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Posted on Friday, August 30, 2002 - 01:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Just talked to the LR dealer (I know you'll say thats the first thing I did wrong) they mentioned I had the wrong plugs and that only the certain model of champion should be used on disco, something to do with reverse polarity?

Also that for those replacing the stepper motor with the cheaper $40 vs $140 LR brand, it would still need to be adjusted via computer and I could not do this on my own.T/F??
Thanks MB

Leslie N. Bright (Leslie)
Posted on Friday, August 30, 2002 - 02:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Reverse polarity? ROTFLMAO!!!!

The stock plugs in a Disco are Champion CC models, meaning that they have a copper core in both the center and side-terminal electrodes. Regular Champions only have the center core that's copper.

The CC plugs aren't available in the US at most parts-stores, its a European plug. Dealers, or RN, or Rover-specific parts places can get them.

It doesn't matter THAT much, though, regular Champions work fine.

Now, if you really want 'em, get the platinum power Champions... not because they're platinum, but because they do have the double copper cores.

Regular Champions for a Disco are 322; the platinum ones are 3322.



Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Friday, August 30, 2002 - 03:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hell, I use Autolite plugs in my Disco. After 25,000 miles, they didn't need replacement. #65, $1.00/each.

As for needing the computer to adjust your stepper motor, my BS flag is almost all the way up and beginning to wave!

The ECU determines the amount of opening that is necessary for the stepper motor in real-time (or close to it). As it moves the stepper, it is reading other sensors that feed back to it so that it knows where the stepper belongs. The stepper motor is a fairly simple piece of equipment that moves a given amount for a given input and then, simultaneously tells the computer where it is, as the computer is reading other sensors (like the O2 sensors) to see if the position of the stepper is correct.

But, chances are you don't really need to replace it. Check the resistance between two of the pins (I can't remember which right now-just poke aorund with your ohmmeter) If you find two pins that have ~60 ohms resistance, it's still good.

Posted on Friday, August 30, 2002 - 04:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

there is a adjustment on the stepper motor,it is called base idle.if the adjustment is out the computer will not compensate.the stepper motor is only used for idle,if you have a 1995 or below you can adjust it yourself.if you have 96 up(gems) you will need a scan tool.the reason champion plugs are recommended is because they are a good plug for rich conditions,rovers run very rich.i dont like champion plugs but they do work good in rovers.although i may try the autolites.

Posted on Saturday, August 31, 2002 - 06:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The base idle adjustment is NOT on the stepper! It is in the plugged hole beside the throttle plate. Take out tamper-proof plug, see hex socket inside. Clockwise to reduce idle. Do it with the hose to stepper blocked off.

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