Mark in Colorado Springs

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