Adjusting idle speed by tweaking IAVC ?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2008
Dominican Republic
I opened my stepper, which was stuck, to clean it.
I thought first it was a 2 positions valve, one end
and the other, but no. The non A/C idle is obtained
when both circuit are on, very small opening of the
I had to drill out the 3 screws, so i'm going to drill
and thread the body and use set screws to keep it
close. As I will be able to position the motor mass
as I want, may be I can adjust my idle speed by
changing the size of valve opening.

Anyone done that ? thoughts ?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2008
Dominican Republic
Well, now I'm not completely sure about my
3 positions theory, but I'm sure about adjusting your
idle speed by rotating the plug part, I just did it.
I guess the factory setting is the one to keep but
it's good to know you can mess with this thing.