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Bruce Shibley
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:29 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have a 96 disco and it has had this wierd thing. i took it to a dealership, but as most know they were clueless. What happens is after driving it for about 1/2 hour at highway speed it sometimes does this 2 or 3 second stall thing, almost like a governor on a renatl car. then it kicks back in. gets annoying when you are passing etc. kind of scary. it never throws a code. i have had a code for a sticky valve once. bu that has not happened again. It now has a wierd not starting thing as well. very intermittent. i turn the key all the lights light up like normal, but nothing, no click nothing. i turn the key back and back and try again and it wil usually start. as of late it may take two or three of these trys to start. could it be the MAF or the VSS? how can i tell? also anyone purchased those extended warranties through dealerships? i am considering it, i know it generally means they make more money for service, but i am afraid of engine repairs etc...thnaks for any help you can give me...

Matt Rigby (Mrigby)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 09:42 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

These symptoms seem to be common lately. Mine did the same thing and it was the MAF sensor. Unfortunately I don't know how to test all the sensors, but if you have a buddy with a D1 you can quickly swap a couple of the common things to check (MAF, VSS, TPS, IAC etc.) and see if it solves the problem. See my thread "Still stumped, need guru". My truck also does the no start thing, but it has been doing it much longer than I've had MAF sensor symptoms so I think they are unrelated. After you check out my thread on the cut-out problem if you have any questions for me feel free to email. Before all of this happened I had no idea how to test some of the basic stuff (fuel psi, injectors, coils, intake air leaks etc) to rule it out but I've since learned quite a bit and it's not as difficult as I thought it would be. Good luck.

Matt Rigby

Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 02:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I know this may sound a little out there but I've come across this three different times now (albeit not with LR's):

Check the actual key switch on the ignition.

A lot of ladies like to carry key rings that have about 15 pounds of crap hanging off them, you know what I'm talking about, they have 4 keys and 20 key chains, with voodoo dolls and unicorns and shit all hanging off there.

If your wife/girl doesn't do that, maybe whoever owned the car before you did. That extra weight, over time, can wear on that switch and cause weird things. My girlfriend's car ran fine but the radio and the AC would quit intermittently - it was the key switch.

While driving, wiggle the key and see if you can get it to do the stall thing.

It may not be your problem but I like looking at the really simple things first, the whole Occam's Razor thing.


Jim Senior (Jimsr)
Posted on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 - 03:28 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I had the same thing happen on a BMW 733i I owned while I lived in GE. The BMW dealer there hadn't a clue - finally found a slight crack in ignition wire that would flex and sporadically kill the current - seldom, but the dead silence was a real attention getter at over 200 kph on the autobahn

Jason Vance (Jason)
Posted on Thursday, October 03, 2002 - 01:30 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It's sounds like you are driving faster than your fuel pump's ability to pump fuel...slow down until your vehicle's speed is slower than the speed of the fuel...(kind of a road-runner/Wile E. Coyote thing)

okay, j/k,
but I agree with the ignition switch comment. If you pull over (and granted, you have remembered to put the vehicle back in park), attempt to start the vehicle and the starter does not turn over, then the starter is not getting the signal and neither is your engine (why it stalled).
This, of course, depends on your battery being in good shape, starter/solenoid as well (which sounds like everything is good if it eventually will turn over and start).

Posted on Thursday, October 03, 2002 - 10:30 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Exact same symptoms I had. Drove it from FL to NY. What an annoying trip. Replaced the VSS. No more problem.

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