Another crazy Muslim


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
las vegas,nevada
So....when do you think they will ever start real profiling at airports? This dude can make it on a plane with an explosive device, but they check grandma and the nun instead??? WTF!!?? Is there gonna have to be another 9/11 style attack to break the fucking idiots out of the whole everyone should be checked the same mentality?

Shit like this pisses me off sooooo bad! Come the fuck on already and wake up to reality!!:banghead: :banghead:


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
No, it would be racial profiling to pull people of ethic origin, besides that calm smiling grandma might have a contraband knitting needle.


Well-known member
May 7, 2007
"At least one person climbed over others and jumped on the man."

Doesn't sound like your 'average' person. Sounds more like we owe a thanks to those unidentified Air Marshall's.



Well-known member
Jul 10, 2008
La Mancha, CA
Well, remember this dude was Nigerian - Middle Eastern dudes with beards type profiling wouldn't have gotten him. You can't tell someone's religion by looking at them. When your enemies know what you're looking for, they know how to avoid your gaze. Random screening IS more effective.

I actually don't know if I would call this a failed attack. I think this was an attempt at gathering intel, or distracting our intelligence services from a real but separate threat.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2007
Holly Ridge, NC
Another one? Their all crazy.

I agree with the profiling, we have found black, white, and asian extremist muslims in our combat zones, not to mention that Islam is everywhere and the extremists recruit from all ethnic backgrounds.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2008
La Mancha, CA
All crazy? I'm afraid that's just not true. MOST Muslims are not extremists and don't want to blow shit up and don't even consider us infidels. I know being in combat with extremists and people who just think they're defending their homes can make it seem like they're all nutso, but they're not. Most Muslims are just regular people like you and me.

Imagine if the only Christians you saw were the ones that kill abortion clinic doctors, blow up federal buildings, burn witches at the stake, etc etc etc... Religion can make an extremist crazy person in any faith.


Well-known member
May 25, 2005
Wolf Laurel NC
We need a paradigm shift in how we perceive these events. This has not as much to do with religion as it does ideology. To look back at other religious fanatical events in order to justify rightly or wrongly these things perpetrated against innocent people is just plain missing the point. This is a war of ideologies. It is a way of life and it is "us" that take for granted our freedoms and assume this is a religious issue. We need to collectively wake up and see this war for what it is even if our current administration does not want to call it a war. It is a war plain and simple and needs to be addressed as such.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2008
La Mancha, CA
I think it's difficult, especially in the middle east to draw a line between religious extremism and ideology. There is no line between doctrine and ideology. It's like Europe in the protestant/catholic wars.

There IS however a strong divide between the extremists and the rest of the population. Respectfully, I think that waging a war I think is an inappropriate response - this is more a pursuit of criminals, and should be conducted as such.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
las vegas,nevada
Knewsom, I can't really remember the last time elal had some shit like this happen on one of their flights. They way they profile people seems to work. As to this guy not being Arabic, he was still a Muslim with a Muslim surname, there are plenty of ways to spot these fuckers and give them a more thorough screening.

The only reason I'm guessing that we do random searches is because we don't want to be sued for discrimanation. That seems plenty clear to me. But what do I know, I never had all the high dollar college classes to tell me how to think, I just live life and call it as I see it.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2008
La Mancha, CA
pedro, if we start searching everyone with a muslim name, the extremists will officially change their names to "joe peterson" or whatever so they dont' get searched. What I'm saying is that USING A PATTERN AT ALL defeats the purpose - they will recognize the pattern and do something different. This is basic military strategy - all it takes is a reading of "The Art of War" to comprehend, not some high-dollar education. (which, btw, I don't have. I have a cheap California State University education. It's not how much you spent on your degree, it's what you learned in the process that's important.)


Well-known member
May 7, 2007
discopedro said:
Knewsom, I can't really remember the last time elal had some shit like this happen on one of their flights. They way they profile people seems to work. As to this guy not being Arabic, he was still a Muslim with a Muslim surname, there are plenty of ways to spot these fuckers and give them a more thorough screening.

The only reason I'm guessing that we do random searches is because we don't want to be sued for discrimanation. That seems plenty clear to me. But what do I know, I never had all the high dollar college classes to tell me how to think, I just live life and call it as I see it.

They also have guys with machine guns standing in front of the cockpit. Like you are really going to get a court date if you tried that on an elal flight! Maybe we should take a few lessons.
LilRascle said:
"At least one person climbed over others and jumped on the man."

Doesn't sound like your 'average' person. Sounds more like we owe a thanks to those unidentified Air Marshall's.


My thoughts exactly!

I love how the US is stepping up screenings when this guy was inbound.

The problem is that everyone seems to overlook the original 19 were all illegal aliens. Are we naive enough to think there isn't a cell here that's been here for 20 years, has a work and banking history, just waiting to be activated?

We made this bed and now we have to lie in it.

OTOH, isn't it curious this happened the day after the health care vote. Nobody's paying attention to that now, are they?

Deflect, divert, distract!


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
las vegas,nevada
OTOH, isn't it curious this happened the day after the health care vote. Nobody's paying attention to that now, are they?

Deflect, divert, distract!

Healthcare vote???? Huh?? When was that? lol
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
So would gathering together at the gate before boarding the plane and uttering praises to Allah, then moving away from each other, then cutting in line, getting on the plane together, then sitting in different seats, count as a bad sign to you, Knewsom? Because when they were stopped and questioned for acting like that, they went to the ACLU.

Or should we just search randomly? You guys are giving examples of things that have not happened in the scenario we are discussing. Of course you can't profile in Iraq or Afghanistan. But it makes sense to profile in a line at the airport.

I guarantee this guy looked fishy before he got on the plane. I guarantee the other passengers were watching him out of the corner of their eyes. I'd be willing to bet someone dropped the ball on this guy because they thought their superiors would think they were racist if they stopped him from getting on the plane.


Apr 22, 2005
yup, someone knew about him:

One law enforcement official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said Mutallab's name had surfaced earlier on at least one U.S. intelligence database, but he was not on a watch list or a no-fly list.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2004
this guy came in on a international flight, so unless we put people in ALL airports, both domestic and international to screen passengers, this shit is never going to stop this.

Watching the news, CNN is showing a blurred out picture that shows the fuckstick getting taken into custody, by the police. You can tell by the uniforms. BUT they are saying it's from when the passengers took him down. It goes to show how bad the reporting is now.

As for racial profiling, they do it now, very subtly, but it's going on at every airport.