Boring job contest


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Once upon a time, I really liked my job (software engineer). Was fun, challenging, etc. etc.

Now I'm with a company that has turned me into a clock watcher. In at 7:59, out at 5:00 on the dot. I'm so bored, BORED BORED BORED! I even dread surfing the web anymore because there is nothing new or interesting. The worst part of a boring job I have found, is trying to look busy when you have nothing to do. :banghead:

Can someone make me feel better about my job by telling me how boring theirs is?


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2006
One of my friends has a boring job. He shreds paper 8 hours a day. Grab a sheet and shred it. Repeat!! He has an mp3 with more files than my computer.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2006
none of your fucking business
Everyday, I wake up look at Dweb, take my work pants out of the dryer (I wash them every night). tie up my wolverines, drive to work...screw off until my boss gets there. Then he walks around the sight with me, tells me what to do. I do it. Then he shows up later and picks me up. I am a landscaper. It blows. Its 100 degrees outside. Im clearing land with a bush axe for 8 hours a day. Enjoy the AC.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Eastern Shore of MD
Azdiscovery said:
I work for the US Air Force.....

I used to. Now I am a partner in a federal contracting firm. I do project management and write proposals. Yeah, that shit is boring but... I've worked from home for almost 7 years and wear what I want, listen to Sirius 17 as loud as I want, eat real meals, go to work at 8 and "get home" at 5 (ok, most of the time) and even wrench on the Rover during lunch breaks.

It is a really boring job but I love it.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2006
I actualy like my job, I develop biodiesel projects, there is a lot of hurry up and wait. Some days it is really slow and other days I am like a one armed paper hanger. I have learned to let events unfold in their natural time frame, you just can't rush some stuff.

I like the analysis and the travel but hate rental cars, they always suck. I tried to rent a Disco once but it was like $200 per day, screw that. I get tired of people in airports that are going on vacation and something is delayed or lost and doesn't live up to their expectations and they make big scenes. That is why I am so glad to have finally earned platinum status from flying 35,000 miles last year. I don't have to wait in line next to the fat ass in the hawaiian shirt and his bitch wife while they tell the world about the injustice that they have suffered. Shut up!

I watch commodity prices all day every day and try to figure out what the petroleum and futures markets are doing. I despise wall street boys. They sit in an office in wherever and think they know everything about every business in the world.

Typical conference call starts with them telling me how many billions they have under management and then their short attention spans take over. Too much caffiene for them to follow anything more than a sound bite. They don't use whole sentences, everything is corportate lingo. If the average person whose pension fund is being invested by these guys knew the way that business gets done they would pull their funds out in a big fat hurry. Not that they are not competant, they just can't pay attention, it is like an ADD convention.

Wall Street firms are the greediest bastards on the planet. The first few times I heard the terms they offer I almost fell out of my chair. No wonder they make money hand over fist. "We'll put in 20% of the equity and take 80% of the project".

You talk for an hour explaining and answering questions, each of which confirms that they know even less about the subject at hand than you had thought. Then you get to the end of the call...yada yada, contact info, yada yada, be in touch. yada yada, circle back. It is exhausting.

On weekends I work on my trucks and occasionally other peoples trucks too. I leave my laptop at the office and try to forget where my cell phone is.

Two Cold Soakers

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
At your mom's
I'm so bored, BORED BORED BORED! I even dread surfing the web anymore because there is nothing new or interesting. The worst part of a boring job I have found, is trying to look busy when you have nothing to do.

I used to have a job like that. Then it went from 40 to 30 or less hours a week, then it was suggested not to use vacation pay, then everyone was given a 10% pay cut, then I said goodbye.

Now I sit on a ever-dwindling pile of ducats, rover wrenching, going to the beach, working the garden, hanging with a really cool 5 year old and her maniac 3 year old sister and going to a job interview every couple of days.

Oh yeah, these interviews are for jobs I want, not the jobs I need to pay the mortgage. I'm 41 and this is my first summer off in 25 years. Take the world by the sack and tell it what you are going to do.

I know how much it SUCKS to hate going to work in the morning. When it hurts enough, you'll move (or be moved).

Good Luck

Soakers, temporary idle rich.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2004
Another suggestion is what I do. Work on the north slope of AK on a two on, two off rotation. My job is painfully boring, when I am busy its cold as shit, I hate the people I work with, everyone in my camp is an asswipe.....buuuuut, after two weeks I get to leave it all behind and fly home and not see them or think about them for another two weeks. Every time I start complaining (to myself, realized long ago that it was a total waste to do it out loud) I think of the good stuff: tons of overtime (over 40 hrs per week) and half the year off!
garrett said:
why don't you guys quit and do something you like? yes it's that easy. think of all the time and resources you spend pissing around when you could be developing something you like.

X11ty brazilians.

I quit a horrible corporate job to go into wrenching on rovers. Tried to go back to corporate stealerships twice, realized this is where I belong, doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

the hard part is the decision to take control of that part of your life. I spent nearly 20 years working for Fortune 100 companies in an unappreciated management/engineering position. Every day of those jobs was spent wondering if I was gonna get laid off again.

I'm really hoping I can swing it for real this time!