My subdivision rocks!


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2004
There used to be a sign on an over pass on I81 in roanoke, " Butt Hollow Road".
They stopped eventually stopped replacing it.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2004
Soda blasting will get it off without damaging the brick, or leaving looking like crap like sand blasting does. It is moble and enviromentaly safe. Look in your area for media/sand blasing. There are not that many poeple that do soda blasting ,but you should be able to find someone since you are in a bigger city. It is also far superior to sand when striping a car or boat bottom..I used to run a business the used soda in coastal NC.
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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2006
Orange, VA
Several years ago someone stole one letter off the Charlottesville sign on 250. For a couple of weeks you entered Harlottesville from the east.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2006
Around here, subdivisions have names like "Brass Fox Hound Trout Hunt Field Polo Fox Jefferson Mosby Estates".


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2005
Genesee, CO USA
emmodg said:
Around here, subdivisions have names like "Brass Fox Hound Trout Hunt Field Polo Fox Jefferson Mosby Estates".
I had to go pick up some stuff at someone's house, and asked for directions.
She said, "You know where the Eagle Ridge Subdivision is, right?"
She was shocked when I said, "No. Just give me the address & I'll mapquest it."
Just 1 more bunch of look-alike houses.

Last year, I went to play cards at an acquaintance's house; he lives in a snooty area called "Highlands Ranch".
Turn off X Avenue onto Smith Court.
Go 1 block, turn right onto Smith Road.
Go 2 blocks, turn left onto Smith Circle.
Smith Circle becomes Smith Lane, 4th house on right.
Not only does every house look exactly the same; tan stucco, micro yard, entire front of house is garage, all the damned streets have the same name!


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
That's usually what it is, one piece of land that was devided up into smaller pieces meant to relate to each other in some way. Commonly, as it was said, a farm.

I can't stand those neighborhoods, personally. I don't want to be somewhere where people can tell me what I can and can't do. Where I live I can do whatever the hell I want, whenever I want to.

That's right baby, a small warehouse in a commercial zone. That's where I live. Bugger those McMansions.:rofl: Here it's quiet, people couldn't care less what I am up to, and most of the time the only people around are in the fab shop next door.;)



Sam C.

Well-known member
Mar 20, 2006
Cumming, GA
nosivad_bor said:
you know this whole time i have been asking myself , what the fuck is a subdivision?

are they different from neighborhoods?

A neighborhood is collection of subdivisions, commercial buildings, restaraunts, etc.... that are in close proximity to each other.

A subdivision is is simply as it is stated. A large parcel of land is subdivided into small parcels for development of homes and is given an catchy name.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
New Hampshire
nosivad_bor said:
you know this whole time i have been asking myself , what the fuck is a subdivision?

are they different from neighborhoods?

A subdivision is just another name for "projects" the only difference is that folks in subdivisions have mortgages, the homes are larger and if it is anything like the subdivision near me they play that "keeping up with the joneses game" :smilelol:


so I can from being a designer for land developers so I know the buzz words ...

subdivision ... as said is a land parcel that is divided into individual units. A city block can be viewed as a subdivision of the original block.

commercial subdivision ... is land divided from a parcel for commerical development.

residential subdivision ... land divided from parcel for residenal development

mixed use subdivision ... land divided for commerical and residential development.

Parcel.... any land tract with a legal description and owner

neighborhood ... a old word that isn't marketable anymore and means you live in 'da hood' and are waiting for rich people to buy your land for under value and push you out so they can gentrefy your neighborhood with mcmansions

Planned communty ... the fancy new way to describe high density living and the way of the future. Store fronts in a town center that feature residential condo's and townhouse on top, no higher than 5 stories. as the 'communty' speads out from there it goes from multi family units and parks to single family units. Very small yards, but bigger parks, usually 3 to 6 house styles to chose from. Big ass houses and lots, are part of this, but usually a gated part of the community. should have at least on common community center or gathering place indoors.

See more than any of you wanted to know ...


Ol'Drippy said:
Most of it is gone now.. no more cock and balls to greet the visiting grandparents
Nothing says "Welcome to Autumn Ridge" like a big twig and berries.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2004
Pittsburgh, PA
i guess back home we called subdivisions a "plan"

"They are putting in a plan of homes on the old smith farm."

The word subdivision is oxymoronical to me.

how does one subdivide a parcel of land? Isnt it still the same parcel of land, except now it has stuff built on it? or does it refere to individual lots being for sale? I dont know it seems unnecessary word to me.


The parcel is the legal owners land. It consists of tracts, or legal described chunks. Could be .1 ac or 1000 ac. Basically when you subdivide you sell or lease parts of the original parcel. Land developers start by buying up land tracts or other parcels. Then have the area resurveyed to legally changed to there ownership under a parcel, or multiple parcels. Generally subdivisions are done in phases and have a parcel described for each phase. A phase is done for investers. No one will fund a subdivisions construction 100% because of potential money loss. But a phase will be funded for design/construction on speculation.

A subdivision can consist of one lot or a bunch, depending on design, zoning, legal requirements. A lot in a subdivision is legal area that someone can buy from the parcel owner, ie the land developer. The land developer either owns it or has investors that own parts of it.


Ol'Drippy said:
Nice work vandals, you've succeeded in wasting others time and money.. f'n useless people.

awww...come on robert!! i bet you were into some form of vandalism growing up....:p

personally, we loaded up lawn furniture, ornamentals and the like at one house and switched them out with a neighbor a few houses down! we were very detailed about it and it sometimes took many hrs of hard work....:bigok:

who says deviance cant be rewarding?
