04 Secondary Air


Well-known member
My 04 sounds as though the muffler fell off and I've been told the secondary air valve (?) is stuck open. After inspecting and removing one of the small hoses, the sound stops. With that said, can I take apart the secondary air pump and clean it up/re-grease or do I need to replace the pump?


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2007
cleveland, oh
the electronic connecter plug thing might be the culprit (cant remember the technical name right now, something like secondary air purge valve). its a 40 dollar part that monitors the flow and tells the system when to run/open, etc. Have any friends with similar truck to swap part to test?


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
Northern Illinois
Sounds like your vac. control solenoid is stuck open . Should be a pretty cheap fix , but first I would unplug the electrical conector to make sure its not a shorted wire on the ground side of it. Fairly unlikely but easy to check.


Well-known member
Thanks for the response. Do either of you have a pic or diagram of the said electrical connector? Ironically the issue comes and goes and typically shows up when it rains or when there's moisture in the air...


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012

You have splices on the Pink wire at locations A(40)(41)(42) leading to the under-hood fuse block at F2 (15amp) C0570 P1, Purge Control Valve at C015 P2, and Cam Position Sensor at C0176 P3. There are some other splices into the lead off F2, so check your wiring diagrams if the above bits don't lead you to a solution.
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