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Jim Kemp (Jimkemp)
Posted on Tuesday, September 17, 2002 - 11:53 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have a 98 D1 and a third child on the way. I have found that the back seat is not wide enough for a Booster, toddler, and an infant carrier. (even the combination of three different Britex seats) I see that all D2's have a center shoulder belt in the back seat. My oldest is old enough to sit without a booster, but our car doesn't have a center shoulder belt and I don't think it is safe for him to use only a lap belt. Besides, the other two car seats would not fit even if we put my oldest on the outer side and one of the car seats in the middle. I need to know if there is a retrofit to install a center shoulder belt in the back of a D1 or if a DII rear seat would fit in a D1 that already has the shoulder belt. I also thought about getting the jumper seats but they face inward and are not a safe alternative. I thank you for any replies.


Alternative 2: 1998 Land Rover Discovery LSE Willow Green for sale. Best offer accepted. 80k and in perfect condition.

Al Oliveira (Offroaddisco)
Posted on Tuesday, September 17, 2002 - 11:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Can you put the infant seat in the middle? I know it's a pain but it's the safest place. And most rear facing seats attach better without the shoulder belt. But then this may only prolong the inevitable.

I don't think the D2 seat will fit since the D2 is wider than the D1 but it's not something I've looked into. I'm only going on a hunch.

Jim Kemp (Jimkemp)
Posted on Wednesday, September 18, 2002 - 12:18 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

We could put the infant seat in the but the toddler seat would not fit next to it. It's a real pickle.

Horness Spencer (Horness)
Posted on Wednesday, September 18, 2002 - 06:07 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

On the subject of seats (Congrats to Jim by the way!), can anyone tell me why my toddler seat does not fit properly in the back of my 98 TDi?

The manual says that the seat must not be touching the seat belt clasp, however it does not matter which way I run it, it will always be touching the seat (the clasp is too long out of the seat).

Is there an adapter or something from LR? No matter which way I put the seat in (it's now in the middle using the lap belt), it will not fit in tight.

Any help appreciated.


Al Oliveira (Offroaddisco)
Posted on Wednesday, September 18, 2002 - 08:33 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Horness, I don't know if the same program is offered where you live but here in the US you can take your vehicle and car seat to a local fire department and they will install it correctly. Generally they do it for free but if it's a VFD then I donate some money for their trouble. It's very much worth it and here they've been in training to make sure the seat is in correctly.

Leslie N. Bright (Leslie)
Posted on Wednesday, September 18, 2002 - 10:08 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Unfortunately, some child restraining seats won't fit in some cars. Our kids are spaced out with 6 years between each of them, so we never had issues using multiple seats, so I can't offer first-hand solutions to this problem.

Althought Britax are great seats, they are more space consuming than some other brands. Have you looked at other seats on the market?

I agree, the infant should be in the middle if at all possible, as the rear-facing seat will be better secured with the lap-only belt than the older child with the booster. The trick would be to find a different toddler seat that will fit next to the infant seat, so that you will then have 2 toddler seats in hand for use once the newest one is old enough to switch.



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