It's good to be back


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2004
Middleburg, VA
I would give anything to meet Garrett, he's Arkansas' Most Eligible Bachelor after all.

I had to settle for some god damn doll hanging in a bar in Playa. Taking a puddle jumper to Cuba from Playa this winter. Lets rendezvous there!

I no longer wear my cape though. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd...._=1430172346_697a0be35d2fc9740e1d8ae28c9b24d9

Oh wait.......this is what you wanted. Now I remember. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd...._=1426666369_c7d163367d9d4a381923d777da5dc509
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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
over there

Fwiw, I still make tissue paper babies to that picture.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
When to Cuba? I'm expecting a son in April and we are not planning another Playa trip until September when Baby Blue is 6 months old. In the meantime I am doing hordes of odd jobs around the house whilst my wife makes a nest out of twigs and berries.


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2004
Middleburg, VA
How does that work? Do you have to get a Cuban visa?

It's pretty easy. Lets say you want to visit the Yucatan for a few days of sun and fun. Head to a local travel agent and book a ticket from say Cancun to Cuba for a few days. Cubans don't care if you are a US citizen and the US itself doesn't care too much, but the Cubans won't stamp your passport just to be on the safe side. That way immigration won't give you shit for being there when you come back in via Mexico.

It's a quick flight and cheap. I'd like to see Cuba before all the US tourists start flocking there in droves. It's already a popular destination for other westerners.

Currently you can go over their via an educational group with selected travel agents, but I don't like group things. That will expand a bit when and if some of the restrictions are lifted.

A good friend works for State Dept and I know a few others within the organization that I've talked to about it. Not a big deal at all.


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2004
Middleburg, VA
When to Cuba? I'm expecting a son in April and we are not planning another Playa trip until September when Baby Blue is 6 months old. In the meantime I am doing hordes of odd jobs around the house whilst my wife makes a nest out of twigs and berries.

Trying for this winter. Getting the lady another week of vacation to the sun for Christmas, so the plan is to head to Cuba during that time. I've got a very busy work schedule for winter, but I will make the time.

Congrats on another one. I figured your stuff was dried up pretty good by now.