So after 17 years it’s happened to my 03 Discovery,Coolant in my oil. Started the truck this morning smoked heavy for about a min or so. Drove to work that’s a little over a mile away drove fine. Checked coolant because no heat and no coolant in revisor. Put coolant in drive home not smoking at all. Checked oil and it’s milky. Head gaskets done 2 years ago next month it would loose a little coolant at times but nothing in the ground over the last few weeks and has been running good. Never overheated it got hot once or twice but got it shut off before anything bad happened. Just bought the parts to do front cover gasket, timing chain and oil pump.
Any thing other than what I’m guessing would be an internal failure on the gasket? Not sure what the next step would be.
Any thing other than what I’m guessing would be an internal failure on the gasket? Not sure what the next step would be.