snow chain question-quick answer needed



i would say front. you want those where most of your weight is so they can cut into the ice/snow. particularly when you're going uphill.


Well-known member
May 3, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
I threw my '95 on the scales and had 2200 lb on the front axle, and 2380 on the rear. For me, then, rear has more weight. (truck weighed empty with full tank of gas and no driver/pax).


Active member
Apr 20, 2004
From reading various posts, if you only have one set of chains they should go on the back. The thinking is that if you do just put the chains on the front, then the rears have relatively no traction thus you'll be extremely susptable to spining, which is more dangerous than losing steering. If you're not spining at least you should be able to stop.

24"+ of powder, sound like fun. I've gotta admit, I'm a little bit jealous =]


i would still think it depends upon whether going uphill or downhill, weight issues aside. i've only been to bear once, but not during skiing season. having gone up an extremely treacherous bad weather mountain in ruidoso, nm, i wouldn't have had the chains anywhere but on the front. i want the traction where the steering components are, and i'd rather be pulled up than pushed up, chain-wise. coming back down though, i might switch to the rears. good point on the weight distribution, jim. i did not know that.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2006
Bermuda Dunes, CA
Thanks everyone, w/ all the controversy I went out and tried another set I had that I didn't think would fit and they do! If I was travelling with another vehicle I would be tempted to take my normal route of the dirt road up from pioneer town. But I'm taking the wife and daughter and have a board in/board out condo waiting for me:)