Need D90 Caliper pad retaining pins


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2019
Mount Shasta, CA
I just installed new D90 calipers, rotors and pads on the front of my D1. Unfortunately - I have just realized that the retainer pins for the brake pads do not cross over from the D1 calipers to the D90 calipers and the brake pads did not come with new pins. Anyone solve this? Going to NAPA tomorrow and see of there is a generic version - they just need to be another 1/4 to 1/2 inch to get the cotter pin in. Mine don't even show the hole - too short.

I found this on the lucky 8 site:

Which says the pins are the same for both vehicles. Anyone who has made this conversion please chime in - maybe my calipers are not standard?
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2020
Erie, CO
It seems STC8575 is what you need.

Brake Caliper - Front RH - Vented Disks
Ref: SEB500460 / Price $114.00
Application: To convert Disco I to vented rotors - For Vented Discs - Superceded from STC1266 - Repair use STC1280 or AEU2539. Pad Retention use STC8575 - Use pads SFP000260

Brake Pad Fitting Kit
Ref: STC8575 / Price $5.95
Application: Discovery front brakes with vented discs from approximately 1995. Where pads are retained by solid pins through holes in pads.
Description: Fitting kit of 4 Pins, 4 springs and 4 small split pins.
Buy Now
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