and the hits just keep on coming


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2004
Well we already know AGW is political and not based on sound science. Whether a global government agenda has attached itself to AGW is a good debate. Most likely a Follow The Money strategy is more important. The UN has been searching for a way to impose a global tax and AGW would be a good vehicle. It is probably not far-fetched to take the slippery slope from that point to a UN government.

But, who are the players? What is the emerging political structure? Based on the current economic stress that is pretty easy to discover:

The US Power Elite: An Alliance of Convenience or a M?nage ? Trois?

"I submit that our spendthrift government, the Federal Reserve System and the TBTF banks together now comprise the paramount political tendency in America today. This tripartite "Alliance of Convenience," let's not call it a conspiracy, fits beautifully into the corporatist mold that seems to be America in the 21st Century - but only viewed by the elites in cities like New York and Washington. Many Americans of all political descriptions oppose this corrupt and unaccountable political formulation." Chris Whalen, Institutional Risk Analytics

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." Benito Mussolini


D90DC said:
So you seemed to be enlightened please tell us the truth?

stand up, clasp your wrists together in midair, and buy a prius


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2008
Elkton, KY
I re-read the article and thought perhaps it was a bit...contrived so I googled "copenhagen climate treaty" and came up with the following pdf:

I don't know if this is the work to which Monkton is reffering or not but I'm fairly sure it is similar. It's a bit much to wade though. It doesn't seem to be as alarming as Monkton alludes, but then again, I wasn't an advisor to Margaret Thatcher either. It is nontheless robust enough to cause concern. Definitely seems to give quite a bit of power to entities outside of the US.