Trayvon, Zimmerman...Enough already


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2008
La Mancha, CA
Kris, you implied the shit of that. And when I called you on it, you claimed that I'm a shill for Limbaugh.

Guess what? I don't listen to Limbaugh, Hannity or Herman Cain. I listen to NPR, of all things. I don't watch Fox News. Lately, if I watch the news at all, it's CNN. Again, of all things.

Was it set up? Fuck if I know, but your bias is showing. Mine too.

Stu, I know you do - and I know you and I agree on about 90% of things. I mentioned Limbaugh because he's quoted in the article.

All I'm sayin' is let's be critical and not jump to conclusions. And yeah, I was kindof an ass about it. Sorry, hadn't had my coffee yet. :cheers:

This has got to be the most ludicrous bunch of conspiracy theory bullshit ever... I am thinking you are simply trying to be sensational or controversial to get a desired reaction.

To imply that a family of four driving down I-4 in the neighborhood of Sanford drives off the road and flips the vehicle is fishy....for the benefit of Zimmerman... ? Seems convenient?

So to clarify, do you think this story is fake or Zimmy is out for attention, causing accidents?

What is fishy here is your perspective. However, I bet you are a real blast around the campfire... :victory:

Seems convenient? It actually IS convenient for Zim. I couldn't have dreamed up a better PR stunt myself unless the family was black, and I might not have gone that far for fear of seeming too fishy. I'm not saying it was fabricated - maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, I have no fucking clue - all I'm saying is that let's not take things at face value. ...that's how this whole controversy began.

...and yeah, sometimes I do try to provoke a reaction. It can help us all understand ourselves better. I like to hold up a mirror to myself and everyone else occasionally. :)

That's not nice, Jeff. It's Hispanic-Americans.

Er, is it Mexican-Americans? I can't remember.

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haha, love that scene!!!

Also, this:

...and this:
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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
I've been thinking about this and it makes my head hurt...

So, your community association feels the need to have a neighborhood watch program. You volunteer. There are break-ins and some vandalism within your gated community. One night you see a person walking around in the rain. You follow that person in your car while you call 911 to request police response. You are describing to the dispatch officer how to get to your neighborhood and where exactly the "suspect" is, where they are going and finally where you intend to meet the officer(s). You get out of your car to follow the suspect because you just don't want this person to "get away".... Then the suspect is "checking" you out... has turned around and is moving toward you.

Have you done ANYTHING wrong? Have you provoked something? Have you done anything that "led to the need to kill..."? NO

You have the right to walk up to and talk to anyone at anytime in your community. You may even ask anyone what business they have in the area. It may not be the safest thing to do and it may even be a dick move but it is still legitimate. We are not talking about a city street here. This is a gated community. If I hear some shit in my front or back yard at night, I am on point immediately. Gun in hand, I will investigate. If you want to hide in your home and call the police... good for you.

I hurts my head to think that some people out there feel that everyone should avoid all confrontation... "call the police and let them take care of it". Let the nanny-state handle your personal and neighborhood security. WTF

I agree.




Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
That is some funny stuff...I love the B in Spanish line,

"love their na nas and their nonos and their ninas and their ninos nanu nanu nino nono..."

Did he listen to Mork and Mindy?


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
over there
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hell yeah!


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2007
High Point, NC
I've been thinking about this and it makes my head hurt...

So, your community association feels the need to have a neighborhood watch program. You volunteer. There are break-ins and some vandalism within your gated community. One night you see a person walking around in the rain. You follow that person in your car while you call 911 to request police response. You are describing to the dispatch officer how to get to your neighborhood and where exactly the "suspect" is, where they are going and finally where you intend to meet the officer(s). You get out of your car to follow the suspect because you just don't want this person to "get away".... Then the suspect is "checking" you out... has turned around and is moving toward you.

Have you done ANYTHING wrong? Have you provoked something? Have you done anything that "led to the need to kill..."? NO

You have the right to walk up to and talk to anyone at anytime in your community. You may even ask anyone what business they have in the area. It may not be the safest thing to do and it may even be a dick move but it is still legitimate. We are not talking about a city street here. This is a gated community. If I hear some shit in my front or back yard at night, I am on point immediately. Gun in hand, I will investigate. If you want to hide in your home and call the police... good for you.

I hurts my head to think that some people out there feel that everyone should avoid all confrontation... "call the police and let them take care of it". Let the nanny-state handle your personal and neighborhood security. WTF

Here's what's funny about this. The 9-11 caller who heard them fighting and walked outside to investigate but retreated was being instructed in the background. I shit you not, it sounded like an older man (husband) telling his wife to get back inside, close the door, be safe.... Could have been the woman's older son but I highly doubt it by the sound of the tape. Anything is possible, the husband could be disabled but it just made we wonder...

Here it is, a man clearly states, "I don't know what's going on"
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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
over there
Who gives a giant fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get the fuck over it!

Bad shit happened. Happens every day. Let this stupid shit die already.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
over there
I'm not on any side of this fucking debacle but if you want to side with the race aspect then here's where I stand. When a brother does anything we tend to forget why a 'nigger' does 'niggerish' actions. When a white man robs my mother of her 401k, forces over time wih straight pay, and denies her vacation to see my children/her grand children nobody seems to give a fuck? That's what the white man is expected to do just like treyvon did exactly what a 'nigger' is expected to do?

Trust me if this was my great grandmother

I'd be some jive ass mothefucker with a GIANT chip on my shoulder lookin for a fight as well.
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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
over there
However if some jive ass motherfucker starts shit with me I'm going to fuck him up. Regardless of skin tone. You swing at me and the switch flips in my skull and pain is not registered. You better be ready for some action.

But if I have the upper hand and you pull a piece you ain't shit. and this is where I will give that murderer credit.....if you pull a piece on me you better use it and that's exactly what he did.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2004
North Carolina
Stay classy Nazi Mike

It may seem harsh, but I see where he's going there. If it seems racist, take some time to deconstruct his delivery. It's more clever than we usually see around here. I especially like the prodding designed to destabilize a more impulsive person meaning to use a counterpoint.

I could alter his conclusion with further debate:cool:, but the logic, as it's been used, is mostly sound, and is more racially detached than it seems.

Clever girl, Mike. Clever girl.;)




Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
I don't know if Trayyvon was acting niggerish or not.
I'm not sure about the drink and Skittles recipe but it may make sense.

This just occurred to me though.
If I was a kid, black-white- yellow or purple, if I wanted to burgle a few things at night. I need a reason to be out at night in the rain walking around.

So, I go to the store.
On the way there maybe I cut through between a few houses, peek into a few cars, whatever.
Same thing on the way back...coming and going I've got the excuse of "going to the store".

But I get pissed off when some rent-a-cop dares to ask me what I'm doing out at night.

So I go rearrange his face...


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
over there

keep in mind iam not saying we should hold grudges and keep a chip on our shoulder due to what happened to our parents, grandparents, point is simple. i try to always look at things thru the eyes of others, to try to understand their motives. i can understand why blacks have the viewpoints and opinions of whites BUT i am in no way justifying it, im just saying i can understand it.

this case has turned into a race issue. there are obvious reasons the media and our president wants it to be a race issue. it sells news and gains votes. it furthers the division of our society.

ironically enough, if enough people are led to believe zimmerman (a hispanic) was in fact a racist it may work out well for the democrats. word on the street is the republicans would like to run Rubio, most likely to show the country they are not racist, they love people of all color! so how would it look if the republicans ran a Hispanic from Florida next election????

nothing like twisting the news to sway public opinion to get what you want i guess.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2008
La Mancha, CA
You guys need to see this.

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2008
Golden CO
Not a Bill O'Reilly fan but at least soembody has the nut sack to state reality...

Both of these videos have their flaws,

First Being black in America is not as easy as being white. If I had to chose, I would chose being White, because lets face it. This shit is awesome.

There appears to be a group of Blacks in this country who are not doing themselves or their black community any favors.