what to do?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2004
I have 04 Disco than most likely needs head gasket. Truck is at Robison Service in Ma. Truck has 117K miles on it and last had head gaskets replaced under warranty at 35K. What has been presented so far:

1-Change valley gasket and use stop leak for head gasket and hope for best - cost ~2K

2-Change head gasket, but due to 04 engine, might work, might cause a greater issue, i.e block cracks due to head gasket change then I would be out the money for the head gasket replacement and would need a new engine - cost ~4K for head gasket change

3-Rebuild motor with new block - cost about 9-13K

4-And there is the last option of just do nothing and perhaps get a new car/truck

What do you think of these options and the motor issues of the 04?


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2010
guessing you can't work on it youself? $2k just for a valley gasket sounds a bit crazy, and $4k for the HG job, you can get that cheaper at the dealer, not that i reccomend that. You should be able to get all the gaskets done for $1,500-$2k. Or spend $400 and do it yourself and replace all the gaskets, hoses and thermostat at the same time.


Well-known member
May 21, 2007
I agree that replacing the head gaskets yourself will be a substantial savings over the dealership. $400 sounds pretty optimistic to me, my HG job cost more but I also had some extra machine shop work done. If you're not keen on the idea of replacing the HG yourself, then selling the truck might not be a bad idea. The other options are all quite expensive and it's unlikely that this will be the last wallet-draining repair your truck will need. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. Good luck.