smoking ciggies



It worked for me...

I have recently reconfigured my body and lifestyle. In order to be successful in doing so, I made some behavourial modifications. I weened myself off nicotine by not buying commercial smokes (marlborough ultralights). -I bought a roller. I found rolling to be a real hassle and inconvienient. Pretty soon, I was only smoking at home in the evenings... I got down to 2-3 a day. Then when I finished the tin of tobacco...I quit all together.

I heard that people often gain alot of weight when they quit smoking..... So I started running again. When I am not working, I workout and run. I cant do this if I'm still smoking. Total weight loss in 2 months and after quitting smoking: 15lbs.

I guess what I can tell ya'll is sometimes it takes a lifestyle changes to be really successful at things..... I haven't felt or looked this good since college!

Good luck to those who wish to or are in the process of quitting. Continued success to those who have successfully kicked it.