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Posted on Sunday, March 03, 2002 - 12:39 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Anyone have any experience with replacing the Lucas Anti-Christ Alternator with a High Output Aftermarket one? I just replaced my battery with a optima yellow top and got stranded. I'm hoping it's the battery, but when I jump started it, it drove for a few blocks and then died on me. I jumped it again but the same thing happened. I was afraid to keep doing this, so I just towed it. I know that the alternator is now shot but I don't know what came first, the chicken or the egg. I'm going to check it all out on monday, but I was curious, if I need to get a new alternator I was considering replacing it with a high output one. I'm hoping that either the battery or the alternator is still good and that they're both not shot! Anyway, has anyone had any experience with either Mean Green or Powermaster? I remember coming across a site where the guy replaced his OEM with a Aftermarket one, but I can't remember the site or the brand of alternator he used. Help??? LOL Thanx

chris browne
Posted on Sunday, March 03, 2002 - 05:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

surely output is limited by the 100amp fuse it goes through.......
check these guys out for prices

Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 01:32 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

In the Gulf area we got a FREE upgrade of all 95 MY+, with some ducting to improve radiator air flow, and a 120A Marelli alternator. When this went on, the output lead (BIG cable) bypassed the 100A fuse, straight to battery.

Leslie N. Bright (Leslie)
Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 09:42 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The stock alternator is a high-output alternator. If it's working correctly, more probably isn't going to help.

And, on a Disco, the alt is a Magneti Marelli, perhaps the only electrical company worse than Lucas.... lol.....


Bill Bettridge (Billb)
Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 10:14 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Premier power welder - 140 amp


Dee Cantrell (Disco_Dad)
Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 01:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Bill is that "Premier power welder - 140 amp"
a direct replacement?


Bill Bettridge (Billb)
Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 03:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It comes with all the brackets necessary to fit a stock Rover belt drive (be it 3.9 vbelt or 4.0 serpentine)

Other than that - yes, it drops right in.


Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 03:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I second the Premier choice.

I've had one of their 160A units on my D1 for several years. Sure charges up those winch drained batteries quick and all the lights stay nice and bright at low revs.

Plus, when you're ready, the welder box drops right in.


Dee Cantrell (Disco_Dad)
Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 04:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks Bill,

I assume it would handle the amps to run my electric impact gun.


Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 05:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks Bill,

I did alot of research, real quick! LOL I found out about Premier Power Welder, and heard a few people say they had used them with much success. I also found a unit made by Propower that seems to be very competetive with PPW. They both make units with anywhere from 160 amp to over 200 amp. I'm not sure yet how much amperage I'll need, so for now I had my Destructive Damien Alternator (aka Magneti Marelli) replaced with a rebuilt one. Cost me $150.00 as opposed to 5 or 6 Hundred. Not sure if it's worth paying that much for. FYI, I called up Mean Green and they WILL have an Alt. to fit a Disco but as of now, they don't. Thanks again guys and Good Luck.

Does anyone know where to get a Premier Power Welder Alt. for a good price? Sodomy Gard charges $470, so I figure it should cost about half that anywhere else. Thank God for the Internet! LOL

Dee Cantrell (Disco_Dad)
Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 06:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mean Green has been saying that for years

Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 09:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yeah, I read in the archives that someone called up Mean Green about a year ago and they said the same thing. Well maybe this time they're being honest. The guy I spoke took my info and said he'd keep me posted. I'll let you guys know if I hear from him. In the mean time it seems as though we have more than a few options for Really High Output Alternators (Is that better Mr. Bright?). Propower can be seen on the site: mechman.com and Premier Power Welder can be seen at premierpowerwelder.com They both put out a few models and the PPW definately fits our application. The Propower I'm not sure, but I heard that they have models to fit most vehicles.

Leslie N. Bright (Leslie)
Posted on Monday, March 04, 2002 - 10:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I was only referring to "high-output" in regards to running the vehicle itself... if you want to run welders or second batteries and a dozen lights while running three winches (okay, or just running the winch at night, w/ spotlights too :)) then by all means upgrade...

I'm not one for changing out things unnecessarily... the paper filter is fine instead of a K&N, factory engine is fine for my needs instead of swapping it for a 4.6, etc. etc.... As far as even when working on a problem, in this case an alternator... if you can cheaply rebuild it and get it running fine, then why spend the money to replace it?
BUT! If you can buy a new alternator to replace the stock one, for less than it would cost to replace the original with an original, and get better performance for it, then I think that someone'd be a bit foolish to not go with the upgrade.

IMHO, YMMV, yada yada yada.....



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