Updated ROXS site


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Thanks Mason - That is definately one of my favourite parts of the site. After a few trips, the number of pics swelled to the point where I figured it deserved its own link LOL.

Thanks for checking it out



Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
Central Va.

Nice layout, I liked it, loads fast, but a few thoughts since you asked..

- I would contrast lighten the banner graphic a tad to bring the colors out and lighten it up a bit. Right now to me its awfully dark compared to the smaller row of pics.
- Overkill on the nav links. First I would get rid of either the right side nav banner or the bottom nav banner, not keep both. Personally, I like the right side nav bar much better than the bottom one, but getting rid of the side one would free up screen space for larger articles if applicable.
- I kind of liked the Expedition links on the left side of the main page but one you start navigating around the rest of the sire, there is no direct link to them anywhere else aside from going back to home page. If you are using a non-static navbar on the right side, I would add a link to them on all the other pages that don't have the left side links, or what would be simpler possibly would be to move them to the right with the rest of the nav links.
- OK one last comment, the picture gallery window for repairs, you should increase the height parameter buy a few more pixels. With how many pictures you have for that, the bottom nav links for the Next & Prev pictures is getting ever so slightly trimmed, at least in my browser (IE).


I for one hate everything about it!!!!!!!!!! It shows a bunch of people doing all the fun things I want do and it chaps my ass. I'm in the military and there is that whole "war" thing so I'm gone all the time and when I'm home my wife wants me to that whole "family" thing.........damit to hell.......there's a tear in my beer from looking at all the great pics on you you great site :)


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Thanks for the replies guys. Much appreciated.

Chris - some very good suggestions. I will be tweaking the site over the next few days and will make some of those changes. Cheers!
