D1 LSE to D2 seats


Active member
Feb 17, 2012
In order to put escape gear seat covers on my 1998 D1 LSE I will either need to use standard D1 or D2 seats. From my understand the 1998 LSE is a special edition and used Range Rover electric seats. My seats do not have any hand grips on the top half. The question is can I do a straight swap out in relation to bolt pattern and electrical hook ups from my seats to D2 seats?


Well-known member
May 21, 2007
The LSE is not exactly a "special edition" like the XD, 50th Anniversary Edition, Kalahari, etc. It was one of the factory trim levels offered as a standard model in 1998. I don't think the LSE has Range Rover seats. I wish mine did, and other folks on this board have written about their attempts to replace their Disco seats with those from RRCs and P38s. If it didn't affect the leg room I would consider it, too. If you just need the older seats call Marty (Drillbit), that is the sort of thing he should have in stock. He will also know if the seats are a direct swap. I don't think seats from a 1995 Disco will work with the mounting hardware in a 1998, for example.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2004
Cheyenne, WY
The LSE seats are the same as other discos of the same vintage they just have piping.
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