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Lester Ray Gerber (Raygerber)
Posted on Thursday, September 05, 2002 - 07:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I recently purchased a 94 Discovery that was pretty well set up (and used) for off-roading. I took it to the local dealership for Va state inspection, to find out that she has numerous problems that are going to be quite costly if done through their service department, so I figured I would ask first before laying out the cash as I have the haynes manual and access to a garage. Here we go:
-The power steering return hose is cracked, by that I assume they mean the pump to resevoir hose. How hard is that to replace, and how hard is it to repressurize the fuel system (i.e. with some supervision from a real mechanic is it safe enough to do for the avg tinkerer?)
-The left rear bumper cap is gone, no problem, but they say there is a light in it that needs to be hooked up. I thought there were only reflectors on the cap, can someone tell me who is right and wrong here?
-The lights on the rear bumper, right side, are wrecked and the harness needs to be replaced, is this a simple plug in, or is it a splicing job?
-The big job, and the one I may let them take on, is the front seal on the axle housing let go on the right side, messing up the MPH sensor on the ABS as well as the brake pads. How tough is it to buy the seal(s) and redo this, as well as the brake pads?

Like I said, I have the tools and I would have someone looking over my shoulder to insure safety, I just need to know how difficult this is as my previous expierence is with Nissan 300ZX's and not Land Rovers.

Posted on Thursday, September 05, 2002 - 11:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I do my own tinkering on the Disco 1 and the Haynes manual is a big help. It's easier for me to fix the Disco than my Nissan Sentra.

jay caragay (Jcaragay)
Posted on Friday, September 06, 2002 - 12:58 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I've never worked on the steering, so I am unable to offer any advice there.

As far as the left bumper cap is concerned - so what? No biggie there. It's late and I'm too darn tired to run outside and see if there really is an illuminated light in the cap but I do not believe there is. If there is one, there are a number of Discos out there that have had them torn off, so I wouldn't worry much about it.

On the rear right light harness, if the lens is broken, then you should have that replaced. I think it's about $30 and a pretty simple job. If the lens and housing is smashed to the point that the connector itself is crushed then that will probably cost more from the dealer but you probably can get one from a salvage yard for cheap and then splice the wiring together.

Good luck

Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Friday, September 06, 2002 - 09:51 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

None of the issues you identified are beyond the capabilities of a patient Rover owner who owns tools, even the axle seal.

Call Nathan at Discount Rovers and tell him you need all of the seals for the front end (drive flange, stub axle to swivel ball, swivel ball and axle to swivel ball). Probly run you about $35.00 for all of them. While you're at it, get new bearings at your local NAPA. You may wish to consider doing this to both sides as you're probably gonna need swivel ball seals in the near future anyway, although I had one in the shop last week with 105K on it and the swivels were in beautiful shape!

The power steering return hose is a low pressure hose that can be retained by a simple worm-gear hose clamp-in fact, you probably don't need to replace the hose, just cut an inch or two off and put a decent hose clamp on it-the factory ones are junk! I took my hoses to a friend who works in a hydraulic shop-he gave me a piece of heater hose for this hose! It's 5/8" OD for your reference. Don't overtighten the clamp as the reservoir is easily broken.

Go fire up those wrenches!

D'Oh-buy the factory workshop manual! It is an investment you can't do with out if you are going to work on this vehicle and intend to keep it for any length of time at all.


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