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Isi Karusso
Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2002 - 05:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My 2002 disco has 6k miles. I hear a vibrating noise from the wheels above 50mph, its not the balancing. When I turn left it goes away, straight and right I hear it.

I dont trust the Dealers.
Any idea of what it can be???

Posted on Friday, August 30, 2002 - 02:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Boy, you didn't get any takers on this question did you? I'm afraid I can offer no more than the obvious but, at least it's a response, right?

Because steering (left) causes change, start there. Check PS fluid level, bleed the system if you feel like it (that's probably NOT the problem) but, it's something to check.

You say the balancing is fine, but you could have a flawed tire, take it to a reputable tire shop and just ask them to check it out.

Don't be afraid to crawl underneath on a Saturday morning and just start looking around. Grab things and give them a good shake, see if anything is loose or has any give. Check out weird things like the metal dust shields behind the rotors.

I had a friend with a newer car that would make a noise like a party-favor at any speed over 20 mph, turned out it was the nearly invisible plastic protective film around the windshield chrome hadn't been removed and when he went fast enough it blew in the wind and made fart noises.

Your's is a weird problem. Chances are, the culprit will be something weird.

Otherwise, 6K on a 2002? You should be under warranty.

Best of luck, let us know what it was.


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