Starting to look for a Series, feedback on ownership?


Oct 25, 2004
All the advice given has been great, but as an owner of two Series rigs who lives down the road from you (Golden), you might think twice before buying a Series for a daily driver.

Surely it can be done, but they require lots of maintenance and patience. Depending upon your expectations, getting a Series truck may just result in you missing your Defender even more!

If you don't mind driving 30-35 mph balls out with your flashers on while approaching the Eisenhower tunnel, then you can be one of us! And if you don't mind dumping a cold beer on your fuel pump to help cure a case of vapor lock, you might have a Series compatible personality!

Mike S.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2004
Boulder, CO
Mike, excellent advice!! I'm not really looking for a daily driver; I've got a disco for that. I'm looking for something to play with. I've driven a couple and they are hella fun!!

By driving it a lot, I meant mostly weekends going camping, shooting and tooling around town.

I'd love to pick your brain a little more... over a couple of beers?


im starting to get sold on this whole series idea. ive got an itch. im going to go look around this weekend and see if i can find something to scratch it....


Oct 12, 2005
Central NY
Go with the 109 if you plan on doing any camping. They simply cannot be beat for that use. My 109 is loaded up with fishing gear in the spring and it stays there all summer and fall, and I still have room to drop the kids off at school. As far as turning radius goes, my 109 on narrower 32 inch BFG's is better than my 88 on big wide Cooper 32's. Don't let that get in the way. I drive my 109 about 10,000 miles per year spring, summer, and fall (I put it up in the winter because of the salty roads in NY). I've got a gas 2.5 Defender engine in it and it'll cruise all day at 65mph, although it's a little loud at that speed. It's got much more pep than the 2.25 in my 88. I recommend getting one with a good frame and bulkhead that's on the road. Even if you get a really nice one, you'll still have lots of little projects to do on it because of it's age. Things like weather stripping, locks, window tracks, etc. I find these little projects to be one of the main advantages to series rig ownership as I'm a tinkerer. If you are too, then buy one and enjoy the hell out of it.


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2006
Orange, VA
garrett said:
JB said he was going to pick that up if you didn't do so before he returns.
He can have it then, he really wants you to stop picking on him about going fro a series to a rusty Rangie.