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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2002 Archives - Technical » Discovery » Strange "clunk/click" when coming to a stop? » Auto Tranny and Clunking « Previous Next »

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Posted on Saturday, April 06, 2002 - 03:28 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Okay, I'm a new Land Rover owner as of Friday evening. I purchased a used '95 Disco with 78K miles on it. Not having been introduced to the intracacies of owning this model, I have a few questions...some of these may have been addressed on this forum, but being a newbie, you can forgive me for asking, right?
Here goes:
Auto tranny, the indicator next to the gear selector is very warm. The bare metal of the shaft (in between the trim and the shift knob) also gets very warm. It appears that the tranny is dispersing a fair amount of heat? Is this typical? Anything I should check or be concerned about? Could it be related to this other issue:
Clunking from the front end. Usually is audible with the windows down (where the sound can bounce of nearby cars, buildings, landscape, etc...otherwise almost inaudible from the cabin). I can hear it when the car is moving slow, usually less than 30 mph while coasting or under very little power/load. The clunking goes away when the brakes are applied...however, I can initiate the clunking by blipping the throttle, which sounds/feels/indicates play in the front differential? Basically, after blipping the throttle, it feels and sounds like whatever slack is present between the front drive shafts and the wheels is being "snapped" out, causing the clunk sound. Does this sound typical for a worn diff? When the car is parked, I can push on the sides of the wheel and also hear a clunk of sorts. While wheel bearings may be a culprit from this test, I'm wondering if it too is rooted with differential problems.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks for your time!

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