How to properly trim your hedges


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Honestly when I saw the title for this thread all I could think about was my bathing suit area ahaha


Well-known member
You guys can make fun of him all you want until he Jesus-Wraps your crankshaft around your face. :rofl:

He deserves a bit more than a simple joke, I think, so I've edited this.

An illusion or a trick is just that, though. Many of those things can be done with a bit of muscle, but it's the show that counts. The guy has charisma.

Still, a lawnmower on the end of a pole is a pretty interesting feat. Holding a lawnmower is one thing. Holding a running lawnmower is another thing. Holding a running lawnmower on the end of a long pole is pretty impressive, no matter how he accomplished it.

You ought to watch some of his other videos. Aside from the 700 club thing, most of them are purely funny, without any overtones that might be disagreeable. The BP plan is quite funny. Just look him up as the world's strongest redneck on youtube.

Still, religious or not, the show he did was inspiring for the audience. The guy ain't no idiot. Like magic, it's not the illusion. The feeling you have while watching is what it's all about. The man is genuinely strong, that is true, but even some of his more "tricky" feats are presented with the audience in mind.

Now, by "tricks", I do not mean to imply that any of his props are rigged. They are most certainly not.

I recently saw a magic show. I just happened across it with someone. Outside, with the rings of fire, and the music, it was indeed magical. The illusions were nothing new, but the presentation, the venue, and the overall form was staggeringly beautiful.

He does what his crowd needs to feel. It is more simple, but that is what they need.


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Well-known member
kennith said:
You guys can make fun of him all you want until he Jesus-Wraps your crankshaft around your face. :rofl:

He deserves a bit more than a simple joke, I think, so I've edited this.

An illusion or a trick is just that, though. Many of those things can be done with a bit of muscle, but it's the show that counts. The guy has charisma.

Still, a lawnmower on the end of a pole is a pretty interesting feat. Holding a lawnmower is one thing. Holding a running lawnmower is another thing. Holding a running lawnmower on the end of a long pole is pretty impressive, no matter how he accomplished it.

You ought to watch some of his other videos. Aside from the 700 club thing, most of them are purely funny, without any overtones that might be disagreeable. The BP plan is quite funny. Just look him up as the world's strongest redneck on youtube.

Still, religious or not, the show he did was inspiring for the audience. The guy ain't no idiot. Like magic, it's not the illusion. The feeling you have while watching is what it's all about. The man is genuinely strong, that is true, but even some of his more "tricky" feats are presented with the audience in mind.

Now, by "tricks", I do not mean to imply that any of his props are rigged. They are most certainly not.

I recently saw a magic show. I just happened across it with someone. Outside, with the rings of fire, and the music, it was indeed magical. The illusions were nothing new, but the presentation, the venue, and the overall form was staggeringly beautiful.

He does what his crowd needs to feel. It is more simple, but that is what they need.



Agreed, he is very charismatic and funny. Good showmanship, and that's makes his act. I mean, hell, I can tear a phonebook in half, but that guy does it with style.


Well-known member
knewsom said:
Agreed, he is very charismatic and funny. Good showmanship, and that's makes his act. I mean, hell, I can tear a phonebook in half, but that guy does it with style.

The best part of tearing a phone book in half is the fact that very few people know that it is a feat that can be accomplished by almost anyone. After watching that video, I had to do it again.

Now, it's going to be difficult to look up telephone numbers. The other stuff isn't too difficult either. A horseshoe, when twisted, will end up in a heart shape, and it only takes a bit of muscle to do, but for that crowd, it was wonderful.

Of course, I have no doubt that the guy is a beast. He does things that have impact, though. I can do things that require a lot of strength, but most of those things are not as impressive as bending a horseshoe into a pretzel, regardless of how much effort is required.

