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Posted on Sunday, September 22, 2002 - 07:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well, I have a pretty serious problem here. It started a while ago with my 1994 Discovery Series 1 with the 3.9L V8 and once it got bad I havn't been able to drive it. Basically, it just doesn't work. It all started by just running poorly. It felt as though the injecters weren't getting ANY fuel or the engine wasn't getting enough spark. So I started off by replacing cap, rotor, wires, spark plugs. Tried starting it and it ran, but I practically had to floor it to get the engine to idle. I couldn't even rev it above 1000 rpm. Kinda odd? Yes I thought so. So then I saught professional help. But the thing is, I love in northern Minnesota and the closest dealer is 4 hours away. Are there any common problems with Series 1's that involves the electrical? I heard that if the grounds are bad then it will act that way, so I checked them all and none of them showed any sign of corrision. A local mechanic shop said they could hook it up to there computer, but I have no way of getting it there and don't have a whole lot of money for a shop to fix it. Is there anyone who can help me? Any way for me to check the injector pressure? Could it be the fuel pump? Any insight would be wonderful. Thank you and sorry it's so long.

Posted on Sunday, September 22, 2002 - 08:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

On the passenger's side of the fuel rail (the pipe that the injectors are connected to) you should see a Schrader valve (looks just like a valve on a tire). You can get a fuel pressure guage (or try to borrow one from your garage) - you need to be sure you have the correct adapter to a Schrader fitting. Fuel pressure should be about 32 to 36 psi. If you've got good fuel pressure, then go looking for ignition gremlins. If your fuel pressure is low (check both at idle and running down the road), then 1) change fuel filter; 2) check for voltage at the pump and check the condition of the connector in the right rear wheel well that is notorius for corrosion; 3) think about a new fuel pump if 1) and 2) don't fix it. Good luck!

Robbie (Robbie)
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 09:38 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

if the idle is bad, check the stepper motor. easy to just pull it, clean it, and put it back in.

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