timing and E-brake adjustment?


Well-known member
May 10, 2004
I am trying to do a little more maintance on my 95 disco. First, my e-brake needs to be adjusted. Do I adjust it at the rear brakes or do I need to adjust the cable? I also want to check the timing to see if it is set correctly. Can someone give me the procedure and the stock setting? I have not had a vehicle that I had the check the timming for quite some time and I could use a refresher course. TIA :)


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2004
Liberty Township, Ohio
If you mean the Parking Brake, crawl under the Disoc right at the drivers door and you should see a drum, on this drum it will have a nut that will require tightening. this should fix the Parking brake if it loose.


Just SEEING the timing mark will be your biggest problem - the pointer is pretty well hidden. But you can bump the starter until the mark is pointing down, and then put some white (tire) crayon on it, or Liquid Paper. Then look from the driver's side down the front of the engine for the pointer. It's a lot easier to do with the fan & shroud removed. (...and water pump, like I did today! :D)


To adjust timing, you need a timing light in order to be able to adjust the timing pointer on the block with that on the crank pulley. If you have a timing light, you connect the power cables to the battery and you put the clamp of the third cable around the lead of spark plug no. 1. Then you start your engine and wait until it idles steadily at 750 rpm. Aim your timing light at the pointer and crank pulley and turn the distributor slightly until you align the pointer with the required mark on the crank pulley. The correct timing for unleaded fuel Disco's should be 3 before. When adjusting timing you should disconnect the vacuum line to the distributor.