Any good tech write up re: shock inst... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Posted on Monday, August 19, 2002 - 05:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Im not sure if its as simple as, take old off, put new on.

I also want to do the steering stabilizer.

I checked the tech section...couldnt find anything.

so anyone got some links, directions etc?

Paul D. Morgan (V22guy)
Posted on Monday, August 19, 2002 - 05:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


gp (Garrett)
Posted on Monday, August 19, 2002 - 05:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

right here on this site too: tech section.

Robbie (Robbie)
Posted on Monday, August 19, 2002 - 05:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Frode H�bertz Haaland (Discofrode)
Posted on Tuesday, August 20, 2002 - 01:43 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

...and you could also check in at Ottos place:
Go to "suspension"

Check if the front turret and its retaining ring is in good shape - rusted studs on the retainer tend to break...

Roverly Yours, Frode

Lawrence Tilly (L_Tilly)
Posted on Tuesday, August 20, 2002 - 10:30 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi, Joshua.

I'm actually still in the process of doing this to my 96 Disco. When I'm all done I'm going to post a lessons-learned, but here's where I stand now:

As Frode warned, the retaining ring on the front shock towers is the first risk. Of the eight bolts (four per ring), six were so weak w/ rust they broke off with almost no pressure from my wrench. I had to order two new rings ( $12 each).

All shock bolts (top & bottom of each shock = 8 total) on my truck were absolutely frozen solid. I had the front ones cut off already and finished up the job up there. Before I can finish the back I had to order some upper shock mounts (these are bolted directly to the frame) because I have to have the originals cut off. My local dealer wanted $92 EACH, but I found them for about $42 each.

Because I had the front shocks cut off, I didn't pay enough attention to the lower mount. My first dumb mistake was to bolt the shock towers back down and then realize I needed to put half of the lower mount bushings in first. So I removed the towers on both sides, put the bushing into place and reinstalled the towers. All happy that I got that done I went to install the lower bushing of the lower mount. Here's where I discovered there was no room to put these on with the shocks in place. So, I pulled the towers again, put the top AND bottom lower bushings in place and then droped the tower back in, carefully aligning the lower mount to pass thru the bushings. If I would have been able to remove the old ones rather than cutting them off, this would have been obvious but as it turned out it cost me over an hour of extra time. :-(

The springs were pretty much a snap in comparison. When you remove your existing spring you will see that you cannot put your compressors oposite each other. They will need to go at about 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock. Be sure you put the compressors on your new springs in a similar location. I got OME HDs and they take a lot of elbow greese to compress down. Don't be in a rush.

So, here's some advice. When you get your shocks & springs, before you REALLY tear into everything be sure you can break all eight shock mounting bolts. If you cannot, take it to a local auto shop and see if they can do it without cutting or breaking anything. If so, you're all set. If not, then you just saved yourself many hours of hell. With the setup of these shocks you can safely cut all mountings with the exception of the upper rear mounts. It's worth the $25 - $40 most shops will charge if you can get them to break loose that rear/upper mounting bolt for you. If it's just not going to come loose, then get the new mounts ordered before you go any futher. While you're at it, those front tower rings are cheap enough that you may just want to replace them to be safe.

One last suggestion. Locally it cost about $20 to rent spring compressors, but because of the problems I would have had to rent them for several days. If you have any hint that you may run into issues, or if you just hate throwing money into a rental, then pick up some. I bought mine at Sears for about $35. Then I was in no rush, I have them packed in my trail kit in case I need them off-road, and I can lend them to a friend if needed.

Don't mean to scare you. It was really an easy process, I just had some bad corrosion problems that caused this to become much more involved than it should be. The writeup on EE and here are great and all you really need for instructions.

Drop me a message if you would like to chat more about this. Good luck and have fun with it!!!

Lawrence [email protected]
96 Disco "Beowulf"

Axel Haakonsen (Axel)
Posted on Tuesday, August 20, 2002 - 02:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Here's where I discovered there was no room to put these on with the shocks in place.

Yes, there is. You just have to compress the shock a little. Just use a screwdriver or something along those lines as a lever against the lower shock body and lift that bastard up so you have enough clearance to slide those bushings in...

(Kyle, be quiet..... :) )


Be sure you put the compressors on your new springs in a similar location. I got OME HDs and they take a lot of elbow greese to compress down

Or, you can make it easy on yourself and use the weight of the car to your advantage. I usually jack up the rear and put the spring underneath the trailer hitch. Then lower the car down on it so it compresses, and put the spring compressor on. Then you lift the truck off of it...

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