Have you seen that Comcast commercial....


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2004
Sunnyvale, CA
Has anyone seen that hillarious Comcast commercial where the tag line is "ruining your reputation.... even faster with High speed cable..."

where the commercial basically shows some "looser looking dude" playing "air drums" to an 80's glam rock song on a webcam while the announcer says "want to ruin your reputation even faster... comcast high speed broadband service... blah blah blah... its hillarious :D

anyway...heres a REAL WORLD EXAMPLE of that very commercial...


the reason i can 100% verify that its REAL WORLD is becausee i WORK with this IDIOT :eek: :D

Most increadibly "starwars kid" has been going around the office showing his video off to everyone in the office :rolleyes: