Media Hype

Pick your favorite "game changing event"

  • 2009 Hurricane season

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • 2009 H1N1 Flu

    Votes: 38 79.2%
  • 2010 Hurricane season

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • 2010 BP oil spill

    Votes: 6 12.5%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
kennith said:
Hey, guys! Check it out!

I've been sensationalized!:applause:

Can I get a picture, or something?


Sensationalized? :rofl: Well, that's one way to avoid backing up your earlier post I suppose.

I ment to write that you're posts are not the trolling type. But maybe I missed some?


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
rrhyne said:
Sensationalized? :rofl: Well, that's one way to avoid backing up your earlier post I suppose.

I ment to write that you're posts are not the trolling type. But maybe I missed some?

Oh, you mean you actually want me to argue?

What I saw was an expansion of everything I said to include things I didn't say. I saw my statements painted with an even broader brush than I used to begin with; taking things I said and twisting them into things I didn't say.

That's not really argument. If you want to play that way, though, I'm game. You will lose, though.;)




Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
kennith said:
Oh, you mean you actually want me to argue?

What I saw was an expansion of everything I said to include things I didn't say. I saw my statements painted with an even broader brush than I used to begin with; taking things I said and twisting them into things I didn't say.

That's not really argument. If you want to play that way, though, I'm game. You will lose, though.;)



I don't want to argue, I was hoping you'd substantiate your remarks. If I've misread them, please clarify your position.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
My position was clear, precisely as written. It does not stretch at all. The application of the statements ends with the period at the end of the sentence. That is always the case.

If I want to expand an idea, I will expand it myself. People don't understand the system at play, and they don't actually give a shit. Point closed.

Sensationalism is ripe in media. You are a victim of this practice.

Here is a precise application of the concept:

Two nights ago, someone accused me of owing them money as a result of a lost bet. I did not make any bet, as I am not a betting man. I did not owe him the money. He continued to pester me about it, and in the end, I could only think of one way to resolve the issue, as there were none who witnessed the alleged bet.

I placed the money in front of me, and told him if he could get the money, he could have it. I then told him that he was unlikely to get it, and smiled while I explained to him what would happen if he didn't.

He left without further argument.


In a saddening forum Tuesday, experts agreed that a murder may indeed take place next week. A husband, in a potentially violent encounter with Kennith, may have been pushed too far. He was told he would be stripped naked publicly and dragged behind a vehicle.

Though it is unclear at the moment just how much effect Kennith would have on the murder, top scientists in the field of losing fights quickly and public embarrassment were unanimous in their findings: The man's wife could indeed be murdered next week as a result of the encounter.

An effort is underway to determine the probability of the killing, and to prevent the occurrence. When asked to comment on the situation, Kennith is quoted as saying only: "I oughta break a broom-handle off in your ass!"

Given that Kennith has previously been observed resorting to one-liners from Duke Nukem in his threats, an investigation is under way into the influence video game violence has on society today.

The verbally abused and humiliated man is facing a one year term in a mental health facility as a result of the incident. If he is not committed, he may kill his wife.

We should all remain vigilant in our avoidance of Kennith, to prevent further domestic violence.


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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
kennith said:
My position was clear, precisely as written. It does not stretch at all. The application of the statements ends with the period at the end of the sentence. That is always the case.

If I want to expand an idea, I will expand it myself. People don't understand the system at play, and they don't actually give a shit. Point closed.


Sigh. The defamer claiming defamation again and again while peoples lives are shattered.

Have fun with that, I'm done.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
What you are describing is your own apathy. You sound reserved to it, like it was forced on you. Try to believe that you can make a small difference in this world instead of trying to convince other people they can't.

Go ahead and sigh in that ivory tower of hate and confusion.

I do my best to make a difference wherever I go. You know what I see when I get there? A bunch of fart smelling hippies fucking everything up.

I've made a difference in places you couldn't even spell. When the shit hits the fan, I'm there, pulling out all the other ass-hats with the rose colored glasses. I've risked my ass more times than I can count trying to make a difference. I can't always get there. I can't always afford to do something. Sometimes, what I can do isn't helpful at all.

When I can, I go. Who will follow? People follow the story; the tale. Where have you been? Pray tell, what were you doing there? Why would you go and do that?

Why? Because they don't, and because they won't.

I was built to do certain things. I do those things well. I do them to make that difference you hold on so high a tower. When I'm doing those things, I see behind me countless people who haven't the care to follow.

That is why I hate people so. I am not apathetic. I am not a religious man, but apathy is a sin of the highest order, in my mind. Who is apathetic? The person who sits on his ass and points fingers, or the person who, in doing something about it, looks over his shoulder at that man and considers him an uncaring sheep of a wasted consciousness.

People don't give a shit. Get used to it. Lead the real charge, and those who follow the headlines will stop in their tracks.

Don't tell me about making a difference. I know all about it. I also know quite a bit about most people. I've seen how they react, and what they won't do.

A person is smart. People are stupid.

These people don't really care about those things they claim to worry about for a few weeks. That's what I'm saying. What they want to do is point a finger, lay the blame, and call for their masters to save them from disaster.

People are a bunch of cowardly turn-coats and fools. They point their finger at the person who would solve the problem, before the problem is solved, and before it is understood. People bite the hand that feeds them.

I've seen it everywhere I've been. I've also seen real humans. I've seen a few people here and there with the initiative, strength and balls to go out there and do something.

These people aren't writing those silly articles you linked. That is sensationalized nonsense. I've run into those "helping hands" out in the world, and those journalists. I've kicked the shit out of a few of them, even going so far as to break a table with a priest. Those people deserved their lot.

Do my actions give me ground to judge others? Not really. That's not a good thing to do.

I, however, am not a very good person. I am a prideful, arrogant, critical, and judgmental bastard; even more-so in life than here. I mock and belittle others. I fight fires in the world with all the fire I can muster. I do not use water. I am a mean-spirited son of a bitch. I am bossy, deliberately rude, and I push people just to see how much they can take; for my own personal amusement.

My mother would tell worse of me.

I am a jerk of the first order, I hate people, and I manipulate them to suit my purposes.

I do, however, make a difference, even if most of that difference will eventually be washed away by some lunacy of common mind. Read my little story. That's the news you value so much. It is worthless. You know little more of that spill than a tribesman in the Amazon.

Peddled information is a snowball that grows as it rolls down a hill, finally bursting upon the ground as does the concern of the mob in the end. The few people who would stop that snowball are as matches in a hurricane; far beyond useless in the end.

Still, they do what they can.

I can't clean up that spill, nor can I do much at all about it. I am, however, a pretty smart guy, so I did what I could. I sent in as many ideas as I could muster to BP. Some of them warranted actual review and response. Did I save the world? Nope. Did they look at my ideas and suddenly see how to clean up all that oil? Nope. As a matter of fact, I didn't accomplish a damn thing.

I did, however, try. Kevin Kostner tried, as well. He was able to do something with what he had. It won't amount to all that much in the end, but he is doing something, however small.

I don't like that oil spill. I am an environmentalist. I despise, however, what the term has come to mean. I likewise do not like how people blow things so far out of proportion that the fog of misinformation becomes too thick to see through.

If you want to fight me with words, use your own. Do not resort to those words of men who would lie to a god, if it meant their check would be fatter that week. Until you can do that, I'm simply going to make fun of you. Let me know when you are ready to use your brain instead of Google.

And don't you fucking sigh at me as if you are some angelic figure of light, shining hope upon a world of animals like myself. That bugs the shit out of me.

You turn that other cheek in front of me and I'll chop it the fuck off. You don't get a Jesus pass when I'm in town.




Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
rrhyne said:
Sigh. The defamer claiming defamation again and again while peoples lives are shattered.

Have fun with that, I'm done.

Fuck their shattered lives. They wanted that oil as much as BP did. None of us are innocent in this crime of circumstance.




Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
Ok, I can't leave it. Because dammit, I love your writing style. It's awesome no matter how far off my objections to your original post you've strayed. ( :patriot: ) As a reminder: here's a summary of items I object to for which you've completely failed to address:

The oil spill isn't that bad. :)smilelol: )
Shellfish have always been polluted (implying the spill changes nothing)
Oil is naturally in the ocean (implying the huge volume of this spill is also somehow natural)
And the spill isn't going to affect everyone in the gulf. (Technically correct but kooky)

I did in fact contribute more than arguing with people on the internet. But I love arguing with people on the internet. Especially when they go all AWOL on the orignal argument. Seriously though... back to your points? Maybe you could enlighten me where I misconstrued your remarks if I in fact did so? Or where my rebuttals lack substance?


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
rrhyne said:
Ok, I can't leave it. Because dammit, I love your writing style. It's awesome no matter how far off my objections to your original post you've strayed. ( :patriot: ) As a reminder: here's a summary of items I object to for which you've completely failed to address:

The oil spill isn't that bad. :)smilelol: )
Shellfish have always been polluted (implying the spill changes nothing)
Oil is naturally in the ocean (implying the huge volume of this spill is also somehow natural)
And the spill isn't going to affect everyone in the gulf. (Technically correct but kooky)

I did in fact contribute more than arguing with people on the internet. But I love arguing with people on the internet. Especially when they go all AWOL on the orignal argument. Seriously though... back to your points? Maybe you could enlighten me where I misconstrued your remarks if I in fact did so? Or where my rebuttals lack substance?

A: The oil spill is horrible.

B: Shellfish are polluted by almost anything they come into contact with. It's a nice chant if you want to save a bay: "The crabs are polluted!" No shit, Sherlock. How much dispersant in how many crabs, again? Precisely where were they found?

C: Every ounce of this spill is natural.:rofl:

C2: I mean only to say that oil leaks into the ocean. At what rate? I do not know. It is impressive, however. The thing is, it doesn't do it all in one spot in a few months. As has been said, however, the ocean is indeed prepared to help out quite a bit. Oil may be dangerous to the environment, but it's not evil death goo from outer space. It's perfectly natural, and dispersed like this, should be cleaned up in time. It is a horrible disaster, but it's not an end of the world event that warrants a line of hangings. I'm pretty sure BP didn't set out to skip the storage tanks and pour the oil all over creation instead. Shit broke. What surprises me is not the fact that it happened, but that it hasn't happened until now.

D: The spill will affect people. It won't destroy their lives for generations, mutate their grandchildren, eat every kitten alive, and burn down thousands of preschools. That whole article about the fish was entirely like the fake article I posted earlier. Most of these things are. Currently, the thing keeping people from fishing isn't entirely the spill itself. It's also the security and cleanup effort.

I can't stand it when people look at a situation through a narrow lens pointed only at the conclusions they wish people to draw. It is a lie, and it serves only to cause problems and prevent the situation from being resolved.

People like to have a great evil. They need one in order to function as a group. I know this as well as anyone. That doesn't change the fact that it annoys the hell out of me when the stuff is just taken too far, and when the data is smeared so far that it's too thin to accurately measure.

I am a creative person. I am also, however, a man of logic and science. I've never seen one ounce of those, not one ounce of either of them, in the news. When you watch or read the news, you can be certain that the data is being spun such that you must take the article apart in order to get some fact out of it. Even then, the scope of fact in the article will be very narrow and rather useless.

They will show you a shocking picture, tell you a bunch of things that are irrelevant, and allude to things that cannot yet be proved. Somewhere, there will be a fact, such as birds being covered in oil. What they won't say is that they've only brought in about 300 of them since they started bringing them in. Now, that's a lot, of course, but far from what people imagine.

People imagine thousands of terrified birds, dripping with oil. People imagine an entire coast of people on their knees, wailing in futility at their shattered lives. People imagine a blackened gulf, covered in slime for thousands of years.

Even now, there are people arguing that we ought not to clean oily birds. Well, how else are we going to get pictures for headlines? Seriously, though, it's being said that it's a waste of time. Now it's being said that BP used too much dispersant, when just weeks ago, you couldn't ship enough there to satisfy people.

What you see and read is one huge steaming pile of shit, melting it's way through the snow of reason. The "people" are fucking morons.


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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
rrhyne said:
I did in fact contribute more than arguing with people on the internet. But I love arguing with people on the internet. Especially when they go all AWOL on the orignal argument. Seriously though... back to your points? Maybe you could enlighten me where I misconstrued your remarks if I in fact did so? Or where my rebuttals lack substance?

I didn't go AWOL. I've been sticking to my guns. The post about making a difference was merely an expansion of a point that annoyed me. I thought the last line of that post was quite nice. I might make a bumper sticker out of it.

The other post was an example of the sort of silly writing linked. If I might say so, I thought it was outstandingly funny and informative.

I said what I said, and I'll stick to it. What I won't do, is get into an article posting contest. That's not a discussion or an argument, it's a game of poker with bullshit for cards.

I am not straying from my points.


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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
kennith said:
C2: I mean only to say that oil leaks into the ocean. At what rate? I do not know. It is
impressive, however. The thing is, it doesn't do it all in one spot in a few months.

Isn't it the whole point that it happened here all at once?

1a. Every time you come back to the keyboard your arguments get worse. It's why I'm still here, so your original post will have less weight to anyone following.

D: The spill will affect people. It won't destroy their lives for generations, mutate their grandchildren, eat every kitten alive, and burn down thousands of preschools. That whole article about the fish was entirely like the fake article I posted earlier. Most of these things are.

The current generation stops fishing for shrimp, oysters and fin fish in affected areas. Their sons and daughters are deprived of the way of life their fathers and mothers live. That's 2 generations right there. How many people is this? Its thousands. Run some population numbers in affected areas if you want proof more than your own opinion.

Currently, the thing keeping people from fishing isn't entirely the spill itself. It's also the security and cleanup effort.

See 1a.

What you see and read is one huge steaming pile of shit, melting it's way through the snow of reason.

You said it brother.

I really have to stop on my side of this. I've kept coming back because families are hurting right now and environment I hoped to visit and fish is being destroyed.

I'm happy that I've been able to out some of your less truthful statements and will leave it at that. Not happy this got a bit personal on my side.

My apologies for that.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
How in the hell are you managing to read that crap into what I'm typing? I said precisely what I said. I do not mean for it to be expanded to suit your whimsy.

Let's say I was speaking of something else, like... Oh, cows. I suggested that there are many cows in the world, producing an unknown quantity of milk, but a quantity that is likely to be quite large. I then go on to say that the milk truck tipping over, however, was a whole lot of milk at once.

You respond:

AHA! Isn't that the point? The milk truck all spilled at once!

What the fuck are you talking about? Is this some sort of a joke?

It's like a Monty Python sketch. Your responses don't make sense. If I say the sky is blue, you argue that Mars doesn't have a blue sky, and that I don't know what I'm talking about. I wasn't talking about Mars.

You have an issue somewhere, man... A serious issue.




Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
Your entire post made absolutely no sense at all. The one part that had a slight glimmer of promise was the bit dealing with the harm it will cause to generations of fishermen, but you managed to fuck that up as well.

You can't simply pick a point and run the numbers like that. That is logical, but it is not rational. If you want to use logic, it has to make sense when applied to the real system as it exists.

Rationality is a concept of which you appear to be less than familiar.




Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
kennith said:
How in the hell are you managing to read that crap into what I'm typing? I said precisely what I said. I do not mean for it to be expanded to suit your whimsy.

Let's say I was speaking of something else, like... Oh, cows. I suggested that there are many cows in the world, producing an unknown quantity of milk, but a quantity that is likely to be quite large. I then go on to say that the milk truck tipping over, however, was a whole lot of milk at once.

You respond:

AHA! Isn't that the point? The milk truck all spilled at once!

What the fuck are you talking about? Is this some sort of a joke?

It's like a Monty Python sketch. Your responses don't make sense. If I say the sky is blue, you argue that Mars doesn't have a blue sky, and that I don't know what I'm talking about. I wasn't talking about Mars.

You have an issue somewhere, man... A serious issue.



Watch this fucker come back telling me I don't know shit about cows*, or some equally irrelevant shit like: Not everyone on Discoweb has an issue; which is a damn sight far from the truth if anything ever was.



*I know plenty, so far as cows are concerned. You can milk them, you can bleed them, and when they can't do those things reliably anymore, you can cut them up and eat them.

Beyond that, as near as I can tell, they only do one more thing. They are a vegetation recycling plant whose sole purpose is to achieve throughput. The rest of the cow appears to maintain itself.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Cumberland Co., ME
rrhyne said:
The current generation stops fishing for shrimp, oysters and fin fish in affected areas. Their sons and daughters are deprived of the way of life their fathers and mothers live. That's 2 generations right there. How many people is this? Its thousands. Run some population numbers in affected areas if you want proof more than your own opinion.

Actually the fishing grounds are already being re-opened due to over cautious closings. No oil found to be stopping the openings. The statement that a generation is stopping fishing (and further hyperbole)is a gross overstatement. Just noting. Discuss......


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
95.D1.Rick said:
Actually the fishing grounds are already being re-opened due to over cautious closings. No oil found to be stopping the openings. The statement that a generation is stopping fishing (and further hyperbole)is a gross overstatement. Just noting. Discuss......

The areas I specifically ment when I wrote that are wetland areas who's habitat will be affected for 20 years or more. How large an area that is I don't know, but based on the maps I've seen it's hundreds of communities access to the islands and marshes of the Louisiana.

1/3rd of the fisheries are being reopened in an open ocean area. Over the last 30 days no oil has been observed on the surface of the ocean in the area to be reopened. Moreover, pelagic species are migratory and move in and out of closed and opened areas. Also, the notice didn't mention what is happening beneath the surface. I doubt open water fishermen have seen the last of this. Even if the area is clean, BP has wrecked the livehood of sport fishermen who fish those waters just by association with the spill.

Here's a map of the closed and opened areas:


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
kennith said:
How in the hell are you managing to read that crap into what I'm typing? I said precisely what I said. I do not mean for it to be expanded to suit your whimsy.

Those are quotes your bud. I didn't change them.