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Ben Dronsick
Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 08:07 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

1. Is there any way possible to allow a bit more fore-aft travel in the front seats? (modify the rails, unbolt and re-bolt an inch or so back, etc etc). I need at least one more inch and would do just about anything (except trade-in on a RR which is what the dealer is suggesting) to get it.

2. Is there any source ANYWHERE for clear-lense front turn signal markers for the Disco-II? I've definitely seen a photo of a Disco-II with them installed but can't seem to find a source anywhere.


Carl E. Cedeholm (Cederholm)
Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 10:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I remember reading about unbolting, moving, and rebolting s the seats to accomidate big guys....try searching the achives.


Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 10:27 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

that was for a DI if I remember correctly - I would like to know how to do it as well for my DII. One inch would make a world of difference.
(that what she said- ha ha - i know one of you smart asses on here would have used that joke anyway so i just beat you to it)

Al Oliveira (Offroaddisco)
Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 11:16 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

From looking at the seat mounts on the D2 you would need to make a bracket to move it back anymore. I don't know of anyone who makes one.

michael burt (Mikeyb)
Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2002 - 11:21 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

my dealer told me (land rover dallas) that they have a professional source to make the seat mod, however they quoted around a thousand bucks. it seems, on this board, it is the general consensus that it is not a home repair. i would agree. i think that you would have to fab quite a few parts to do it. i wanted one inch more room too (or a half-inch), but after looking and looking i have given up on doing it myself. and after a year of ownership, i have just become accustomed to the ride with the seat jammed all the way back.
not a satisfying answer, but i guess being an inch too short is not satisfying either!
HA! sorry...i just had to throw that in.

Posted on Monday, August 26, 2002 - 08:06 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I remanufactured the seat rail to floor bracket connections to get an additional five inches of rearward seat travel on a DII. I can assure you that this is not for the faint of heart, but it can be done. I bought a pair of seats from a wreck to get an additional set of floor brackets. That way, I still have the unmodified brackets to reinstall prior to resale.

Based on how much time it took me, $1000 for a professional mod is reasonable. Remember that front seat mounting brackets are safety related and expose the professional to lawsuits when they fail in a crash (seat belts attach to the seat). This is the primary reason for the high cost. I had a shop look and the job and they turned it down.

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