Coolant tubes rusted through. What to do now?


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2005
San Jose, CA
My D2 sprung a leak yesterday, a pinhole sized hole in the side of one of the metal coolant tubes that runs off the engine to feed the heater core in the truck. I thought it was a bad hose but sure enough the tube had rusted clean through from the inside out.

Now what?

I've got a whole bunch of questions. Can I buy those tubes from LR? Is this a common problem? How many possible coolant tubes are there on the engine that should be looked at?

Oye vey.


Well-known member
They are listed on Microcat, I'll get the numbers for you later.

If you are not using the correct coolant mix, then you will have corrosion issues. Mine is 11 years old and no problems. Any air that gets into the cooling system by a leaking hose or water pump seal with cause rusting.


Edit: Picture of the pipes is here:

They are on a VIN number change, so let me know which pipe you need and your VIN number (PM that to me)
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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2005
San Jose, CA
I need the top tube, #6, at the very least.

But its got me worried, if that tube is bad, the rest are probably on the way. Im curious how much it would be to replace all of them.


Well-known member
They might be a factory order:

#6 PEP102910
#4 PEP102960
#1 PEQ100920

Talk to PTSchram on this forum, he'll know if they are available in the USA or not, I'll ask our local dealer over here in the morning. He should have his latest Microcat by now.

That last one is a dual-choice one, I took the one most likely to be correct.
