


Sounds like Jack hit a raw nerve with you and now you're going after EE in a roundabout way to get back at Jack, how childish is that?

Are you expecting EE to excommunicate Jack from being their friend just to get back at Him?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
red bluff, CA
john said:
Forget offline. Stuff like this should be public.

Ask anybody who was at Cottonwood on Saturday and he'll tell you the details.

Apparently, the morons even took pics of the drinking and posted them on the web:

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g...s 7 Death Valley/RR7CottonwoodSaturday030.jpg

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g...s 7 Death Valley/RR7CottonwoodSaturday031.jpg

And no, the drinking was not limited to lunch. (Not that drinking during lunch is acceptable behavior.) And no, the drinking was not limited to beers either. There were tequila shots being passed around. These shit-kicker dumb fucks don't even have an Engel. Oh the horror.

We were on Cottonwood Sat. Read K. was the trail leader. We didn't see trail drinking, but at lunch by that group. What bothered us was the loud music played at the end of the trail. We wanted the serenity and quiet of nature, these people ruined it for us .
They were on Manly Pass last yr. and were as obnoxious.


Well-known member
nwoods said:
I do not claim, nor have I ever claimed to own the RR event. In fact, I clearly delineated in this thread the scope of my duties, which frankly, exceeded what I was willing or wanting to do before it all started. It was a unwanton burden I do not care to repeat.

No, you have not explicitly claimed to own Rover Rendezvous. But your actions speak louder than your words. Even though this is your first Rover Rendezvous, you act as if you own the event. You make judgments on others' actions. Not just Jack's, but on Ho's and mine.

So, you do not care to repeat your duties next year. I'm going to hold you to that. Good riddance.

nwoods said:
EE's long time support is valued and appreciated, not just by the clubs hosting the event, but by the individual participants, myself included. I was totally hoping to win that PowerTank! That was an awesome donation!

I'm not quite sure which is the more annoying--your wannabe High Road demeanor (when we know that you are Mr. Low Road) or your politician speak. You write paragraph upon paragraph but but say so little. It's annoying as hell. And I'm not the only one who can't stand it. Whether you realize it or not, you are the talk of SCLR.

Forget the Power Tank. You claim on the one hand to appreciate our participation in the Rover Rendezvous and then immediately claim that Ho and I willfully violate the rules and spirit of Rover Rendezvous. Which is it? Your vernacular is an exercise in obfuscation. Again, it's annoying as hell.

nwoods said:
As you may also recall, I processed yours and Ho's registrations, and called you to thank you. You needn't worry about my not recognizing your proper and well handled entry. In fact, both of your entries were of the very few entries that didn't need revisions along the way, and so for that fact alone, I thank you! Because this has become a very public debate, I should correct you on your comment “Ho and I both registered and paid…” as it is not completely accurate. As sponsors, you were both comp’d. Again, your sponsorship is valued and welcomed. Comp’ing your entry is one of small ways that we have of showing our appreciation.

Forget the correctness of our registrations. That's more obfuscation and politician talk from you. These false compliments are just more bullshit.

The point is that Ho and I both registered. And yes, we did pay. The vendors were comped later on. Ho and I both were willing to do the online registration and give our credit card information before we knew that the vendors were going to be comped this year. Bill Goodman had told me that the vendors would not be comped this year when he called to solicit our raffle entry. But we registered and paid anyway. Only later on did we realize we would be comped. Get your story straight before you go writing about comping.

And if you want to talk about comping, the minimum raffle entry was $200. We could donate something that costs $200 and get comped. But we didn't. We donated a $500 Package B. If we did what the other vendors do, we could have donated a pile of tee shirts and EE mugs and other stuff to add up to the $200. But we didn't. We donated a real prize. So don't talk to me about comping.

Also, get your story straight about the raffle tickets. Your story is that nobody received free raffle tickets. That is patently untrue. I personally know several people who received free raffle tickets. Some received five. Some received three. But the number is unimportant. The fact is that some people received free raffle tickets. Again, the number is unimportant. I offer the free raffle tickets only to impeach you when you claimed that nobody received free raffle tickets. That is patently untrue. Again, get your story straight before you go mouthing off.

nwoods said:
As for hating Jack, no. Those are your words, not mine (well, yours and Ho's). What I said was, "I have always been impressed with Jack’s apparent skill and abilities, as well as his visible embodiment of the ideals EE holds dear: Namely, embracing premium equipment being used properly, with purity and a passion for doing things to the highest standard of care. The person in the photos is inspiring. The self reliance, competence, preparedness, and passion for the best is inspiring. I have a great respect for that." I don't hear too much hatred in a statement like that. It is a candid and honest statement.

Bullshit. You can quote all you like from your interpretation of Jack's positives. That is not to say you do not hate Jack. No, you did not use the actual word "hate". You are too much of a politician for that. But again, your actions speak louder than your words.

Clearly, you have grown up in a household where everyone bullshitted one another. I can tell that it's second nature for you. It's patently apparent. The bullshit spews from your mouth as easily as your exhaled breath.

nwoods said:
As for my opinion on Jack's unsuitability for membership in SCLR, Yes. I hold that point of view. There is overwhelming evidence on this forum of his intolerance of others. Membership in a small group requires tolerance, the extension of respect, and a desire to get along. These are qualities that in my opinion, based on the evidence in these public forums, and certainly in my own personal online experience, that Jack is lacking.

And you alone get to make that call, right? As I stated previously, you are merely an SCLR member. Just as you do not own Rover Rendezvous, you do not own SCLR. SCLR is a club. There are many people in SCLR whom I can't stand either, but I am not calling for their ejection from the club. That's not my call. But you are so self-righteous that you feel as if you alone can rightfully make that call.

And let's look at why you think Jack is unsuitable for SCLR membership. Why do you hate him? Because he exposed you for the fourwheeling rookie that you are. Jack exposed you as the person with lots of book knowledge but zero understanding. You didn't even know the difference between a gas engine and diesel engine. All the stuff on the LR3 that makes it such a capable trail vehicle, your Imperial Stormtrooper LR3 lacks. You claim to know a lot about the LR3, but apparently you missed buying what makes the LR3 such a great trail truck. And yet you were telling Les that he didn't know as much as you did about the LR3. And no, please don't come back with more obfuscation that you do in fact know more about the LR3 than Les does. You don't. The difference between a gas engine and a diesel engine is foundational. If you don't know that, your knowing about the minutiae about LR3's stability control systems or 27 different onboard computers is meaningless.

You're trying to take the High Road and claim that Jack is intolerant of others and thus unsuited for SCLR membership. Come on. Get real. This is just more bullshit from you. Let's get to the real reason why you don't want Jack in SCLR. Because he exposed you. And you hate him for it. It really is that simple, your attempts at obfuscation to the contrary. It's too patently obvious for you to deny. To claim otherwise is quite pathetic and completely untenable.

nwoods said:
Quite frankly, I don't see it as a problem, because Jack himself has stated that he has no intention or desire to join the club, so this conversation is rather academic and unnecessary.

Oh, so Jack's joining SCLR is purely a hypothetical exercise. Then why on earth did YOU bring it up in the first place? Whw did you walk over to Ho at the Race Track and say, "Jack will never be a member of SCLR so long as I'm a member"?

You think you're such a clever person. Now that you've lost, you claim that the discussion is academic and unnecessary. I will say it again so that it will penetrate your thin skin and your thick skull: you are the one who brought it up in the first place. You cannot now declare the discussion an exercise in futility now that you are shown wrong.

nwoods said:
But I will tell you, that as part of the leadership of SCLR, there is a duty of stewardship imparted upon us that requires us to make decisions of this nature. As a businessman, I think you understand this responsibility. It is no surprise that EE is extremely selective on what they will sell. Your products reflect your company, just as our members reflect on our club.

Again, that is not your call to make. If you want to petition the other officers, they as a group can make that call. But you alone cannot. It doesn't work that way.

And why do you keep bringing EE into this?

nwoods said:
As for your demand for a retraction. I am unable to satisfy your demand.

It's a miracle. We have a clear statement from Nathan Woods.

If you're not going to retract your statement, that's your call.

nwoods said:
I made a statement in private to your business associate. It was his choice, not mine, to make it public. I am entitled to direct any comment to you I may wish, in private.

OK, let's get this straight. There is more than one moderator of DiscoWeb. Ho is not the only moderator. Your message went to all of the moderators of DiscoWeb. What is so hard to understand about that? Yet you're such a rookie that you think Ho is the only moderator of DiscoWeb. Unreal.

nwoods said:
It is not defamation, libel or slander when done in that fashion.

Oh, so you're an attorney now? You know the differences between defamation, libel, and slander? You know nothing.

Libel and slander are both forms of defamation. Libel is written defamation. Slander is verbal defamation. Do you understand that? Of course you don't. If you did, you would not even have mentioned slander, because it doesn't apply in this situation.

Do you know what "publication" is in the defamation sense? If I were to write a private note to Ho that "Nathan Woods is a child molester" and the truth is that you're not a child molester, than I am liable for libel. It matters no that my note to Ho was private and not public. Your "private" distinction is wholly incorrect. The note itself is publication. Your writing what you did to the moderators of DiscoWeb, even though not public on the boards, is publication.

Stay quiet on things you know nothing about. I realize that's difficult for you because you're a know-it-all, but please try.

nwoods said:
Your business associate, as this forums moderator, may edit the content of his post, but I cannot. If we are unable or unwilling to edit the posting of my private message, then I will expand on my comment and clarify it, and perhaps that will help.

Again, more obfuscation. I'm not asking you edit the boards. I'm demanding a retraction. You are more than capable of writing "I retract my statement about EE" and hitting the "Submit Reply" button.

You can't be that stupid, can you? You have to realize that all you have to write is "I retract my statement about EE". It really is that simple, but you go on and on about editing the boards and how you are incapable of editing the boards. More obfuscation.

nwoods said:
Before I do that though, your demand for a retraction seems to solidify the relationship that JSQ represents Expedition Exchange, does it not? I don't know. I am unclear on that issue, but it's worth thinking about. Perhaps you can explain that better to me, or all of us, now that this discussion is in the public domain.

So my demand for a retraction solidifies the fact that Jack represents EE? Again, you cannot be that stupid. Or can you? I will lay it out for you in case you really are that stupid.

To clarify, Jack does not represent EE. EE is composed of two people--Ho Chung and John Lee. Nobody else represents EE, for the simple reason that nobody else is EE. It's just Ho and I, and nobody else. Not Jack. Not you. Nobody else.

Jack shows up to Rover Rendezvous without registering or paying, and somehow you bring EE into it? You claim that EE willfully violates the rules and spirit of Rover Rendezvous because Jack shows up to Rover Rendezvous without paying. I respond that Jack does not represent EE. Jack is his own man. He can do whatever he wants. If you have a beef with what Jack does, take it up with Jack. EE neither condones or recommends such behavior. In fact, EE encourages people to join SCLR and register for Rover Rendezvous.

How much clearer can I make it? Are you really so stupid that you cannot see this? Or is your position so untenable and you have nothing else to go on except more obfuscation and politician talk?

nwoods said:
By EE clique, I am referring to the usual group of people regularly portrayed in your online galleries, participants of the coveted Iron Chef events, etc… Jack, by your own admission, is an undeniable member of that clique. As I stated in my private message, these people showcased on your site, are demonstratably competent, respectable individuals that project what I perceive as Expedition Exchanges core values. In fact, those core values (how EE was created) was described to me some time ago by Ho, so it’s more than a perception, it’s a statement.

By my own admission, Jack is a member of the "EE Clique"? I defy you to find where I admitted such a thing. I cannot admit such a thing because there is no "EE Clique". Those are your lame ass words, not mine. The pathetic word "clique" is not even in my vernacular. I cringe every time I hear that word.

Again, I will repeat it, because it appears you need to be repeated to. Jack does not represent EE. Jack is not an owner of EE. Jack is not an employee of EE. Jack is his own man. EE is owned and represented only by Ho and me. Nobody else. What Jack does is his own business. If you find fault with Jack's actions, take it up with Jack. Don't drag EE into this.

nwoods said:
My question to Ho was, how does Jack’s publicly admitted behavior in keeping with those core values?

I will say it again to try to get it into your thick skull. Ho is not the only moderator of DiscoWeb. Your message went to the DiscoWeb moderators. Can you understand that? Is this registering with you? Like greater than one? Perhaps you have heard of the number two?

nwoods said:
It was a caution to Ho, and now to you, that I relate JSQ to EE and vice versa. Your comments above seem to solidify that relationship. If his actions are proudly stated in this forum as knowingly in conflict with the stated policies of Rover Rendezvous, what does that imply about EE, which seems to be condoning his behavior by allowing him to join your group on the trail runs?

How do my comments solidify the relationship between Jack and EE? I said in my previous post not to bring EE into your war with Jack. I also said that EE has supported Rover Rendezvous from the very beginning. We have donated raffle prizes. We have encouraged other people to join SCLR and to register for Rover Rendezvous. I said that EE neither encouraged nor condoned Jack's non-registration for Rover Rendezvous. How do these statements "seem to solidify" the relationship between Jack and EE?

Yet again, you can't be that stupid. Nobody is. You are reading what you want to read, just as stupid people hear what they want to hear.

So Ho and I wheeled with Jack at Rover Rendezvous. Big deal. Remember, Death Valley is public land. There is no requirement for registration in Rover Rendezvous to enjoy Death Valley from April 20-22, 2007. Jack has as much right to use and enjoy Death Valley as you do. You may disagree, because you seem to think that you own Death Valley for that weekend. But you are wrong. Jack has as much right to be there as you do. I'm not going to refuse to wheel with Jack that weekend on a non-event trail run because he didn't register for Rover Rendezvous.

Remember that Jack didn't fourwheel in one of the "official" Rover Rendezvous runs. He didn't take manpower away from other registered Rover Rendezvous participants. He wheeled on his own. He stayed to himself. You may not like that but you don't get to prohibit him from using Death Valley National Park that weekend.

Now, if you want to know my personal take on Jack's attendance at Rover Rendezvous without registering, I completely disagree with it. If Jack wants to use and enjoy Death Valley the very weekend of Rover Rendezvous, he should register for Rover Rendezvous. It's because of people like Jack that the National Rally has required nametags for participants to enjoy the trail groups and group activities officially put on by the Solihull Society. If there were no people like Jack, then these nametags would not even be necessary.

However, that is not to say that I will say that you, as a registered participant of Rover Rendezvous 2007, have a greater right to enjoy Death Valley than Jack does on the weekend of Rover Rendezvous. It's public land. He has every right to use and enjoy that land, just as you and I do. I'm not going to refuse hit the trail with Jack, on a non-official trail run, just because he didn't register for Rover Rendezvous.

Again, you don't own Death Valley. As obvious as that statement seems, I believe you need to sit down and think about that. It appears to me that you believe to the contrary.

nwoods said:
So no, I am not making an accusation that EE per se is violating any rules. But I am drawing a connection between EE condoning illegitimate actions of one of your associates. If you were to post here about how you told Jack to join a club, pay the registration, and then chastised him publicly for crashing the event, we would not be having this discussion. Instead, you have the temerity to demand an retraction from me!

There you go again with "Jack represents EE". He doesn't. He never did.

And yes, I have the "temerity" to demand a retraction from you regarding a false statement about EE. The statements you made were completely false and should be retracted. You said you refuse to retract your false statements. That's your call. Be prepared for the consequences.

nwoods said:
John, I appreciate both you and Ho, personally and professionally. I have been encouraged, counseled, and inspired by your values, experience and wisdom.

Well, you may appreciate EE and have been encouraged by EE and its values. But I cannot say the same of you. In my opinion, you are a chump. I have seen your type before and I doubt you will be the last.

You're just like Justin Dermody with the Disco2 and Steve Young with the Freelander, but you're the champion of the LR3. You try to be the Black Belt Grand Dragon authority on the LR3. You saw an "in" with the LR3, because basically it's a new model and basically nobody else who fourwheels cared about it. You saw your chance to be the authority on the LR3 and you certainly took it. You have little to no offroading experience, but that didn't stop you. I know there will be another chump championing the LR2 in the next few months.

I've seen your posts over the past few months and cracked up, but refrained from posting. I could have torn you to shreds too but didn't. Now I regret not having done so. You certainly deserved it. Jack tore you to shreds and exposed you for the rookie that you are and now you're so bitter you lash out at anyone you perceive is associated with Jack. That makes you a chump.

nwoods said:
But I do not understand your position on supporting JSQ and his spiteful, rude, childish antics on this forum.

If you weren't such a rookie, you would know that every board has its own personality and tenor. DiscoWeb is unlike many of the boards in that flame wars and calling people on their bullshit or ignorance is actually encouraged, not discouraged or prohibited. Again, if you weren't such a rookie you would know this. If you post some bullshit or something stupid on DiscoWeb, be prepared for the consequences. If you don't like the tenor of DiscoWeb, then why do you hang out here?

Of course you don't know all of this because you are so lost.

nwoods said:
Perhaps is it incorrect to consider JSQ as an associate of yours, but I have seen no evidence to the contrary, thus I have no reason to change my viewpoint.

So it is incorrect to consider Jack as a representative but EE but you have seen no evidence to the contrary so you are sticking to your story? Think about stupid this sounds. I'm serious. Think about it. Think about how your vernacular is chock full of obfuscation and bullshit. Think about how you write paragraph upon paragraph but you say nothing.

nwoods said:
Feel free to call me directly to discuss this further if you wish. You have my phone number, I am a satisfied customer of yours.

Why would I want to call you on this? You're the one who made this public. Let's keep it public. Don't you have any semblance of the rules?

So you won't retract your statement. That's your call. Just remember that when the dust settles, you're the one who threw the first salvo. I emphasize that point if only so that you don't try deny it later on with more obfuscation.
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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
John and Ho ( EE formally) where the ones who, in fact told me to join SCLR and attend RR7 saying I would have a great time. Which I did. John and Ho are without peer and way out of your league Nathan. (Jack is too for that matter) It was you I spoke with, and I did not trail with you. Your litany of lie's and waffling will catch up with you. We all heard it from a third party about the WD40. Someone from your group!
I paid for SCLR membership and RR7. Jon and Ho ALWAYS advocate the clubs and events. Jack is not thier "poster boy" as you so referred. He shares common interest's in Rover's, Hunting, amongst other things. After all isn't that what RR7 is suppose to advocate...Meeting new friends with similar interest's? Instead of this beaurocracy you pedistal yourself upon. Who made you all that? Again your way out of your league. Im a fairly new "wheeler" too.I NEVER claim to be the LR3 "Coil Springs" Messiah. Ho, John, and Jack (through EE good's) Helped me to make a D90 and LR3 that reflected what I wanted and at every step helped when they could. You didn't "Comp" anything to EE, They gave a $500 tank this year and I can only imagine the year's past. You have the ordacity to say you (SCLR)(RR7) "Comped" them the RR7 Reg? You should thank your lucky star's they even support such event's with thier charitable contributions. Your a piece of work Nathan! Makes me wonder if Jack is not the smart one by not supporting the "clubs". But even there your wrong. You know how many people Jack has recruited into "wheeling" and the Rover "Lifestyle"? Thus, helping with recruitment for your silly club? I can't believe your an "officer" of OUR club! Don't worry about EE and ALL the business thier going to loose because Nathan Wood's said so. Im sure they will be closing within weeks for having Jack as a friend.( or by your account's a "poster boy"??) By the way; John, Ho, I need to place yet another order!!(ha,ha) I smell impeachment!! But don't worry Nathan you can still "wheel", there's lot's of public land that is not owned by the ROVER RENDEVOUS...How about Death Valley?
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Well-known member
Nathan, you are so wrong on this EE issue. You think you know these people - you don't. If we (SCLR) loose EE as a sponsor because of your inappropriate accustations, who's the more "unsuitable member" now? Ask Jim how hard he's been working to get new sponsors - you don't care about that? In my five years with the club, EE has consistantly given more, not just in product, than any other sponsor. You need to retract your accusation about EE before it's too late (for the sake of the 125+ paid members that appreciate them).


Staff member
Apr 1, 2004
Quebec, Canada
john said:
OK, let's get this straight. There is more than one moderator of DiscoWeb. Ho is not the only moderator. Your message went to all of the moderators of DiscoWeb. What is so hard to understand about that?
That is a correct statement. The message reporting Jack's post was not a private message to Ho only. I can confirm that as an administrator, I received the same server generated email. When a post is reported, all admins (that would be Ho and myself) receive an identical email message.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2004
Badfysh said:
JSQ = you blow. people paid for the event not because they had to or for the 5 tickets or whatever. we paid to support our clubs and the laws and lands they want to uphold and support. man you are a serious fucktard. a guy who didnt pay shit, doesnt want to be a member, rags on fellow rover owners constantly, shows to an event he continually berates. shows up anyway, for some who cant stand so many people etc. THEN WHY GO THERE LAST WEEKEND. its always there, go anytime. faggot. I wish i knew your dumbass was there.

Jimjet = EXACTLY. a beer at lunch? give me a fucking break. loud music? homos!!!! you guys preach and complain yet you treat people so horribly. i remember the first time i bought a land rover. i drove to an event and people laughed at me. i didnt build that truck, i bought it that way. i wanted a land rover. high and mighty. i bet none of you ever go over 55 on the highway, you always come to complete stop, etc. etc. fucking whiners.

Jack was called a "scofflaw" by Nathan for not registering for RR7 yet you apparently think drinking and driving is just fine? I guess that shouldn't surprise me coming from someone who chooses to drive alone in the carpool lane and then argues with the cop who gives you a ticket.

Badfysh said:
hahaha - cottonwood? pleasant? you homos. we did defense mine and big four only because we were denied Isham due to the inability (locker) of our trucks. That makes no judgement on those who do those trails, some dont want to bash their trucks, some just want secenery. but you pussies that talk and talk, do the easy trails. hahah, we ran Big Four at night - bunch of girly boys, i am glad you kept it low pro because you didnt pay, didnt want to be a part, etc. fuck you, we didnt want you.

i drank on our run twice. thats right, i said it. we hit an obstacle with 10+ trucks that took well over an hour, after i made it over, you better believe i had a coldy while waiting for the rest. i was 4th in line, i helped stack and spot the first 3, the relievers helped me over and then i had a cold one whiule i waited, then others stepped in to help the remainder of the group. the second beer at lunch time with my sandwich.

The more you post, the more pathetic you appear, Joe.

It's obvious from your post you think Defense Mine and Big Four are somehow difficult trails.

Both those trails could be run with a completely stock D1 or RRC with street tires by a competent driver. I've led both those trails in the last 2 years in my RRC with open diffs and BW TC. Jack ran those trails with me on preruns prior to RR5 and RR6. Both trails are fun and Defense Mine has a beautiful view as well.

About driving at night. When Jack is leading a trail he has an obnoxious habit of wheeling at night. I recall running Thompson Hill on Dusy at midnight last September. I don't know what the elevation gain on Thompson is but it's a long slog. I'm guessing we probably ran ~1/2 of Dusy at night.

You also weren't there last month wheeling in Mexico on a 16 mile trail that was alot of fun. IMHO it was probably more difficult than either Big Four or Defense mine (not that that's saying anything). We ran it at night by the light of the full moon-no vehicle lights.

As much as I enjoy seeing old friends, interesting Land Rovers, and the wheeling at RR, you are right about one thing. I would much rather go to wheel in Death Valley with a few good friends than go to RR and put up with the behavior you try to justify and others like you.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2004
Damn gov't computers - I can't login/post while at work!!

Eric N. said:
John, I'm all for people getting called out for doing stupid stuff however, I'm sure pictures like that getting sent to the land managment office, rangers, or whom ever over sees that land wouldn't be a good thing for the rest of us.. Unless of course it had their licence plate number included with it.. At least they weren't pictures of them driving on the trail with a beer in one hand and the steering wheel in the other.

People should have said some thing to them right there on the spot..

Which is exactly why this should be a public discussion. I'm sure you can see how it may be difficult for a trail leader who has no real "enforcement" capability to police a group on his run. What would be helpful is for other members of the trail group to apply the tried and true method of peer pressure to discourage such behavior. That requires education of the general masses to the issue and the negative consequences. Just tell them to pick up a few UK editions of LRM or LRW from the last few years and ask them how they would feel if the NPS and/or BLM closed our trails.

I agree, we don't necessarily want the park management to see this behavior, but educating our fellow enthusiasts to the dangers and consequences of such actions may outweigh the possible negative repercussions of public exposure.

What can a trail leader and organizer do? First, make it plainly clear that drinking on the trail is not allowed (assuming that is the position of the organizers); I did not hear that from this event (I have from other events, other states) and I had an absolutely fantastic trail leader both days. Subsequently, if persons on the trail run then decide to ignore the wishes of the trail leader (assuming he gives a reasonable warning or two), the trail leader could make note of the offenders with the club then disallowing registration by the offenders the following year. Yes, I can hear the counter response that said offenders could simply pull a "Jack" and wheel the public land at the same time. Sure. It's not a perfect answer, but it might discourage some of the lewd behavior. And as Roverlady said, it's the excess which I'm referring to, not the simple one or two beers at lunch. One or two beers after each difficult (obviously a relative term in this thread) obstacle could add up and create a shitty scenario.
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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Salt Lake City, UT
GregH said:
As much as I enjoy seeing old friends, interesting Land Rovers, and the wheeling at RR, you are right about one thing. I would much rather go to wheel in Death Valley with a few good friends than go to RR and put up with the behavior you try to justify and others like you.

This nails it right on the head. Over the years I have seen that large wheeling groups getting together produce a lot of angst and spite. Good times are had by all, but in the end the large groups tend to tear themselves apart.

I guess the best part is that it also lends itself to making some of the best threads on Dweb. I am unclear as to whether this is worth the price, but it is what it is.

Oh, Nwoods, you are a fucking idiot and John just ripped you a bright red new one, Badfysh proved his idiocracy, and I am having a great time reading the malicious banter so keep it up;)


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2004
Down by the big rock
Again, I am learning new things while reading DWEB:

1) obfuscation

  • Bewilderment: confusion resulting from failure to understand
  • Mystification: the activity of obscuring people's understanding, leaving them baffled or bewildered..aka storytelling....
  • Darkening or obscuring the sight of something

2) Nathan Woods does not own Death Valley.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
The O.C.
scrover said:
If we (SCLR) loose EE as a sponsor because of your inappropriate accustations, who's the more "unsuitable member" now? Ask Jim how hard he's been working to get new sponsors - you don't care about that? In my five years with the club, EE has consistantly given more, not just in product, than any other sponsor.
I don't believe EE has been an SCLR sponsor for a couple years now. And a couple of "paid club sponsors" would argue "who's given more product" over the years. Just a clarification, not an attack.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Greg, I concur about trailing with friends over these beaurocratic, and nasty RR's. I hope SCLR does something about NWoods! Looking forward to trailing with Jack,Ho and John.


Well-known member
RoverDude said:
I don't believe EE has been an SCLR sponsor for a couple years now. And a couple of "paid club sponsors" would argue "who's given more product" over the years. Just a clarification, not an attack.

No attack taken! Yes, as an annual sponsor you're right. As a sponsor of RR I think EE are probably at the top of the list, and you can't count the guy who gave away Hannibal racks 'cause apparently he never paid for them :rofl:


GregH said:
Jack was called a "scofflaw" by Nathan for not registering for RR7 yet you apparently think drinking and driving is just fine? I guess that shouldn't surprise me coming from someone who chooses to drive alone in the carpool lane and then argues with the cop who gives you a ticket.

I didnt say drinking and driving is OK. READ please. Greg, please dont lump yourself with the people that continually berate people for the perceptions when they havent even read the post.

What I said was that at a break over an obstacle I had a beer while waiting for more than an hour. I also said I had a beer with my lunch. I hardly call that drinking and driving.

You clowns keep referring to hopefully what will win post of the year. YES, I drive in the carpool lane every day!!!!! ALONE!!! MY fucking tax dollars helped pay for that lane. Not to mention the law is written in a such a manner that allows (implies) that the lane is HOV only during certain times!!!! IN FACT the law is being challenged in many aspects. Not only driving alone in the HOV lane at certain times, but also LEGALLY being able to enter exit over the double yellow. CHECK THE LAWS on the 22 freeway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only argued with the stupid cop after he said I don't know what I'm talking about when in fact I know more than him.

The more you post, the more pathetic you appear, Joe.

The more you side with people that don't read the posts, then agree with them, when they don't even address the issue and then degrade others. Please, I have been treated poorly by many a Rover owner and high and mighty just doesn't suit you.

It's obvious from your post you think Defense Mine and Big Four are somehow difficult trails.

I didn't say Defense or big four were difficult. What I said was those guys shouldnt be talking shit about beginners, etc. We all started somewhere. In fact, as i mentioned before and got a sorry ass, when I first started wheeling, several SCLR members basically laughed at me. WOW, you support that? NEVER once in my life have I laughed at or ridiculed someone with less knowledge or less money. YOU SIR are an infectious disease if thats how treat people or you agree that is OK. I am the first to help, stack, pitch in, offer, ETC. BUT I AM SICK OF THESE accusations and tirades. FUCK YOU PEOPLE. We all were there to have a good time and meet new people, instead one of the first posts here was how poor some of the trucks were and then it continued with poor organization, etc. How about adding something that might help instead of bashing what people including yourself worked so hard to put together. You people have nothing better to do that cut others down. You are a disgrace to Rover owners and people in general if you feel thats OK.

I think next year you should list that in the trip sheet. "by the way, please be sure and check out D-web after returning from RR where will bash your truck, bash your knowledge, oh and by the way, we will bash our own friends that VOLUNTEERED to help put it together.

Both those trails could be run with a completely stock D1 or RRC with street tires by a competent driver. I've led both those trails in the last 2 years in my RRC with open diffs and BW TC. Jack ran those trails with me on preruns prior to RR5 and RR6. Both trails are fun and Defense Mine has a beautiful view as well.

Good for you. Once again, I didnt say they were diffuclt. I am just sick of watching Jack lay into people. Shall I go back and quote what he said? OK here is the first one . . .

Ahhh Rover Rendezvous...

what a circus.

Weather was beautiful and Death Valley is always enjoyable.
Lots of interesting trucks.

Even more terrible ones.

WHAT A NICE GUY!!!!! cant wait to have that asshole over for dinner so he can say nice house, not great but your sorry ass has to live somewhere!!!

WHAT A DICK. ok, now lets got to his second post,, did i mention i waSnt even in this thread yet when he started with this crap?

Originally Posted by JSQ
sorry ass motherfucker doesn't even know how to use a Safety Seal and in lieu of reading the directions, he advocated spraying the plug with WD40 instead of the supplied lube.

NICE. Nathan called me and even stated that for as much as Jack knows, experience, etc. and I cut him off saying but he treats people like SHIT. instead calling people sorry ass mother fucker after the fact on a board, why didnt he walk right up to him on site, we were all there, and say it to his face, and then take the tire kit and fix himself? sackless POS is why.

Bunch of bitches. And you guys keep saying I'm the idiot??? You bury yourselves. We all agree no club/business etc. is going under because one, two, even 10 people dont support it. But why runa business with that attitude. Well, fuck it, i can treat 20-30 a year like shit because my business is still going.

You call people names and treat them like crap then when they retaliate you say " look at this guy proving his idiocy"

We all see through that garbage. OH WAIT, i still hadnt posted yet when Jack wrote this about Marcus . . . .

Originally Posted by Roverlady
Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. I'm still drooling over the RRS and your P38!

Holy Shit Susannah!
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

etcatmeat's P38 is fucking hideous.
When we saw his truck in person at RR7 everyone around agreed unanomously that it is THE WORST P38 we have seen to date.
What a fucking monstrosity.
I don't know quite what's worst about it.
Is it the swiss cheese skidplate?
Is it the blacked out idiotic turn signals and tail lights?
Is it the el cheapo tires on badass-black-jeeped-out-offset-steelies?
Is it the better-on-a-big-rig CB antenna?
Is it the bright red diaper his truck is wearing for a diffguard?
No, it's none of those.
Hands down it's the motorized swiveling spotlight on the roof.
Fucking ridiculous.
This terror of the high school parking lot wheeling scene actually rotated the spotlight jewel in his King Moron crown back and forth for us as he drove past our group at the Racetrack. Nevermind that it was about high noon with the Death Valley sun beating down.

This pathetic little neophyte has already been annoying the shit out of everyone here on discoweb.
Let me tell you, seeing his sorry ass in his poseurmobile in person is no less grating.

Oh btw, etcatmeat how's that bad-to-the bone mkIII build up coming along? Is it every bit as horrible as your P38?

COCKSUCKER. nice way to talk about other people when all they want to do is have fun and wheel. AGAIN, why didn't you walk right up to him and say that?

By the way, you FUCK jack, you DID join SCLR you little bitch. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK PUT ON THAT EVENT IN THE DESERT YOU SEEM TO DESPISE SO MUCH? why go there? you joined several SCLr members when you wheeled withthem, camped with them, partied with them, whatever. if you didnt want to be a part of it, as far as i know, death valley is open all year. wehy did you have to came last weekend????

SCLR, LRCLV, etc put on that event yet you seem to want to bash clubs and events....go fucking wheel somewhere else dont go to those events.

GREG, i cant believe you are siding with that garbage, did I mention that I am quoting and still hadnt posted yet.

So yeah, by the time i read all the shit these people laid on actually nice people, yeah they deserve what they get.

GREG, please read the thread again and see who started what and when before you call me an idiot. I agree, i type shitty, and in my disgust over their behavior and words, let it out in a poor manner, but lets not forget who started and what they said.

About driving at night. When Jack is leading a trail he has an obnoxious habit of wheeling at night. I recall running Thompson Hill on Dusy at midnight last September. I don't know what the elevation gain on Thompson is but it's a long slog. I'm guessing we probably ran ~1/2 of Dusy at night.

Good for you. I never said running it at night made me any better or worse.

You also weren't there last month wheeling in Mexico on a 16 mile trail that was alot of fun. IMHO it was probably more difficult than either Big Four or Defense mine (not that that's saying anything). We ran it at night by the light of the full moon-no vehicle lights.

We all have done things diffuclt, etc. i never professed to be any better or worse than anyone here. I just get sick of those clowns putting others down.

As much as I enjoy seeing old friends, interesting Land Rovers, and the wheeling at RR, you are right about one thing. I would much rather go to wheel in Death Valley with a few good friends than go to RR and put up with the behavior you try to justify and others like you.

Just to clarify, I only started after these putrid pieces of rat shit laid into people for no good reason. Guess that makes me idiot. Great, better than living my life laughing at others and treating people like crap.

p m

Staff member
Apr 19, 2004
La Jolla, CA
For all who didn't want to see this developing - my apologies. My intention was only to post a link to my photos.
then... the guano met the rotating assembly.
- reelpain bitched about Nathan
- I bitched about reelpain being a whiner
- Nathan bitched about reelpain
- Jack unloaded it on Nathan defending reelpain
- and then, finally, the whiner of all times came in full swing.

Badfysh said:
fucking whiners.

Badfysh said:
Please, I have been treated poorly by many a Rover owner and high and mighty just doesn't suit you.

Badfysh said:
hahaha - cottonwood? pleasant? you homos. we did defense mine and big four only because we were denied Isham due to the inability (locker) of our trucks. That makes no judgement on those who do those trails, some dont want to bash their trucks, some just want secenery. but you pussies that talk and talk, do the easy trails. hahah, we ran Big Four at night - bunch of girly boys, i am glad you kept it low pro because you didnt pay, didnt want to be a part, etc. fuck you, we didnt want you.
Badfysh said:
I didn't say Defense or big four were difficult. What I said was those guys shouldnt be talking shit about beginners, etc.
Badfysh said:
I never said running it at night made me any better or worse.
Badfysh said:
We all have done things diffuclt, etc. i never professed to be any better or worse than anyone here.
Sure you didn't say.

DC, my personal apology to having mentioned your name in this thread.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
wilmington, nc
Damn it is great to see John come out with his legal poetry. Makes me tear up for the old days. Can someone please take a laptop to KVT and have him just do one post I feel this would make this thread complete :)