GWNF to charge fo Petersmill and Taskers Gap trails

Eric N.

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Falls Church, VA

SUMMARY: George Washington & Jefferson National Forests will begin
charging a $5 fee per ATV/OHV for use of Taskers Gap and Peters Mill
Run trail system. This trail system will facilitate ATV/OHV motorized
use of George Washington & Jefferson National Forests on the Lee Ranger
District. Fee revenue will support operations and maintenance of the
trail system and future site improvements.

DATES: Taskers Gap and Peters Mill Run trail system is scheduled to
initiate fees in June, 2007.

Not that we can even use Taskers Gap since it's for ATVs and Peters Mill is a flat dirt road but, I'm wondering if it's a start towards a pay to use forrest system. Still lots of questions such as is it $5 a day, year, or forever? Will they improve the trails and make it worth $5, and so on? I'm wondering if they will start charging a use fee for the rest of the areas..