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John Stecz
Posted on Thursday, September 26, 2002 - 10:51 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My passenger side window regulator is broken (broken nylon roller and one of the arms is bent)

Any hints on replacing? Is the window glass glued to the regulator? How do I remove the glass from the old regulator?

The motor seems to be fine, although I disconnected it so people wouldn't mess with the window.

I also assume that there isn't alimit adjustment on the motor, it just stalls at the top...

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Thursday, September 26, 2002 - 10:58 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

If one of your regulator arms is bent, I would say go ahead and replace. Talk with Nathan at www.discountrovers.com and he'll hook you up with a new one fairly cheap. I just replaced my drivers side about a month ago. You have to tape the window up so it doesn't fall down. Pretty easy to figure out once you're in there. There is a write up in the "tech" section above for the rear window I believe, it at least steers you in the right direction.. Sorry I didn't take pics while I was doing mine.. Later.RS

Gary Taylor (Gtaylor)
Posted on Thursday, September 26, 2002 - 03:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

There's a metal track that's glued to the bottom of the glass. It's held onto the regulator with a couple of screws. They're not too hard to replace with a little patience. The motor is mounted to the regulator with 3 screws. I had to hook the motor up to the new regulator and move the regulator around a little bit to get it to where I could work on everything. You essentially have two holes to work through but if you take your time, it's not too bad.

I've done the driver's side and the rear passenger side. Be careful taking the door panels off because the clips are just mounted into foam on the back, if you break one off, it's off for good but there's a bunch of them so unless you break off a bunch of them, your panel should not be loose.

Good luck!

John Stecz
Posted on Friday, September 27, 2002 - 03:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ok, cool, so the new regulator just screws on... that makes my life a lot easier...

It's a hassle to work on the window through those holes in the door, but it will be a lot easier if I don't have to unglue and reglue the glass...

John S.
Posted on Sunday, September 29, 2002 - 12:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I replaced the regulator...

It's wasn't a big deal, basically, I lowered the window a little so that I could get to the bolts.

Tape the window to the top of the window frame so that it won't lower any further.

Loosen the two bolts on each end of the bar that attaches the regulator to the window (but don't remove them. Also remove the screw in the middle of that bar, it holds a plastic guide piece to the window. Then, slide the bar to the side and the regulator can be unattached from the window. (the bolts are in keyholes)

remove the two bolts that hold the bottom of the regulator assembly to the door, then remove all of the bolts holding the motor to the door.

Fold up the regulator and it can be passed out of the bottom center hole in the door.

unbolt the motor from the regulator and attach it to the new regulator. (3 torx bolts)

pass the assembly back into door. The regulator comes with two bolts near the motor, leave those in, they go in the keyholes in the door.

Slide the top bar of the regulator onto the window bar (two keyholes) and tighten it.

Attach the bottom bar of the regulator to the door.

Hook the wires to the motor so that you can then use the window switch to move the motor and line up the two keyholes in the door.

Once those bolts are in, attache the other couple of bolts to the motor assembly, tighten the other bolts and test it....

It didn't take me more than 30 minutes from first tool out to clean up to get this project done.

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