Wheel Cleaner


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
So the brake dust on the DII's is terrible to get off. Even after washing, then spraying with ArmourAll Wheel Cleaner, it still has stains! What product works?


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2004
Ben - there are many brake-dust cleaners out there. Basically the more fluoride / hydrofluoric acid / ammonium fluoride they contain, the more aggressive they are. But if you get the super-strength ones, do yourself a favor and remove the wheel from the hub, as the chemicals can get into the calipers and then they're fucked. Happened to me on a lexus, thankfully under warrantee. Also don't let the chemicals linger too long on the paint, as it attacks the silver paint.

- Dean


Active member
Apr 20, 2004
If you're looking for a strong (acid based) cleaner, I know many people who would reach for Eagle One A2Z wheel cleaner. But yes you do need to be a touch careful with this. It's not like it'll immediately dissolve the paint on your wheels, but i certainly wouldn't leave it on there real long either. I've used it on my D1 before, and it did a really nice job. It didn't get every last little spot off, but the wheels were going on 10yrs old (the truck was cleaned oft, but not babied), so they were pretty dirty and stained. Also i never tried all that hard to get the wheels perfect. They've accumulated enough dings and scratches over the years that i wasn't worried about perfect.

If you want to stay away from the acid based cleaners, the P21S Gel Wheel Cleaner is supposed to be the best out there. It is a little spendy, but it's claimed to be the best out there (even over harsher acid based cleaners). although I've never had a chance to try it out myself, so this is all just from what I've heard others say about it. And since it's not acid based, it's safe for all wheels. If you're worried about that (and the A2Z didn't cause any problems with my D1 or any of the other cars in the family that it got used on.)

anyways, just my 2 cents.


Active member
Apr 23, 2004
I use the liquid and gel PS12 cleaner on our 2003 and 2004 DIIs. I works like a charm. I get mine from Atlantic British as I can't find it closer to home. If the wheel is really bad use the gell.

Disco Mike

Brake dust sticks to wheels because of the residue left from soap and wheel cleaners. Try what I have done for years, clean the wheel real well, wipe it down with Windex and then put a good coat of carnuba wax on the wheels surface. You will get may 1/10th of the usual dust over a longer period of time.
Mike J.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2004
um get a tooth brush and clean, it can't be that bad. It does not stick like mine does that is pretty much attched to the rim.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
I like the wax idea. But the problem is not nessisarily that I have a lot of wheel cleaner or soap on the wheel, after all, I have only owned the car for 2 months. I'm talking about the stuff that is still left when I get the rest off with cleaner, soap, windex, and a good 2-3 minutes of scrubbing per wheel. I should take a photo, it would be clear as day, it looks like it has not been cleaned at all.

Disco Mike

Back to the basics, road grime and dust will cause a build up and brake dust will stick. Clean the wheels well, then wipe them down with windex then wax them with really good wax, it really does work.


Hey Ben,
I really like the mothers wheel polish to get it clean, simple rub on and wipe off. Then perhaps you could give this a try for more of a long-term solution. I have used the mothers wheel polish and think it does a great job of getting that break dust and grime that WON'T come off with a wash. Then the wheel wax to preserve the clean look and make it easier to clean in the future.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2004
the bluegrass state
had that problem with my D2, and an old tahoe that i used to drive. got this stuff called mother's aluminum polish. you can get it out any auto parts store. it is in a small white can with red writing. it works wonders. i have also used it to polish out body scratches from the trails on my D1. put alittle on a towl and rub it into the "stuck grime". it will bring it right off -- wheels will look new again.


Use Simple Green. Comes in gallon jugs and you can buy it at walmart / sears etc. Put some in a spray bottle, spray on, scrub with a brush, and hose off. Works far better than anything else out there.