Jesus Camp...


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
msggunny said:
I will watch the trailers posted here, but i know all about this crap.

I am a reformed "born again christian", my ex wifes family got me into it but it never felt right. Brain washing, making excuses for how fucked up people are, thinking about it makes me see red.

My view on religion, every and all religion: 100% BULL SHIT.

We evolved from pond scum, we are the most intelligent animal on the planet, we needed a way to make our brains stop asking "why am i here" so we invented "GODS" to explain why it rained, or why our sister died from being eaten by a cave bear, or why Michale Jackson likes little boys.

If it wasnt for religion the world would be a much better place.

Not to disrespect any of you out there who are firm believers in what ever god you pray to, but unless Jesus, Allah, Buddha, or whom ever comes and knocks on my door and proves to me that he is GOD then its all BS to me.

Have a Happy New Year!

I'm with you on that.




Well-known member
Apr 24, 2004
When I opened my case of beer last night I discovered a pamphlet. It was placed there by a good Christian to warn me of the sins of fornication and what not. IMO this is not the way to spread the word. Whats the world coming too when you can't get stupid drunk and have some sex without big brother religion looking over you're shoulder.
You have sex?


Well-known member
May 13, 2007
PDX Orygun
Spitfire said:
All religion has the common purpose of being used for political control.

Figured that out at about 15 years old. Never looked back.

If there was some kind of all-powerful all-seeing entity, it wouldn't be possible for so many people to do wrong and use "god's will" or "god's word" as an excuse. If there really was a god, he'd be busy 24/7 just to keep up with all the shitheads who need smiting.