Where to buy a hose kit..


Well-known member
Does anyone know where to get a D1 hose kit fairly inexpinsive....Atlantic british has it for $99.00 does that sound right?


Well-known member
If you are talking Radiator Hose kit, I got mine cheaper than that through DAP, but I am sure you can also check with Nathan at DiscountRovers...


That sounds reasonable. Atlantic british had the "kit" less the bottom radiator which at the time was on back order. I went with British Pacific, although they did not offer a "kit" they had all the hoses at a reasonable cost and in-stock. I also order all the temp senders and relays just to complete the job on my 97 D1. While your at it replace the thermostat and all the hose clamps. I found the stock Rover hose clamps to be cheesy.


Well-known member
scubaman99 said:
Nathan got me an upper and lower radiator hose and a new thermostat for WAY less then $99

Ken...I just had my thermo go out last night. and the heater core return 2" section just blew this past weekend. I am a believer in keeping a spare kit at all times....even thinking about carrying a radiator...just in case....

I think I may be selling my dive gear...The Gulf is abysmal!! :(