Reset adaptive values

Jun 25, 2018
Ah, gotcha. That makes total sense, and I really appreciate the explanation. I went ahead and bought the ScanTool since the GEMSFixer already works with that tool. Should be here in a few days. Thanks again for your help with this!


Jun 25, 2018
Cable came in, and the tool worked like a charm, thanks Robert!

Do you take contributions? PayPal or Venmo? Let me know the deets through PM. Cheers!



Well-known member
May 29, 2006
Pasadena, CA

Thanks for taking the time to figure this out. It's a great resource to the community.

Back when you first released it I wasn't able to get the windows version to work on my PC, but it worked fine with the OBDLink LX on my wife's macbook. That was good as I had done a bunch of work and needed to reset the adaptives and get the truck smogged. Worked like a charm.

Earlier in the year I saw that you had written and android port and tried it out when you first put it on the play store. The program would load but would crash after connecting. Tried a few times and then sort of forgot about it. Last night I finally got my truck running after the head gasket let go a few months ago. Figured it could do with a re-set and tried running the app again. The first couple of times I would get the crash when trying to connect so I went ahead and tried again. Finally connected and was able to read the data from the ECU. Now when I select adaptive values reset and then apply changes the app quits. Tried again and after the same cycle of no go, no go, and success it read the info, the values were different from the previous ones so I assume it reset. For good measure I tried again and selected adaptive values reset then apply changes the app still crashes.

I reported the error so hopefully you got the error log. Not sure if it's of any use but I'm using the OBDLink LX BT adapter with a Google Pixel XL running Android Pie with the latest security release/update.


Jun 23, 2017
I noticed the same crash, and of course today my truck started doing the 2krpm idle again and needs a reset :)


I tried all the downloads here, GEMS11 works, the others gave me missing DLL errors, or "access denied" when trying to connect to the comm port.

The android worked as well, but only on an older version of android OS, so not sure what changed there.
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New member
May 13, 2012
Vancouver BC
Read through this whole thread and still struggling to get this to work and would love to if anyone has ideas. Tried Android app and my generic Bluetooth adaptor that works with other ELM apps no issue - just sat on 'connecting to ECU'. Tried OBLink SX - version 1.1 gives me a "COM STATE ERRORConnected to: com 5" message. Version 1 just sits with a single dot and does nothing. Version 2 and 2.1 give me an error of missing files. I located them on the internet and now it gives me another error about a command that could not be executed. This was all running Windows 10.

Setup an XP virtual machine, got device driver installed for XP and it seems to be working. But when I try and execute either of the 1.0 or 1.1 I get a not a valid windows 32 bit application error from XP. Tried 2.0 and 2.1 and got the same error as in Windows 10.

Any ideas to point me in the right direction?

I can try and track down a physical XP machine if that works better … but doesn't seem like a hardware issue on my end (at least the OBDLINK software works flawlessly).


New member
May 13, 2012
Vancouver BC
For anyone reading this in the future, I figured it out after 2 days of trial and error, setting up virtual machines, finding old versions of obdwiz, trying to get window xp updates and much more than I can recall....

In the end of the day, got robertf's version 1.0 to work on Windows 10 (ignoring steps that proved not to help)

1) installed Obdwiz and got it fully functional as per instructions

2) Downloaded v1.0 of GEMS from Robertf

3) KEY - Went on OBDLink website and got latest FIRMWARE for OBDLink SX - I had been worried about drivers and tried many current and old versions of the drivers to see if a new driver was causing the issue but it turns out whatever firmware I had on there when purchased from Amazon wasn't playing well. After downloading the latest firmware s-x-4.5.1 I tried running and it kept telling me to unplug and replug and try again. Eventually, figured out changing from the default to baud rate of 115200 and it worked like a charm. Note that firmware upgrade needs to run as administrator.

4) Opened command prompt, navigated to directory and "gems com5 reset" - worked

I had my OBD2 scanner on immediately before this and LT fuel trim was 13 and instantly went to 0 after this.

Now my short-term fuel trim is quite high (as high as 20) so obviously have some type of a fuel management issue to deal with but that is fine.

Reading at other people talking about using this app, I have a feeling many do this, get idle running well (at the expense of a properly adapted engine) and then overtime as adaptation happens it causes idle issues again to compensate. But now I can actually reset, adjust, monitor and do clean diagnostics.

Very happy. Thanks robertf.
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New member
Jun 3, 2012
Atlanta, GA
Probably should.

I really want to make a ios version too

Hi Robert,

Amazing work, and thank you for helping all of of us with the GEMS fixer.

Just wondering if an iOS version ever got developed? I have tried all the other solutions, and unfortunately have not had luck getting them to work on PC, and don't have access to an Android Device.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2006
No. Havent had time

android tablets are pretty cheap. I think I paid around $50 for mine


New member
May 17, 2020
Stockholm, Sweden
Hi all,

This is actually my first post on this forum, and I thought I’d use it to give a huge thanks to robertf, and to pay some info back to the community.

Disclaimer: I’m not a computer wiz, I’m just moderately clever. There are probably much easier ways to arrive at the solution I found, but if someone should happen to end up here after googling the same issues that I’ve had I’m hoping this will have a chance of helping. However, fiddling with the firmware of your OBD interface is all at your own risk, as is talking to your ECU’s...

So short background: I’ve got a Range Rover P38 with a GEMS 4.6L V8, and it’s been causing me all kinds of problems. Two years ago the TPS gave in and I half decided to brutally scrap the thing, but it ended up sitting in a driveway. A few months ago I stumbled upon a cheap, good TPS and started fixing stuff up again. One top end refresh later I thought I had a pretty solid engine, but the idle was waaaay off toward the high end. This is where the googling started.

I found this thread and rejoiced. Ordered an OBDLink SX off eBay (I wanted to go with USB, since I need that for other cars), and after the expected Corona-related delay it arrived in the mail. A technical bit that I didn’t see in the thread up until now: The OBDLink-adapters are built around the STN1110 chip (correct me if I’m wrong here!), which is basically a newer, better version of the old ELM327 chip. This is why it is actually reliable unlike most cheap clones that tend to run bad or worse copies of the ELM327 firmware… Finding an authentic adapter can be tricky which is why I decided not to risk it with any of the cheap ones.

Since it wasn’t a bluetooth one I had to go with the Windows or Mac binary that robertf had posted. I found an old Windows laptop but no dice: still waiting for a confirmation email from Qt to download and install Qt5 to get the needed files etc…

Since I’m more used to MacOS I decided to go with that.

A few things that made it work for me:
  • The file permissions need to be changed to make it executable after downloading it from the internet, so in my case I had to…
    • Fire up the terminal and navigate to the folder where the file was located (”cd path/to/file”)
    • Modify the permissions by running ”sudo chmod 755 [filename]” <— this could possibly vary depending on OS version or whatever. If you run into problems, google ”macOS making file executable” or something.
    • Find the name of the USB interface in ”/dev” (”cd /dev”, ”ls” <— note that’s lowercase L and lowercase S). In my case /dev/cu.usbserial-113011022232 <— note that I had to use the ”cu.*” instead of ”tty.*” interface, no idea why but that’s what worked.
But since the command to reset (”./GEMS /dev/[name of USB interface] reset”) didn’t work I had a bit of a think and decided I had to change the baud rate of the USB-serial connection.

Robertf mentioned setting up serial test using a terminal app and using 38400 as the baud rate, so I figured maybe the program was written assuming the baud rate of the USB connection would be 38400 instead of the 115200 that my thingy was using.

To do that I had to find a terminal program (in my case I used the ”serial monitor” function of the Arduino IDE since that’s what was easiest to start up) and connect to the OBDLink SX.

A simple manual on how to change the baud rate:
  • Test the connection by sending the command ”AT” or ”ATI”. You should get something like ELM327 1.3a back.
  • Switch the device to 38400 bps by issuing the ”STSBR 38400” command. The output in the terminal should become garbled.
  • Switch the terminal emulator to 38400 to re-establish communication (don’t disconnect the cable from the computer at this point, it will reset the baud rate)
  • Issue the ”STWBR” command, to set the current baud rate as the default. The interface should now be communicating at 38400 bps.
At this point, you should be able to navigate to the folder where the executable is located and issue the reset command as per instructions above.

If you want to read up on the AT and ST commands here’s a good pdf:

When I’d figured all this out the program worked like a fantastic little charm. Ran it, power cycled the Range Rover and fired it up – it has never idled smoother.
Jun 25, 2018
Zip file link expired. Reuploaded in case anyone needed it.

Hey, I got it working by locating these files:


They are zipped up here:

I got them from downloading QT for Windows, version 5.80

Unfortunately I was unsuccessful in communicating with the ECU

I was able to communicate using a different program, so the connection is good at least.

I'm using an ELM327 bluetooth dongle:

Thanks Robert!


New member
Oct 25, 2020
Bonny Doon, CA

Thank you nfor a great app. I have litteraly going crazy trying to get my '96 Disco SMOGed. Throw in a Clifornia wildfire to burn down my house. It has been a fun few months.

The Disco had been dormant for a couple of years, then I started to revive it. I just couldn't get it to open the Evap and Cat monitorrs. Then we had to evacuate and the rover was the only vehicle that would hold our stuff. While evacuated the house (and my shop and RAVE disc went. People kept telling me to drive it more. I put at least 1000 miles on it trying to get the monitors to clear. I got a ticket for having the truck unregistered. My nephew who has a local shop volunteered some time with his diagnostics (He's a Toyota guy). Tha.t pointed to a fuel trim problem, but what to do. Searching the internet I finally came across this thread in a different forum. I have read the entire thread several times. With nothing left to loose I downloadteed your great Android app. It worked the first time reseting the Adaptives. Sailed through smog and registration ang got the ticket fixed.

You and the others working on this are gods among Rover people! Thank you for your time and devotion to this project.

Now if you could just add a button to turn off the SRS light.:):):)

Reed Cotton
Grateful '96 Disco Owner

PS - If you have PayPal, I would love to make a donation.


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2011
No. Havent had time

android tablets are pretty cheap. I think I paid around $50 for mine
I have a windows notebook I can use. I also don’t mind buying an android tablet. For resetting adaptive values and pairing the 10AS to the ECU, is one better than the other.

Thanks for making this available!
Jan 20, 2022
Atlanta, GA
Hey All, I'm a new (to me) LR owner and new to the forums. Just wanted to add my experience with Robert's GEMS app to the thread in case anyone wanted an idea of how it's working in 2022.

I just got a '96 Discovery I GEMS 4.0 V8 from my father-in-law, and the first issue I noticed was a high idle upon startup (approx. 2k-2500rpm). The idle was this high only in Park or Neutral, but upon shifting to Drive or Reverse it immediately went down to 700-800 and was very reliably changing up and down when I shifted between P and D. I suspected an idle air control valve issue, so I took it out, tried to clean it, but ultimately replaced it with THIS ONE (it's a Mopar part for a Jeep Cherokee, but it fit just fine, although I had to remove the included o-ring and cut a new gasket for it). I also poked around and buttoned up a few vacuum leaks that I found (fuel pressure reg to plenum and loose fitting between MAF and air box), but the high idle in P and N still persisted. I found this thread and ultimately tried Robert's GEMS app with the cheapo Micro Mechanic OBD dongle I already had, but I couldn't get it to connect to the rover's ecu. After some chatting with Robert, I tried ordering a new, compatible OBD reader from Amazon (Linked Here) which was only 14 bucks. I plugged it in, fired up the app on my phone, and it connected right away. I did an adaptive values reset, and like magic the rover cranked right up and idled at 690-700 rpm, steadily. I just did this today, so time will tell if the idle creeps up and I have a more serious issue that needs addressing.

I'm using a Google Pixel 4a with the newest Android 12, so there are no apparent compatibility problems with the new Android update.

Big thanks to Robert for all the time and know-how he put into the app, and saving a lot of us an expensive trip to the shop for a few bits of code.
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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2011
In case the ebay link stops working, here is a screenshot of the idle air control valve posted about above.