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Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 02:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I recently bought a 97 disco and it needs new tires. The truck is fully stock and I wanted to put either 285 or 265/75/16's on and was wondering how much modifying and cutting would have to be done? Thanks

Greg Davis (Gregdavis)
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 02:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Newbie, I'd stay away from the 285's on a DI unless you want to do alot of cutting or lifting. I have 285's on my DII with 4.5" of lift, and they are TIGHT. A DII has much larger wheel wells than a DI, so you can imagine what they would fit like on yours. It could be done, but it won't be a simple "lift and fit" job.

Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 02:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well that sounds like I'm going with the 265's, any suggestions?

Carter Simcoe (Carter)
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 02:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My suggestion would be to lift it first.

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 02:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

sure, call rovertym.com and get his 3 inch lift kit and cut your quarters to fit the 265/75s. Or call rovertym.com and get the 2 inch suspension and 2 inch body lift cut a little bit off the rear quarters and fit your 265/75s or do a little more cutting and fit your 285s.. But, if your going to put on 33s then you are going to want to regear your truck so you might as well pick up some lockers from rovertym.com as well and then call GreatBasinRovers.com and order up some stronger axles and some new ring and pinions gears (4.11).. If you want me to give you more ideas on how to spend your money let me know. :)

Bill Bettridge (Billb)
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 03:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Eric - LOL

Man, you're good at spending his money :)
Geez, everyone else it takes a few years to get to that point!


Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 03:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ya, and I didn't even bring up the winch that he's going to need for when he gets stuck :)

Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 04:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks for spending my cash so quickly!!! I guess I should have asked what the bare minimum I would have to do to get the 265's to fit. Could I just put on OME HD's and do some cutting? or what?

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 04:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

yes, you could do that if you wanted. I would go with Rovertym springs though instead of the OME.. You will loose some of your turning radius though since your going to have to adjust your steering stops so that your tires don't rub your radius arms in the front. Unless you get some off set rims like the ones at GulfCoastRovers.com. If you get those then you will need to buy a dremel tool or a sawzall cause your going to need to do some cutting. I like my turning radius so I chose the offset rims and the dremel tool.

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 - 04:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Oh, and not a problem spending your cash.. Hell, I spent all mine already and I'm still not even close to where I want to be.

Posted on Monday, September 30, 2002 - 11:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

what about a 235/85/16 set up?

Blake Luse (Muddyrover)
Posted on Monday, September 30, 2002 - 11:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i've decided to go with 255/85 on my disco 1 w/ome hd and rovertym bodylift

how's that sound

Simon E. Arenas (Simon)
Posted on Tuesday, October 01, 2002 - 08:49 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

as far as I have seen you can fit up to 34's with no so much lift and not so much cutting...

the problem comes when you go wider...

ho has 34's that don't rub I have 265's and they rub... figure that out... hehehe..

Discos work well with pizza cutters... thin is the secret..



Posted on Tuesday, October 01, 2002 - 09:29 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

but HO is a self proclaimed web wheeler and tires never rub in cyberspace


best advice: find a group of people to wheel with,start wheeling,listen more then talk watch more then do and learn what it is you need to do to your truck.

knee jerk mods to trucks often end up in a pile in the corner of the garage when you learn/decide what you really want/need. A disco will more then entertain you offroad in stock form. learning what it can do and how you as a driver play such a important roll in that is the best first step.

then when you do make upgrades they will be upgrades not just stuff that shows how deep your wallet is.

you will learn more about driving in a stock truck then one with all the candie, in a locked and loaded truck sometimes you can take any line,where in a stocker you need to identify the correct line. when you come to the point the locked and loaded truck can go no farther being able to find that correct line is what its all about.

Posted on Tuesday, October 01, 2002 - 10:15 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Eric that sure is alot of shit for a 265... You sure he is needing all that? I think NOT ... 2" springs , a little trim and a little creativity and its all good for 265s.... And Musky http://www.discoweb.org/wildwest/F1420008.jpg

Am I a Cyber wheeler too ??? :)


Posted on Tuesday, October 01, 2002 - 10:20 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

man kyle you should get a job at that photoshop stuff I cant see the lines where you moved your tires up into the wheel wells or nothing.

man wouldent it be cool if these things could really go offroad.

Simon E. Arenas (Simon)
Posted on Tuesday, October 01, 2002 - 03:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

hard to believe.... those 34 inchers really stuff there... how wide are those suckers? 9? 8.5?

damn... that pic puts to shame the little issue I have with the 265 up front...


SImon not creative enough..

Glenn Guinto (Glenn)
Posted on Tuesday, October 01, 2002 - 03:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Damn... I didn't think Kyle is another Photoshop guru...


Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 06:15 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Kyle, you put 33.5s on your truck? You know I'm laughing now for all the crap you have given people about wanting 33s and 35s.. I thought 32s where just perfect? :) Hey, was just givin the person some sugestions. I never said that they were the cheapest ones. Plus, he can fit bigger wider tires later on if he wants to with out having to buy more stuff later. Why buy it twice when you can just get it up front and be done with it. So Kyle, "where do you think those 33.5s are going to take you?" Aren't those "Jeeper Meats".. hehehehehehehehehehehe

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 08:48 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well Eric they have been on there for months and no one could tell.... Including you... So I guess they aint so Jeeper... The Jeeper meats are all about the image...All hanging out the side and shit... And where will they take me ? Now that was a dumb question.... Wasnt it ?


Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 10:09 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

That wasn't a question that was what you always would say when some one talked about putting 35s on thier truck. I haven't seen your truck until a few days ago either so how would I know that you have had them on there. I'm just giving you crap for giving others crap and then you doing the crap that you were giving crap for. Damn, that's confusing.. :) Ya, they are bigger then 32s so they must be Jeeper Meats.. Or is the Jeeper in you finally winning?

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 10:28 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hmmm , you have seen pics on and off for months. Even made a comment about me getting "Fancy tires". You never knew any different because they arent jeeper meats.
And yes , I ask that question CONSTANTLY . You got the Jeeper meats ? Where ya goin with em ? Come to think of it , Ho and I were just talking about this last night. Add up the trucks here on the site with the Jeeper meats and then look at where they been. Then look over at the others who dont... Seems the guys with the Jeeper meats got them cause they say they are more capable with them but then they go to less places??? Make sense ?
As for the laundry list you just gave that guy to fit a 265 , well , I have stock front arms stock shocks , 4 aftermarket springs and some experimental rear arms in there now , stock rims and I am running 34s. So whats that list all about ? Up untill recently my quarters were still completely in tact as well.... You gonna get that done with the Jeeper meats?? And again , YOU asking ME where I am going is a bit silly isnt it ? I bet the MAR will "KICK ASS!!" this year... :)


Leslie N. Bright (Leslie)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 10:40 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


You know quite well that MAR isn't about hard-core wheelin', it's a chance for Rover nuts to hang out with other Rover nuts, put a face with a name and drink some beer, and help get some newbies to move from being mall-crawlers into getting them a little muddy... trying to get them to grow into real offroaders by getting a little taste of some simple stuff...

No, it's not Rubicon or Tellico or Moab, but it's not the Starbuck's parking lot, either.... it's about baby-steps, and it's a chance for experienced people to help newbies learn the ropes...



Greg Davis (Gregdavis)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 10:45 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yeah, you tell him Leslie. I'll be at MAR, and I'm proud of it!

Besides, I'm saving Moab for the spring, so there.

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 10:48 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ya, I bet it will. Get to meet people that I have never met before, get to see some people that I have met before again. Since I have never been to MAR before I don't know about the wheeling but, I'll find out. I'm not asking you any thing. I'm just using the same phrase that you were using in conjuction with the Jeeper Meats phrase. Either way doesn't make any difference. I didn't bother to look at the size of the tires I just saw the change in tread. And that wasn't months ago either. How's that turning radius with those stock rims, stock arms and 34s? Not too good I would imagine. How is the off camber side hills with those tall skinny tires?

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 10:50 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well yes Leslie , thats exactly my point. But if it is all of those things ? Why hack the living piss out of your truck to mount some tires that hang 9 feet out the side and encourage others to do so ? Better Drunken conversation ? :)


Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 10:52 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Now at the same time, not all of us have friends that would go with us to Moab, CA, CO, AZ, or where ever to ride some trails and going by yourself is a dumb ass idea. So I'm going where ever someone else wants to go pretty much.

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 11:59 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

so kyle what are the new skins?

that pic looks like the 34's are just a we bit past the kyles "push the rear wheel well out instead of cutting" zone?

jeeper meats IMHO have way more to do with placement then size. my truck can tuck my 35's 100% so all my wheeling buddies think I need 37's
but I'd rather just have the 35's and do the rest with good tire placement.

most jeeper meat guys are running one tire size bigger then they should from both a stuffit standpoint and a gear ratio stand point in my time offroad those two factors combine to really limit a truck more then help it.

niall forbes (Forbesn)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Kyle seems to go off-road once or twice a year and then use that to talk shit the whole rest of the year and that's it. Sure, driving across the country once a year to drive extreme rocky trails is cool and will give you a lot of experience but I don't think that it is any more relevant than people that do local trails every other weekend or whatever.
Just my opinion from reading this board, I don't really know. Plus I've only done local trials and Winter Romp in Maine and I don't even own a Rover right now s what do I know.

Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

musky, i think kyle meant jeep meats as in "wrangler" LOL
well, at least thats' what sounds like to me.

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Funny, but, I don't think so.

Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

well, it does say "WRANGLER" on the sidewall!

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Good Insight Niall,,,,very good. I think it actually was once this year , maybe twice... So whats the point again ? I dont exactly run the MAR that one time a year with my hacked to death beater..
And Musky , they actually go up in there fine , well , that is untill Mr Rock decides he will recontour your quarters.... The window you have to stuff the damn thing is definately narrow but it goes....
Eric ? Just plain dumb to go out and be adventurous ? tsk tsk tsk...Its nice to have the guys along as I dont think I could find better guys to go with. But , I dont think I would resort to the MAR if no one wanted to go anywhere else... Now that is sounding a little "Dumb"..


Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ya, so a 37x15x15 interco is OK then.

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:23 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

yes Ho the "wrangler" seams to get the wide 5" outa the wheel well look shit apon it more then any truck, but I have seen it on many a brands and rovers are starting to get cheap enough that there are some arround.

whats really funny is watching a newbie wrangler type take his wide ride on a trail the first time.

the look in there face that everthing they have done to a perfectly good stock truck was just stupid


really what are the new skins?

Bill Bettridge (Billb)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Michelin XZL's

Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


the look in there face that everthing they have done to a perfectly good stock truck was just stupid

tha's what i see very often here too. :)

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

235/95-16 ?

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

who needs a hug or a ding-dong.. sorry, I meant twinkies, eric does not like ding-dongs!! ;)

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

what do those go for a skin?...pretty cool and I would guess industructable michelin quality

Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I don't like twinkies or Ding Dongs, and unless the J in JB stands for Julie and you are a hot 30 some thing women who was in playboy or penthouse in the last year then I don't want a hug from you either. Beer is good though.. I like beer :)


Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

have you had a fried twinkie yet?...better then jeeper meat...really

ho do you and john sell the mich?

Greg Davis (Gregdavis)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

8.25 XZL's? Ha! Those are baby meats. Get a real tire.


Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 12:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

That twinkie is bad enough on its own. People really fry that shit and eat it? Damn, that's got to cause some health issues.

Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

fried twinkie... hehehe

i see you dig those tires... :)

EE doesnt' sell them. and they suck in mud.

Glenn Guinto (Glenn)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

LOL... Ho knows this first hand...hehehe


Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

a deli near us sells them for 1.50 they really are good

yes I dig the Mich if your gonna stay skinny you might as well avoid mud anyhow so being bad in mud is not that big a deal

thinking more for a destination tire, planning on some long range touring trip to alaska with the family and some wheeling friends so gonna start aiming the disco build-up in that direction. I have a mud rig/trail truck. I just dont think I will be able to get the wife and daughter to ride 5000 miles in the scout

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yes Greg , those should do nicely on the forklift trail...... Or the MAR , either one.... :)


Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You'll like Alaska. I'm trying to go back next winter. But, I may move up there if I get laid off from my job..

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ignor Ho Musky , they do just fine in mud....
Yes Eric I think the 37" shit tires will be just great on there. What is it they are on there for again ??? I lost my notes...


Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:28 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

ignore kyle there musky, he hit his head on the rocks of dusy. they suck in mud.

all they are good for is sex appeal.

Greg Davis (Gregdavis)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Those were my thoughts exactly! Man, can you imagine how well those lugs will grab the tongs of that forklift? I can't wait!

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

, Ho is of the belief that the tires should have just magically pulled him thorugh and he need to simply hold onto the steering wheel and "Push Gas"...LOL

I didnt have a problem down there in the mud with them.... I guess mine still have the "East Coast" magic in them , well , they were pumped up hard too....... :)


Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

cmon kyle, you weren't as close to the soft shit as i was. LOL

\Mike... (Mpeters)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

how's that? greg runs these tires on his fork-lift?

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Have PK comment , I was down in it closer then you got ..
Now lets see..
Ho ,aired down cali boy stuck
PK , aired down cali boy STUCK
John , Aired down Cali boy STUCK
Not a single stuck east coaster...... Interesting...... Ho and John running exact same tires as me.......


Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

kyle, if you did indeed go as deep as i did, your wheels would have been dirtier. :)

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well , not exactly Peters , I dont think the bite was right on the old ones..... I can see some slipping there and we all know how perilous that can be.. :)

(Ok , well I dont cause I dont run that trail , but you get the idea) :)

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I didnt sit in one place pushing gas and rolling the mud up into the rim.... Oh , thats right , thats cause you were stuck....."sorry"... :)


Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

stuck twinkie? LOL

i am telling you, you didnt' go as deep as i did.

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well no doubt I didnt , once you stopped all that pushing gas just burrowed you in. I was waiting to see some of your relatives come running out of those holes from the home land.. :)


Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Just making sure that an Interco wasn't considered a Jeeper meat since it didn't say WRANGLER in the side of it as Ho was suggesting. Damn, you did hit your head didn't you..

Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

would have missed homeland by a few miles.. :)
but you didn't go as deep and thats' why you didn't get stuck.
i bet you'd be stuck just the same because those michelins' suck.

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I was being sarcastic Eric , the swampers are basically crap... But maybe you want some crap.....You get gears and lockers yet to support the jeeper meats you already got? :)


Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Um yeah , ok Ho (Captain of the sunken U.S.S Chickety)......


\Mike... (Mpeters)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

basically crap?

what are you guys jawing about? mud?

Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

well, there you go, so you can't say you wouldn't have been stuck there. :)

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ya, Kyle, I got ARBs front and rear, HD axles, 4.75 gears, ECR flares, swapped out my 1 inch spacers for 2 inch spacers, put on a 2 inch body lift, a SG 3 link, and I'm running 37x12.5-15s. I'm also looking at getting a super charger put on but, that will have to wait till after MAR. Oh and I took out my back seats and made a custom box to hold some spares that I bought for those "just in case" moments.

Since you wanted to know.

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 01:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Oh, and I'm also trying to figure out how I can get some portals under there.

John Lee
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 02:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

"Ho ,aired down cali boy stuck
PK , aired down cali boy STUCK
John , Aired down Cali boy STUCK
Not a single stuck east coaster...... Interesting...... Ho and John running exact same tires as me......."

LOL. Man, get real sucka. Here are some pics of Ho's and my wheels after playing in the mud and getting stuck:


And here are some pics of the White Stocker after the "mud run" she took:


I don't see any mud on there. Also, if you're as heavy as you claim and all three of us have the same tires and almost identical drivetrains (Ho has even more grip than you and I do), how is it that the White Stocker magically didn't get stuck in the same mud?

Glenn Guinto (Glenn)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 02:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

No Kyle...it was obviously the tires the sucked for Ho... not the driver... [insert sarcasm icon here]....hehehe The driver has absolutely nothin to do with it...

I got it, his tires (although the same as yours) we're factory defects....

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Um John , you both got burried because of the Bonzia push gas method. Mine only has it on the side walls because I didnt get mired down wallowing in it like a hog.. :) When it started to spin I simply backed off and hit it again with a little momentum. Did that several times and it got me up off the black shit and up to where Ho Ho was stuck... Not complicated , just had to drive the mud.... :) I watched the U.S.S chickety sink right before my eyes...... As well as PK getting burried right behind me as I was getting out of my truck to do the tourist thing... I didnt get to witness yours though,,,,dammit.. :)


Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

oh no, you weren't on the same spot. you'd have sunk as well. :)

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ahh , so its same spot now,,,,I see......


Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

oh yeah, things change in every spot... you told me that.

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

ok , after conversing with Ho , I have to say now that I was wrong and it was the "Special mud" far from the lake shore that he was in and nothing like the regular mud I was in.... How could I be so blind.........


Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

well, very special indeed.
next time kyle, when you see me stuck, get me out of there, and then drive thru the same shit, and show me how it's done. because, until then, you get

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Um , man , after the cali boys get into a hole and just sit there on the throttle not moving anywhere but down for a few minutes a freaking tank couldnt get through....


Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i think eric could with his 37s mega swampers? :)

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

please, you know that won't work either cause then you'd be saying that you made him a trail through the mud for him to sail right through it and you guys would still be arguing about it.

And no I don't have all that on my truck either. I do have the hd rear axles though and I'm getting ready to buy some lockers from JBS.

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I had almost forgot,,,,now Eric , you seem to be the coolest cat in town with a shit load of gear including a lawn chair for those hot days by the lake... Now , where ya going ???? :) The fucking MAR ?


Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

and yes in that case a healthy foot on the gas and some big wide ass floating mud tires probably would have helped ya.

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well I think you are getting your lockers from Trac tec.... JJ dont make Lockers...


Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:23 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Floating ? I hear that often about the floating.... Anyone seena Disco float on anything ? lol The Cali boys were all flat tired . Ho?? Was there floating ????

Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i was floating., dont' know about the disco, but i was.

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Um, no, that would be most likely ARB and he may not make them but, he does sell them and at good prices I mite add. Having the new electric locking detroits would be sweet but, I don't think that they are going to make them for the land rovers.

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:27 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

well, with big wide ass aired down 37s and some gas maybe you would see some floating.

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 04:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am afraid nothing will help you in the "Special Mud"......


Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 04:28 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

allthough I would agree with floating having to do with the width of tires It also has to do with application of power.

you must balence between blasting the mud out from under the tread and floating on top.

I enjoy crossing stuff I just pulled somebody else out of and my truck is no super lightweight.

the best way I have found is to get speed before the mud then pulse the power as you cross,often the truck will get better traction as the tire decelerates.then as you start to sink the pulse of power will clear the tread to the point its ready to bite again right as it starts to decelerate again. I have driven miles on the pipline trail doing this in conditions that that all but the 44" guys have turned around due to too muddy of conditions.

a few years ago the 4wheel and offroad magazine guys came out to the pipline in there big orange pumkin chevy and where lost as far as how to drive in the wisconsin gumbo.

I guess it has alot to do with what you are exposed too

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 04:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yup , as the tires slow they find the sweet spot and pull you.... its a nice feeling...


Rob Davison (Pokerob)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 05:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

damn i wish i could hav eshot the shit today,, so mush i could have added and made fun of from my armchair rover.

"I didnt get mired down wallowing in it like a hog.. "

kyle, that might be the funniest thing you've ever said.

ho, i beleive you about the mud. kyle gets stuck and unstuck realfast, thats what he is good at. he never mentions it but just keeps on rolling.


Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 07:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Kyle, yes, I'm going to MAR. I missed out on Big Dogs Grand Slam and I can't go to the Cove next weekend like I wanted to with a group of folks cause I have some thing at home to finish that I have been putting off. So I'm going to MAR. I get to meet some fellow people that frequent this site plus some fellow club members and it's much better then sitting at home. I try to go out and get the truck dirty at least once a month if not more. You've gone and you didn't like it, I haven't yet so I'm going to check it out for my self. Running the trails is only part of it. Meeting people that like to go wheeling and live around here is also a part of it. I don't care that it isn't the hardest trail on the planet I just like to go out and have some fun even if it's an easy trail. You may look at it as a waste of gas and that's your view. I look at it as a day out doing some thing that I like to do.

Also, I know damn well I'm not the badest/coolest/ or whatever guy on the block. I also said I was only kidding about having all that stuff on my truck. I'm trying to scrape enough money together for some lockers and front axles and then I'm going to be done with the truck for about 2 years till I can afford to get a second car. Hell, I'm probably going to get laid off from my job in January and then who knows what will happen. Anyway, that doesn't really matter to anyone but me, so enough said about that.

But, yes, I'm going to MAR and if that makes me seem like a bigger loser then you already think that I am then so be it. That's your opinion and you are entitled to it.

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 07:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Man , you need to stop with that "Whoa is me" tactic... My point is that I am seeing about a million posts about "Prepping for MAR" and all that jazz. To ride around a Farm ??? A dude needs to butcher lift lock and chop so he can ride around a farm?
People read that here and see it every day and think that is the path to follow. They think , "Thats how its done"... We see it constantly. You yourself advised a guy to spend a half million dollars to do what a couple a hundred bucks would get done easily.. WTF??? Its damn good for the vendors no doubt but I aint so sure its good for the people or thier trucks... Comprende?

You need a second car now and cant drive the Rover full time ? Doesnt that completely shatter the whole Land Rover thing ?

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 08:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

No I need a second car so that I can work on the rover without always being in a hurry to get it finished cause I got to drive it to work. I didn't prep shit for MAR. Bought some beer and cigars that's about it. Ya, your right Kyle. I should have told the guy to sell his Land Rover and get a dodge caravan cause it isn't like he is probably ever going to use it anyways. Least that way he'll still have the cargo space and get better gas mileage. And why not try to help out good vendors? Whatever, man.. I'm glad you think that I'm a loser.. Saves me the trouble of asking you if you want to go out and wheel even though I already know you are going to say no.

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 08:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hmmm , there is that same tactic at work again. I dont recall calling you a loser and I think you already know I wouldnt hesitate much if that was the thought I was having.
So the guys choice is to spend a million bucks on shit he doesnt really need.... OR , buy a mini van ??? Explain that one would ya. He simply wanted to know about fitting a tire.
I completely agree with pointing someone in the right direction for something he might NEED. But that laundry list is simply fleecing the guy...
And lsat but not least,,,,"WhatEVER" ???? Cmon man , I thought high school girls used that... I think I saw it in some movies... :)


Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 08:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Man , I damn near forgot , what kinda shit is that ? I think I remember inviting you the last time we went fucking around in the GW.... OR am I wrong ????


Glenn Guinto (Glenn)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 08:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Newbie! Look what you started... LOL

very entertaining thread....

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 09:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey, I gave the guy/girl some choices. I also told them in a later post that spring and shocks would be just fine to. Nothing was said that no one else hasn't said to the 90 other times that same question was asked. except for maybe me suggesting a body lift and that he might want some lockers. big deal.. I also told him the pros and cons of keeping the stock rims or getting different ones. SO then I suggest the person get a caravan. I get the feeling from the anon post, the way the question was asked, that the person probably isn't going to take the truck off the street and will be unhappy with the performance he is going to end up with after putting on the 32s or 33s.

Yes, last year around this time you asked me if I wanted to go wheeling with you, Heather, Axel, and Rob. I had fun thanks for the invite.

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 09:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Sorry for wasting everyone's time that read my whining. That or maybe you'll get a good laugh out of it.

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