Help with some minor DIY instructions


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2014
Sunny FL
I am in the process of gradually restoring my 92 Range Rover County and seeking some assistance with a few DIY items:

1) The passenger seat on my vehicle only goes back and does not come forward. Per the reading I've done on the web the seat switch needs to be taken apart and cleaned up, but I am not finding any DIY instructions and they would definitely make this task easy for me. Would appreciate any tips with this task or formal instructions.

2) Also working n redoing all the carpets and have everything out minus the carpet over the gearbox tunnel. Looking for the DIY instructions so I don't end up breaking anything.

3) Looking to find out where the fuel pump relay is located. I am betting that the slow start on my vehicle and mysterious battery drain is tied to the wrong relay in place and need to validate it and get it sorted.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Well-known member
1... I do this over a large soft towel to keep from losing bits.

2... All the center console & radio trim and maybe the lower dash has to come out along with both seats.

3... under the passenger seat. It will be in a blue base. Original looks like a basic silver relay but should have a red slash on top. It could be the source of your drain if it's not the proper relay. I doubt it is causing the slow start.