Read the damn instructions!!!



So, after a couple of spoiled brats complained about wanting some new office equipment, because the East-coast folks got an upgrade, my department ordered new chairs. Not just "chairs", but $750-a-piece "state-of-the-art" :rolleyes: therapeutic-will-bend-any-way-you-want ;) chairs! It has more levers and buttons and knobs than the new LR3 - I'm still looking for a "massage" button. I think after the exchange, delivery, etc. we were about $400,000.00 shorter in our budget :eek: . Basically, almost half a million bucks later, everyone is running around talking about nothing but the damn chairs for a week... (now there's an exciting subject!!!).

Anyways, today we get an e-mail from the big boss... I still can't stop laughing:

Team, please ensure you and your teams have all read the directions on how to adjust/use the new chairs. We?ve already broken quite a few due to not being familiar with how to adjust all the wonderful settings and one person had to visit emergency room after falling off a chair. Please sweep your aisle and if you see the instruction tag still hanging from the chair, that means the directions probably haven?t been reviewed, etc.

ROFLMAO :D I had to share!


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Man, where do you work? I thought that kind of stunt went out with the internet bubble. You can get those chairs online for a lot less than that these days, although maybe not in the quantity it sounds like your company purchased ... I thought about getting one for myself but my interior/industrial designer sister told me that although they were nice, they weren't worth the $$ when compared to other options.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2004
North Carolina, Raleigh
Herman Miller Aeron I am sitting in one right now, i like it, you can sit here in front of D-web all day with legs kicked up on desk and not get swamp ass that mesh shit is nice

it took me a while but the round on the bottom right that turns affects how hard or not hard it is to "recline" you have to turn it a lot to notice its affects


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Team, please ensure you and your teams have all read the directions on how to adjust/use the new chairs. We?ve already broken quite a few due to not being familiar with how to adjust all the wonderful settings and one person had to visit emergency room after falling off a chair. Please sweep your aisle and if you see the instruction tag still hanging from the chair, that means the directions probably haven?t been reviewed, etc.

You don't happen to work at Idiots 'R Us, do you?


Well-known member
May 7, 2004
Midland, MI
Nice, but being self employed it would be hard to justify $750 on a chair. Be much easier to justify $750 on disco stuff though.


bcroz, that's what I used to say but after having serious neck problems ending up in two of my vertebrae being surgically fused together, I've come to appreciate the worth of a good chair. If you spend > 1/3 of your life in it, it's worth spending some money on. Like I said above, I don't have an Aeron, but I do have a good chair.


Well-known member
May 7, 2004
Midland, MI
96, agree 100%. The chair I have is a good one, but for $750, I'd want over stuffed ,made of leather and a foot stool.


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2004
Sunnyvale, CA
Living here in the Silicon Valley AKA ground zero of the Internet boom/bust... you can go to any local office supply store and get those things DIRT cheap... i used to work at Webvan where we unloaded over 2,000 of those damn things

THATS RIGHT OVER 2,000 of them!!!! DO THE MATH :eek:

Areon chairs were the Poster child / product of the internet bust....

in any event... there is a glut of them on the used office furniture market here.... i've seen them for as little as $250


Wow, webvan, eh? You guys had a great service, and I was sorry to see the company go under. I thought the name of the company you merged with (Net Grocer?) was better than webvan, and always wondered why you didn't stick with the other name, but in the end it didn't really matter I guess.

Hey, you're in Sunnyvale, eh? I'm up in the Bay Area until the end of November and would love to get some off-roading in if you feel like inviting me ... maybe even this weekend?! :-D

- Andrew.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2004
Golden Colorado
Here is how I got my fancy new chair?

Waited until half of the building was laid-off and went cubical shopping ;)

indoor mini golf and frisbee golf are the next project :cool:


Those are a hot item for the Gov't when you have to bang away that last little bit of budget so they don't take it away at the end of the year. It used to be LCD monitors, but now everyone has those- and realizes that they suck compared to a GOOD CRT.